Don’t Believe the Lies. Joe Biden Plans to Destroy Every Fracking, Oil, and Coal Job in America
@BSC911 Isn't it ironic that you will pose ignoring the possibility that your "man-in-hiding" can (and will) destroy the very thing that you rely upon for your livelihood? Honestly, if I were in your shoes I'd be voting for the one who emphatically sides with saving American oil and gas and coal industries. Yes, even with your wasted vote for Hiden, you will continue to boost your wealth with what Trump does. Is there a form of hypocrisy in that? And is that a risk worth taking?
@BSC911 Isn't it ironic that you will pose ignoring the possibility that your "man-in-hiding" can (and will) destroy the very thing that you rely upon for your livelihood? Honestly, if I were in your shoes I'd be voting for the one who emphatically sides with saving American oil and gas and coal industries. Yes, even with your wasted vote for Hiden, you will continue to boost your wealth with what Trump does. Is there a form of hypocrisy in that? And is that a risk worth taking?