Levin goes postal. Threatens McConnell and the RINO establishment. RIPS FAT BOY CHRISTY, HOGAN, and other RINOS. He’s says you keep trashing and blaming the conservative base, trashing Trump and Desanits and other conservatives, if they try and take over the party he will leave the GOP and take millions and millions in a new movement. he also went after the gutless GOP Senators that would vote the POS McConnell when he has 8% approval and is hated.
He said Trump and DeSantis are both good friends of his…and if they both run, duke it out like men, without the personal attacks. He said Trump annoys him with some of the things he’s says, but he never deserved the shit has has received from the Never trumpers, fake news media and the RATS. We owe him thanks he’s says.
He’s says RATS have really STUPID STUPID voters and are sheep 🐑😭😭
This was awesome.. This will go viral and I will get the radio sound clip.