Brave armed patriot foils robbery attempt


Bull Gator
Apr 1, 2002
I guess these young punks effed around and found out.

"His attorneys said he acted because he believed he was witnessing a crime in progress.

“Mr. Myers and his family are devastated by this tragedy and the fact that it resulted in the loss of a young man’s life,” the attorneys wrote. “On the evening in question Mr. Myers sincerely believed that he was witnessing the beginning of an armed robbery when he observed three young men pass his truck on their way into a store that was adjacent to the location where his son was attending a martial arts class.

“When he saw one of the men remove a firearm from his waistband Mr. Myers, a professional security consultant, intervened quickly in the hope of stopping the robbery before anyone got hurt. Unfortunately, during the confrontation Mr. Myers became in fear for his own life and fired his duty weapon to defend himself.”"
Theo, I know you’re swimming upstream that’s exhausting if you’re not a skilled swimmer. Accidents happen, we can pass more and more laws but accidents won’t stop happening. Let’s not impose another lockdown type solution in order to save ourselves. I have had enough totalitarianism for 3 lifetimes.
He's going to prison, because shooting someone in the back after taking it upon yourself to act in lieu of a Leo certification is not the intent of stand your ground or the 2nd amendment.

As soon as I read 51 year old security "consultant" I knew exactly what happened.

And CNN you suck at research, that's not over watch.
This is the second time he's intervened and he admitted he goes looking for incidents.

He's going to have a poop chute you could drive a skid loader into in prison.
He's going to prison, because shooting someone in the back after taking it upon yourself to act in lieu of a Leo certification is not the intent of stand your ground or the 2nd amendment.

As soon as I read 51 year old security "consultant" I knew exactly what happened.

And CNN you suck at research, that's not over watch.
Kid was on the ground, disarmed himself and his hands were up.

This is called murder.

But let's take everyone's guns away because of one crazy old man.
Why would you post this? This is an absolute tragedy. What is your point? I have an idea, but will keep it to myself. Disgusting that you are celebrating this.

His schtick is anti 2A. He finds anyway he can to try and get attention on this subject. He is willing to ignore the constitution like our Potus. It’s gross.
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Theo, I know you’re swimming upstream that’s exhausting if you’re not a skilled swimmer. Accidents happen, we can pass more and more laws but accidents won’t stop happening. Let’s not impose another lockdown type solution in order to save ourselves. I have had enough totalitarianism for 3 lifetimes.
How is shooting an unarmed teenager in the back 6 times an accident?
Kid was on the ground, disarmed himself and his hands were up.

This is called murder.

But let's take everyone's guns away because of one crazy old man.
May as well post someone dying in a car accident from a DUI. Little sissies find the craziest things to post! LOL As Theo is someone who I know I would never get along with personally..because chicken chits have no room in my life...I STILL do not wish upon him what his cowardice may bring one day. He OR anyone in his family that may suffer because he is afraid of guns
Let's be honest for a moment. If these kids were actually going to rob the store and Rambo did exactly the same thing, y'all would be raving about it.
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Let's be honest for a moment. If these kids were actually going to rob the store and Rambo did exactly the same thing, y'all would be raving about it.

With a focus on honesty, Let’s take it a step further. Yourself and Mitt Romney buy matching underwear don’t you?
His schtick is anti 2A. He finds anyway he can to try and get attention on this subject. He is willing to ignore the constitution like our Potus. It’s gross.
I think, deep down, modern males like Theo are threatened by masculine men in general ( not just the gun toters ). I think they perceive these types of men as unaccountable to their "enlightened evolved" ideas. They feel undermined by the fact that their wives would hide behind another man if the going got tough.
Let's be honest for a moment. If these kids were actually going to rob the store and Rambo did exactly the same thing, y'all would be raving about it.
Yes, and it surprises me not a whit you can't tell the difference.

You get that this mall cop tackled a kid, which is battery, and then shot another one multiple times in the back. He is not a law enforcement officer, nor was he an on duty security officer, and his concealed carry permit doesn't authorize him to do this either. He is an old vigilante cop wannabe that's fixin to be a wet nurse in prison.
My enemies are the democrats. Your enemies are people who aren't Trump.

Romney is a Democrat.

My enemies are those that go against the constitution. Democrats aren’t my enemy, the Uniparty is EVERYONES enemy that sits outside of the Uniparty establishment.

Whether or not you realize that is irrelevant, because the truth….is the truth.

No clue why you feel like this pertains to Trump. But I understand why you felt you needed to go there. It’s a reflex, and quite telling.

Maybe the mormon undies are cutting circulation?
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^^^. That’s what you intended to imply. And it has already been adjudicated and affirmed that it literally has EVERYTHING to do with the constitution.

Once again, whether or not you acknowledge that, is irrelevant. Why? Because the FACTS say otherwise.
No, I said exactly what I meant. Gun nuts don't give a crap about the constitution. You just latched onto the 2nd because you feel it supports your position. If the 2nd was repealed, it wouldn't change you opinion one iota.
No, I said exactly what I meant. Gun nuts don't give a crap about the constitution. You just latched onto the 2nd because you feel it supports your position. If the 2nd was repealed, it wouldn't change you opinion one iota.
Right to bear arms is a God given right. So yeah, I dont care what the govt thinks about it.
No, I said exactly what I meant. Gun nuts don't give a crap about the constitution. You just latched onto the 2nd because you feel it supports your position. If the 2nd was repealed, it wouldn't change you opinion one iota.
You’ve made some really dumb arguments but this one takes the cake.

Would you change your opinion of free speech if the 1st amendment was repealed? Would you be ok with gov’t officials throwing you in prison for no reason if the 5th was repealed?
You’ve made some really dumb arguments but this one takes the cake.

Would you change your opinion of free speech if the 1st amendment was repealed? Would you be ok with gov’t officials throwing you in prison for no reason if the 5th was repealed?
You've inadvertently stumbled onto the truth. ;)

The constitution doesn't affect your opinion on guns so there's no reason for you, or people like you, to use it to defend guns.

You like guns because you like guns. You don't care what the constitution says.
No, I said exactly what I meant. Gun nuts don't give a crap about the constitution. You just latched onto the 2nd because you feel it supports your position. If the 2nd was repealed, it wouldn't change you opinion one iota.

Wait, so people who own guns, which is protected by the 2nd amendment of our constitution….don’t care about the constitution, but the guy who wants to eliminate it, does?

Oof. You might want to go for another helping of paint chips.
You've inadvertently stumbled onto the truth. ;)

The constitution doesn't affect your opinion on guns so there's no reason for you, or people like you, to use it to defend guns.

You like guns because you like guns. You don't care what the constitution says.

I love it when leftist take the same view as a “moderate”.

They always tell on themselves.
Wait, so people who own guns, which is protected by the 2nd amendment of our constitution….don’t care about the constitution, but the guy who wants to eliminate it, does?

Oof. You might want to go for another helping of paint chips.
1. The gun owners who care about the constitution would give them up if constitution ever told them to do so. Does that apply to you?

2. For a discussion of what the law should be, I do not care what the law is.
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1. The gun owners who care about the constitution would give them up if constitution ever told them to do so. Does that apply to you?

2. For a discussion of what the law should be, I do not care what the law is.

1. The constitution doesn’t say that. So caring about the constitution means respecting what it actually says.

2. Which means, you’re projecting and DGAF about the constitution.


Here is what I did to show I care about the constitution. How about you? Talk is cheap.

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.
You've inadvertently stumbled onto the truth. ;)

The constitution doesn't affect your opinion on guns so there's no reason for you, or people like you, to use it to defend guns.

You like guns because you like guns. You don't care what the constitution says.
No, I just agree with the Founders.

God is all over our founding documents and the FF’s believed very much in Natural Law. I believe, like they did, that we have some unalienable rights.

One of those is the right to protect yourself and your family.

I’m a “gun nut” (I own a few but haven’t shot one in years) because I share some of the same core beliefs as they held. So no, the 2A confirms and affirms a right I believe in. So I care about it because it’s proof that the country I was born in cared about Liberty and Freedom. It’s the right that protects all of the other rights when all else fails.

If it was repealed that would just mean the country lost its way, and deviated from the structure that created the greatest political experiment in history. I’d still believe in my right to protect myself and my family from someone who wanted to do us harm. I can’t say if I’d break the law or not, it would depend on the penalty. Might be better to be in jail and the family safe than us all get killed.
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You've inadvertently stumbled onto the truth. ;)

The constitution doesn't affect your opinion on guns so there's no reason for you, or people like you, to use it to defend guns.

You like guns because you like guns. You don't care what the constitution says.
Its a lose interpretation to begin with......but the constitution was also written to be changed. And when the second amendment was written some 233 years ago, the authors had no conception of the power that guns of today (and tomorrow) would have. So its clearly something that should be discussed on todays terms and with today's technologies and without wholly relying on our fore fathers ability to see hundreds of years into the future.
be honest for a moment. If these kids were actually going to rob the store and Rambo did exactly the same thing, y'all would be raving about it.

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Its a lose interpretation to begin with......but the constitution was also written to be changed. And when the second amendment was written some 233 years ago, the authors had no conception of the power that guns of today (and tomorrow) would have. So its clearly something that should be discussed on todays terms and with today's technologies and without wholly relying on our fore fathers ability to see hundreds of years into the future.
They may have had no idea what guns would be like on the future, but they knew the nature of government. They knew that the government should fear its people.
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Somebody doesn't understand what a natural right is.

Once again for the stupid and the slow, the bill of rights doesn't restrict the people, it restricts government. That means we have the rights whether the government says yea or nay.

The stupid, like undocumented shift and theo, think a piece of paper gives or takes away rights.
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Somebody doesn't understand what a natural right is.

Once again for the stupid and the slow, the bill of rights doesn't restrict the people, it restricts government. That means we have the rights whether the government says yea or nay.

The stupid, like undocumented shift and theo, think a piece of paper gives or takes away rights.
Didn't Jason just come on one of these threads and tell people to stop the middle school name calling (again)?

Or did Jason simply not realize you have a natural right to say whatever the hell you want?

I mean, its bad enough you missed the point, but good lord dude. Grow up already.
Didn't Jason just come on one of these threads and tell people to stop the middle school name calling (again)?

Or did Jason simply not realize you have a natural right to say whatever the hell you want?

I mean, its bad enough you missed the point, but good lord dude. Grow up already.
Yeah, I missed the point. Why don't you grow some balls.

Feel free to snitch, btdubs.
Somebody doesn't understand what a natural right is.

Once again for the stupid and the slow, the bill of rights doesn't restrict the people, it restricts government. That means we have the rights whether the government says yea or nay.

The stupid, like undocumented shift and theo, think a piece of paper gives or takes away rights.
Fine. Then quit yapping about the constitution. We both agree you don't care about it.