LOL, I knew you would. 🤣
Although there are hundreds of different grammar rules in English, there are actually only 5 fundamental principles students have to understand in order to be able to properly communicate.
In written English, punctuation is used to signify pauses, intonation, and stress words. These punctuation marks are commas, periods, question marks, exclamation points, semicolons, colons, dashes, hyphens, brackets, braces, parentheses, apostrophes, ellipsis, and quotation marks.
Punctuation can completely alter the meaning of a sentence, as in these examples:
He came home!
He came home?
Let's cook, Garry!
Let's cook Garry!
Also it's Allah, not you missed the obvious here despite YOUR stupid punctuation isn't grammer bit, goofball.
Need more?
One aspect of grammar is “punctuation”, which relates to the symbols used to add meaning to sentences. Many grammatical rules cannot be followed without punctuation; therefore, it does form part of “grammar.”
People often wonder whether the term “grammar”, when referring to English learning, includes punctuation or not. Let's find out