Box Is Right Again!


Rowdy Reptile
Sep 27, 2018
Mayberry Tennessee
The people who are being distracted by the Trumpy Bear rhetoric
should really be ashamed of yourselves. When will you learn?
You laid down and believed all the BS that came out of both of the
Bush clans mouth's and i'll be damn if you're not doing it again with
Trump. Why are all these folks (illegal immigrants) crossing border's?
Answer: They want a damn job! Who is it that has been sending foreign
aid (American Tax Payer Money) to these countries such as El Salvador
and where has that money gone to ? Answer: The drug cartels that run
those countries. Whaaaaaaat? Whyhave we sent jobs to Mexico and China
instead of taking care of things in our own backyard? Could it mean that
all this illegal border crossing is by design? Oh! I know, it's the Dumbocrats fault!
LOL, Did the Republicans not have control of both the House and the Senate?
What happened Pubes? You shit the bed!
Trump can't put troops on the border but we can have troops in 158 other
countries but not on our Southern border. Will you finally admit that all this
illegal border crossing is being done by design. As Ghost would say.
THANK YOU DONALD! Let me lick it one more time. Who was it that said Box
was a Trumpy Bear hater. Guess what? I was a Bush hater as well. Guess what?
Looks like Box was right then as well.

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