First of all there are more than 2 BLM movements (organizations/entities)
The Organizational Structure of Black Lives Matter
The entity known as BLM to most is Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation Inc
BLM Global has filed its IRS return voluntarily and all of the money is accounted for
I thought you said you would read the article I linked?
In the tragic, whirlwind year of 2020, with racial-justice protests prompted by the killing of Black men and women by police officers, the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation raised $90 million, much of it small donations from rank-and-file supporters. A recent tax filing from the group shows that by the middle of last year, more than half of that money had been granted to smaller organizations or spent on consultants and real estate, leaving the foundation with $42 million in assets.
The foundation’s finances have been subjected to criticism both from participants in the Black Lives Matter movement and from their opponents. Many local groups that are part of the movement have called for more transparency and a greater role in making decisions, as well as more money for the organizations led by activists on the ground. At the same time, opponents of Black Lives Matter have tried to portray spending by one of the group’s founders as evidence of widespread mismanagement in a manner that appears intended to impugn the cause of racial justice as well as the group.
In 2021, the foundation released its own report, not a mandatory federal tax filing but a voluntary accounting of its funds, in which it said that it raised $90 million in 2020, with the average donation being $30.64. At that time, the group said that it spent $8.4 million on operating expenses while disbursing $21.7 million in grants to about 30 organizations and to 11 Black Lives Matter chapters around the country.
On the tax form, the foundation said that for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021, it received contributions and grants totaling $76.9 million, with total expenditures of $37.7 million. Those expenses included grants of $500,000 each to Black Lives Matter groups in Boston, Philadelphia, Detroit and elsewhere.
The net of the contributions & the expenses is the $42 million they have in assets
You believe right wing propaganda and then back it up with nothing under the guise that you won't get into the details...that's because you have no details
Here's some more proof that what you believe is conservative right wing lies
Donations to Black Lives Matter Group Don’t Go to DNC
By Angelo Fichera
Posted on June 12, 2020
PolitiFact: Conservative pundits share false claim about Black Lives Matter, ActBlue
ActBlue does not pocket donations that are facilitated by its platform — it ferries the money along to the organizations requesting it
VERIFY: No, donations to Black Lives Matter do not go to the DNC
Claims that the Black Lives Matter movement is giving millions of dollars to the Democratic National Committee are false.
Show me. Act Blue is payment distribution platform like PayPal
Please...I grew up in NY with guys who took tourist money in 3 card monty from my middle school days (BTW "monty" doesn't have to be capitalized...its only a con game) 🤣
You don't know what Act Blue is...they don't make donations
Watch the video below and read the article and then show us any proof you have that Act Blue made donations to the democratic party
Both of those organizations file tax returns.
Both of those organizations have filed their tax returns.
The BLM chapters are NOT required to file tax returns
Neither is BLM Global...but they did anyway to dispute the conservative lies
Completely 100% wrong.
No chapter has lost don't understand how a charity sponsorship works.
Go back and read any of the 3 articles above to get a better understanding of what's actually going on. You don't have any understanding of what Act Blue or Thousand Currents does or has done in regards to BLM
But Now I see where you got this nonsense about BLM money going directly to the DNC. And why you can't back up any of your claims with anything
You only have a single source...and its 2 conservative operatives
Ryan Fournier & Candace Owens 😎
Any time you like we can take a detour and discuss Candace Owens and her organization "Blexit" if you like 🤣
Fact check: pundits share false information about Black Lives Matter
Conservative pundits Ryan Fournier and Candace Owens have shared misinformation about Black Lives Matter. Act Blue is not a Democratic Super PAC and Black Lives Matter is, indeed, a charity.
Posted 5:20 p.m. Jun 23, 2020 — Updated 6:08 p.m. Jun 23, 2020
How about we stop right here?
Plenty of information provided by me to support what I've said
Where's your proof for what you claim...about anything?
- Please show us your understanding of the structure of BLM
- Please show us the Act Blue statement about BLM
- Please show us proof the money hasn't been accounted for from Act Blue or Thousand Currents
- Please show us the proof of donations to the DNC
Ray, what is the sole purpose of a PAC or Super PAC? Do they not spend money to help candidates. Do you not remember watching political advertisements were they specifically say paid for by (name of the PAC)? As long as the candidate doesn’t know before hand, the PAC doesn’t have to disclose who paid for whatever regarding their campaign.
Because journalists are lazy and most want to “fact check” and be done. Investigative reporting is dead. However, just for you, I will break this down and I don’t even need to explain the Thousand Currents or Tides Foundation angle because it’s irrelevant now.
You look at BLM as one organization when it’s not, it’s multiple organizations with different tax exemptions that do different things. Don’t worry Ray Ray, lazy journalists don’t look into this as well and the people are too stupid to question it.
Nonprofit with 501(c)3 tax exemption charities have to show donations.
For profit organizations do not have to publicly show donations or profits.
BLM Organizations
Black Lives Matter Global Network (for profit, the Social Justice arm of BLM)
Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (Nonprofit, the charitable political arm of BLM)
Black Lives Matter PAC (Dark money arm of BLM)
Black Lives Matter Grass Roots (self explanatory)
BLM PAC, by law, doesn’t have to disclose their donors or campaign contributions. They are no different than any other PAC that deals with dark money. As long as the candidates do not know who is paying for it.
Ray, do you really think that BLM is paying for advertising or whatever for Republican candidates? Please tell me you comprehend this?
So no Ray, you won’t get your proof on paper because PAC’s don’t have to disclose where the money goes. Why would they?
The proof you will get is you can look up all of those organizations and fact check me. They are all real, all operate within the IRS tax code and campaign finance laws.
Back to where you got duped and it’s on a technicality.
If BLM gets accused of donating to democrats and deny it, they refer to BLM Global Network Foundation because of its 501(c)3 tax status and can provide the proof. All 5 of those BLM entities are the same, this is just another way the elite get away with tax free exemptions and influencing elections.
There are local chapters of BLM, who once had tax exempt status but lost it due to shady reporting. I believe it was 4 out of the 40 that lost the status. Aka not reporting the money they received or trying to hide it.
You also have chapters who have walked away from the movement because they got no financial backing from the mother ship.
You have people who have worked in the organization who left because they weren’t getting paid.
Co Founder Patrisse Cullors, the multi million dollar multi home buyer (Los Angeles and Atlanta) left BLM after getting rich to focus on film and writing.
It’s estimated that BLM has $60 million in the bank and nothing has been done to repair or restore African American neighborhoods or businesses, something they had promised.
You are looking at a political grift that anyone who believed in the movement got duped. To this day, you have people donating money, hanging flags, buying clothing, etc. Not one of those founding members gave a shit about the movement, the black community, Floyd, civil rights, etc. They just cared about getting rich and they didn’t let the opportunity go to waste.
The silver lining is Biden, someone who has said racists things, passed racists policies, supported a KKK member, benefited tremendously from the pain of the black community in 2020. Larger turn out than Obama’s, right?