She challenges them all to let her test them.
@Nolec you ok over there? You're sweating more than Fauci is LMAO!
It may not be from taking HCQ. We all have to remember Fredo obviously shoots up the roids, which explains his public display of roid rage.I never watch CNN, but apparently Fredo has been complaining of nightmares, claiming they are related to his having hoax flu.
It turns out that nightmares are one of the VERY few side affects from taking.....HCQ.
How awesome is it going to be if it turns out that Fredo has been on Trump's Miracle Drug all this time?
It may not be from taking HCQ. We all have to remember Fredo obviously shoots up the roids, which explains his public display of roid rage.
She challenges them all to let her test them.
@Nolec you ok over there? You're sweating more than Fauci is LMAO!
Critical thinker has a challenge for the sheep: Ask yourselves this simple question: Why is every person that publicly advocates for using HCQ to treat hoax flu IMMEDIATELY attacked and insulted by the media?
It's obvious the media and dems want NO information shared about using HCQ to treat hoax flu.
Ask yourselves why.
Bonus question: If HCQ really is a killer, why didn't the media point this out BEFORE Trump started advocating for HCQ?
will the sheep as the question why all retweets and posts on Facebook about this Dr. and HCQ are being taken down?
Critical thinker has a challenge for the sheep: Ask yourselves this simple question: Why is every person that publicly advocates for using HCQ to treat hoax flu IMMEDIATELY attacked and insulted by the media?
It's obvious the media and dems want NO information shared about using HCQ to treat hoax flu.
Ask yourselves why.
Bonus question: If HCQ really is a killer, why didn't the media point this out BEFORE Trump started advocating for HCQ?
Did you see sheep @Nolec upset cause I was worried about taking Fauci's vaccine that 'no one knows about yet'? LOL
If no one knows about it.....why is Fauci pushing it? Sheep walk right up to the truth, then stumble over it.
Perhaps the media believes all the sane doctors, epidemiologist, CDC, FDA< WHO, New Eng. Jour. of Medicine, and understands the dangers of listening to the lunatics that believe in demon sperm
Why don't you explain why Brazil after getting 2,000,000 doses of HCQ, did not see deaths go down and have invited, and begun phase trials by AstraZeneca, and Sinovac, and will start trials with Pfizer for vaccines? Seems the HCQ didn't do the job?
Did you really ask why the media didn't bring up a non-specified drug ? Actually they didn't bring up bleach either. LOL
Name the nonexistant vaccine that he's pushing. We'll wait. Ghost Toast spinnin' and dancin'
I imagine you'll do like impeachedpotus said, he'd like, go catch covid and take the therapeutics ( HCQ for you right). Let us know how that goes.
Ah so you're confirming you are getting your information from The Daily Beast. A known leftist propaganda site.
I would ask you the same question about Brazil that I asked you before. You couldn't answer then, maybe you have educated yourself since:
How many of the 2,000,000 doses of HCQ have been administered to hoax flu patients?
How many of those patients went on to recover completely from hoax flu?
How many did not?
Give us those numbers, and then we can have an intelligent discussion about how effective HCQ was in treating hoax flu patients in Brazil.
I assume they disposed of them properly by destroying them. Lord help them if they were a stupid as some and actually administered them.
You're still linking to that discredited article?
Why are we not surprised? Facts and you are not on speaking terms.
Any link to this alleged discreditation? Or perhaps Ghost is making it up? Prove it. And for the love of God, man FB and Twitter are crap sources. We'll wait for your link.... and I suspect we'll wait a long time. Ghost Hoodwinking.
here's the link again. Show us how, where this was discredited.
So back to this doctor's claim that Fauci and the morons at CNN are taking HCQ....why don't they just give her a urine sample? The dems told us about the mueller investigation "Well if Trump didn't do anything, he shouldn't mind being investigated!'
Same logic applies here: If Fauci and Fredo aren't lying about taking HCQ, they should happily provide a sample to prove this.
Did we note the Brazil study was patients well into the disease?
Ummmm.....the article discredits itself, did you not read it?
"The results add to the growing body of evidence not supporting treatment of Covid-19 with hydroxychloroquine, an analogue of chloroquine, which has also been explored without success in Covid-19."
This is a lie and even you know it. There have been many studies that have shown the success of using HCQ to treat hoax flu, we've discussed them here. Thousands of doctors around the world are prescribing it to their patients with great success.
This article was written by sheep, for sheep. As we see, they hit the mark.
Ummmm.....the article discredits itself, did you not read it?
"The results add to the growing body of evidence not supporting treatment of Covid-19 with hydroxychloroquine, an analogue of chloroquine, which has also been explored without success in Covid-19."
This is a lie and even you know it. There have been many studies that have shown the success of using HCQ to treat hoax flu, we've discussed them here. Thousands of doctors around the world are prescribing it to their patients with great success.
This article was written by sheep, for sheep. As we see, they hit the mark.
@Nolec why didn't you tell us this?
When it plainly states "in mild to moderate" covid cases in the HEADLINE, you need me to circle it with Trump's sharpie? What cases do you think your miracle cure should cure if it can't work on mild cases? Maybe the cases that quack Zelensky claimed to "cure" that never reported symptoms or got tested, proved it for you. Ghost is dancin' again
The trunmpettes "top doc" is best suited to lead a seance, not treat covid.
"Immanuel has asserted that many gynecological issues are the result of having sex with witches and demons (“succubi” and “incubi”) in dreams, a myth that dates back at least to the “Epic of Gilgamesh,” a Sumerian poem written more than 4,000 years ago. She falsely claims that issues such as endometriosis, infertility, miscarriages and STIs are “evil deposits from the spirit husband.”"
And THIS is the person that trump highlighted as someone to emulate with regards to covid management. And then he wonders why people like Fauci more than him. Everyone is laughing at trump, even, I'm assuming, the witches that immanuel knows lol.
So you shared a study that you knew was flawed? Do you think that's honest?
Not a flaw. It defines the study. Conditions must be stated for a valid study. It would be DISHONEST to not put those out there. Good lord, man you're Dancin' and Spinnin' and just making a fool of yourself.
It defines why the study is flawed. HCQ's effectiveness greatly diminishes if administered after the first 5 days of hoax flu incubation period.
The fact that this study was rigged to be given to patients outside the effectiveness range proves that the study was flawed and designed to show that HCQ doesn't a scenario where no one ever claimed it did.
Sheep hoodwinked again.
Not a flaw. It defines the study. Conditions must be stated for a valid study. It would be DISHONEST to not put those out there. Good lord, man you're Dancin' and Spinnin' and just making a fool of yourself.
Sure Ghost. On your say so , everyone will buy that the New England Journal of Medicine rigged the study. DO you even read the nonsense you post? Ghost dancin' again
LOL You are saying that to work, HCQ must be given before you know you have Covid. That's pretty cool, maybe you can come up with a pregnancy test to take before you even have sex. ROTFLMAO
Sure Ghost. On your say so , everyone will buy that the New England Journal of Medicine rigged the study. DO you even read the nonsense you post? Ghost dancin' again
LOL You are saying that to work, HCQ must be given before you know you have Covid. That's pretty cool, maybe you can come up with a pregnancy test to take before you even have sex. ROTFLMAO
First, who cares what the New England Journal of Medicine says? If they are where you are getting your information on HCQ from, they are just as ignorant as you are.
To make your HCQ narrative work now, you call the CDC,FDA, WHO, and NEJM ignorant. That says all you need to say. Ghost dancin' and spinnin'
HCQ must be given to patients at the onset of the virus in order to achieve maximum effectiveness. Amazing that you didn't know that. Does that New England Journal of Medicine know that?
So now to work (moving goalposts) you take HCQ before you catch covid. Taking meds before you catch the disease sure sounds like how vaccines work. what you suggest is: take healthy people, give HCQ, they don't get covid.... but they were never sick. Give them cookies and you get that same result.
I bet Fauci does. Well at least he did in 2005.
Ghost does not know that Fauci did not ever study covid-19 in 2005 apparently. If you had read, or could comprehend Fauci's work on a different coronavirus and HCQ, you'd see that HCQ was effective in high doses in petri dishes of simiam cells. They determined not to test in humans because the dosages were contraindicated.