Biden Unscripted

God bless his heart..... he really is trying hard to communicate. He is not living in his prefrontal cortex. This is sad.... you can tell he knows what he wants to convey, he just wades through disjunctive allegories to attempt to get there

Beyond red or blue, socialist or capitalist..... this is a man that should not take the reins or even the mantle of this position- for phuck sake
Rat Kalifornication Gov. is a continuing disaster.

Rudy on Rat Biden's campaign.

Can you imagine Biden trying to answer a single question half as poignant and unfriendly as the ones that video shows Trump answering?

Why doesn't this bother the libs? Are you all that dishonest with yourselves or are your heads actually that far up your own asses that you legitimately don't see the double standard?

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