Anyone heard what the Overstock CEO is claiming?

He doesn't seem to be connected to the Clintons(please correct me if I'm wrong), so he should be alright.
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He doesn't seem to be connected to the Clintons(please correct me if I'm wrong), so he should be alright.

Unclear. About a week ago he appeared on the Fox Business network in one of those 'tell us what you are seeing in your business' segments, and instead he went off on russia collusion. Said AG Barr has it all, that obama was spying on Trump AND hillary. Since then, I've seen that the SEC investigated Overstock in 2018.

Guess who was over the SEC at the time? Peter Storzk's wife.

I thought the claims of obama spying on hillary were very interesting.

Look at the CNN chryon, note how they are framing the story as if that's what the key takeaway is and not the bombshells he's dropping in the clip.
If he wasnt frm CEO of Overstock I wouldn't believe him...So according to him they wanted leverage on Hillary and wanted to destroy whoever the Republican nominee was by allowing a suspected Russian agent ingratiate herself into their inner circles...supposedly SOP would have been to inform all the campaigns involved of the suspicions so that they would not be improperly influenced...always thought that was odd until he told his this setup goes back to 2015 when the nominee wasn't even known and if true it implies that Papadopoulus was also setup from the beginning...they may hate Trump adding fuel to the fire of their actions but if true they were prepared to setup Rubio and Cruz if they had gotten nominated. ...I am a Cruz guy but I think a NYC real estate magnate used to dealing with NYC politics and corruption is/was best suited to weather this storm of BS that has been going on since 2015...

If this stuff is true Bar MUST get the indictments out no late than march next year in order to take down the democrats involved and allow the voters to repudiate them at the ballot box in 2020...if they are this lawless the voters must be properly informed before the next election...if the government can be saved and a case is lost due to a rush then so be it...250 yrs of constitutional republicanism is at stake with fools like AOC and the Bern set to destroy it if they get into positions of higher power....the endless smearing of Trump (and being a cad makes it easier) is a tactic that must and should come to a stop if this stuff is true and is exposed fully before the election.

If zer0 is involved send him to jail!!!!! I am/was willing to ignore slick Willies war crimes in Serbia and perjury in that I never wanted him to go to jail but if zer0 setup this hoax and it was calculated this intricately, deeply and from the start then jail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was always under the assumption that this fell into their lap and they exploited it after the fact...if this is true then they knew Russia would probably send someone and this was a setup from the start.
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