All Gator fans/Moderators

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Sep 6, 2015
What is considered a Bannable offense? My name Jhyde28 was banned for NOTHING last nyt. I'm a lifelong Gator that just started posting on rivals. No, I'm not a troll! Are we treating every new poster as if they are a troll?? If you read Every post or reply I made, Not one should have gotten me banned by passover. Is this how we want our Gator message boards moderated???
This could be fun
Just want to know, I think passover, the moderator, needs to slow his roll with the ban hammer. I'm a damn Gator fan, I would love for all my post/replies to be posted for all Gators to see why I was banned. It would be laughable , I said nothing wrong. Just want to get this out, because our board doesn't need to be moderated this way!! Go Gators.
Just want to know, I think passover, the moderator, needs to slow his roll with the ban hammer. I'm a damn Gator fan, I would love for all my post/replies to be posted for all Gators to see why I was banned. It would be laughable , I said nothing wrong. Just want to get this out, because our board doesn't need to be moderated this way!! Go Gators.

Don't have a heart attack. Haven't seen your posts but its not the end of the world if you are posting now.
If there's one thing we all know about passover....he is quick to ban. That's why no rival fans ever post here.

It's Passover's world, we;re just renting time here.

He's more of an Old Testament type dude...I'd be careful.
What is considered a Bannable offense? My name Jhyde28 was banned for NOTHING last nyt. I'm a lifelong Gator that just started posting on rivals. No, I'm not a troll! Are we treating every new poster as if they are a troll?? If you read Every post or reply I made, Not one should have gotten me banned by passover. Is this how we want our Gator message boards moderated???

For starters, the appropriate thing to do is contact the mod PRIVATELY, not starting a thread to call him out.
Why?? I was banned for absolutely Nothing. He should be called out. Maybe this is why I have never posted. This world has eveyone acting like little cry babies.
OMG, let it go...big freaking deal. You're back in the game now homie so make the most of it....also nobody cares that much...I suggest you move on. it when the guy who has been here five minutes starts calling out mods and complaining about everything about the board.
Why?? I was banned for absolutely Nothing. He should be called out. Maybe this is why I have never posted. This world has eveyone acting like little cry babies.
Here's the thing...I only gave you a warning. I did not ban you.

Until now.
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