ADVERTISEMENT I see why bsc911 and the left suddenly hate OAN and are trying to discredit it


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012

It seems they are doing REAL REPORTING about the corruption in the Ukraine, and how it ties to the Bidens. A story that CNN, the NYT and WaPo won't touch.

@BSC911 you should be proud, this is what REAL JOURNALISM looks like.

Also, there is currently a massive disinformation campaign against OAN being waged by the left. It's fake news, not reliable, etc.

All because the network is covering the real news that the left doesn't want people to hear.

Too late. OAN is taking off in popularity:

"...5 leaders in the Ukrainian government were individually interviewed and each exposed the corruption of the U.S. Embassy, the former Ambassador (key witness at the impeachment trial), and the 16 million dollars that was being laundered illegally, headed up by the corporation with Biden's sons on the board. Here was the shocker. There was also a link with Morgan Stanley in which - surprise - according to documentation involves Adam Shift and Joe Himself receiving money" - From an evangelist I trust

So if he is right that worthless bug eyed piece of Shiff is on the take and and over his head and trying to take out Trump before justice catches up with him. Hope Guilianai gave info to DOJ and that Barr is hot on the trail.
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