Again, Trump Is Just A Puppet


Rowdy Reptile
Sep 27, 2018
Mayberry Tennessee
Trump Is just a little bitch!
He shutdown the government for more than a month while simultaneously going to the mat with his cabinet over Syria. And since then he’s done nothing but backtrack and step down expectations.
In doing this he was always vulnerable to a counter-attack on both fronts. He made Syria vulnerable because he has to get a deal done on the wall in the next two weeks or he’s back to square one.

Now tell me who the sheep is. Tell me who the "critical thinkers" really are.

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So, Obama wasn't a puppet? The man literally flipped on every issue he was elected on. What politician doesn't get led around by the people that elected them?
So, Obama wasn't a puppet? The man literally flipped on every issue he was elected on. What politician doesn't get led around by the people that elected them?

Isn’t this the point? Obama ran on “hope and change.” Trump was going to “drain the swamp.” It’s business as usual. Rich get richer. Poor get poorer.
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They're all puppets...and so are we, the's all "just an experiment" and we, the people end up's all for the good of humanity...but not to worry...AI (artificial intelligence) will be there for us...and that's all that counts.
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Isn’t this the point? Obama ran on “hope and change.” Trump was going to “drain the swamp.” It’s business as usual. Rich get richer. Poor get poorer.
In an open market the poor get poorer if they provide poor service/products. Consumer's are looking for products/service and many of those needs are not met at family owned businesses. I had still rather live in America and have the opportunity to fail opposed to being forced to live by Gov't handouts and told where to live and work.
In an open market the poor get poorer if they provide poor service/products. Consumer's are looking for products/service and many of those needs are not met at family owned businesses. I had still rather live in America and have the opportunity to fail opposed to being forced to live by Gov't handouts and told where to live and work.

Is that why bankers made so much in bonuses, post-crash, because they provided such a good service? Or would Wall Street be a smoking crater in the ground right now if the government hadn't printed money to pay off their bad bets?

I can't believe you guys still talk about open markets with a straight face.
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Is that why bankers made so much in bonuses, post-crash, because they provided such a good service? Or would Wall Street be a smoking crater in the ground right now if the government hadn't printed money to pay off their bad bets?

I can't believe you guys still talk about open markets with a straight face.
I don't believe in the banking system that currently rips off their customer's. I'm strictly talking about privately owned businesses or concepts that were so well designed that patents were made etc. Back in the day you could make interests off of savings accounts and certain banks paid you for using your debit card instead of using credit cards. Where did all that go? The answer resides within the Rothschild family.
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