I was pleasantly surprised. I even lost count of how many times we chanted, "Move Back You Suck" every time F$U was penalized.had me pleasantly surprised. I was bracing for another swindle. Anyone else concerned at first?
I was! I had to explain to my kids why. History lesson if you will.had me pleasantly surprised. I was bracing for another swindle. Anyone else concerned at first?
I was pleasantly surprised. I even lost count of how many times we chanted, "Move Back You Suck" every time F$U was penalized.
Phantom alignment call on a muffed punt by gators.
Ridiculous targeting foul on a legal hit.
The flop by the gator player.
Yeah really great officiating.
I guess the resident Holes miss the SEC refs in Gainesville for some reason.Yeah, they missed the TOUCHDOWN on that call too.
The flop was amusing. And your dumbass player did give ours a smack in front of an official.
Bwahahaha!!! Look at this butthurt doosh.Phantom alignment call on a muffed punt by gators.
Ridiculous targeting foul on a legal hit.
The flop by the gator player.
Yeah really great officiating.
Like everything hardliner whined about would actually change the outcome of the game.Bwahahaha!!! Look at this butthurt doosh.
When did they start allowing ACC officials on SOS field again? I thought they were banned for life?had me pleasantly surprised. I was bracing for another swindle. Anyone else concerned at first?
New AD signed off on it apparently. Dumbass.When did they start allowing ACC officials on SOS field again? I thought they were banned for life?
New AD signed off on it apparently. Dumbass.
Phantom alignment call on a muffed punt by gators.
Ridiculous targeting foul on a legal hit.
The flop by the gator player.
Yeah really great officiating.
You could totally hear it on TV...every time....I was pleasantly surprised. I even lost count of how many times we chanted, "Move Back You Suck" every time F$U was penalized.
Phantom alignment call on a muffed punt by gators.
Ridiculous targeting foul on a legal hit.
The flop by the gator player.
Yeah really great officiating.
Phantom alignment call on a muffed punt by gators.
Ridiculous targeting foul on a legal hit.
The flop by the gator player.
Yeah really great officiating.
FSU got smoked...it was a beatdown. I loved it.Like everything hardliner whined about would actually change the outcome of the game.
O-line for FSU sucked @SS while UF recorded 8 sacks and Trask was nowhere close to being touched by their defense.