A Sovereign Citizen Speaks his heart and mind,,,


Bull Gator
May 29, 2001
while pouring out his soul to his fellow free Constitutional Republic patriots, and to any others that need to listen and think about their families futures.

This quote pertains even more to rock solid patriotic citizenship responsibilities, than it ever will to sports or to any other area of life in the FREE Constitutional Republic of AMERICA.

Mike Tyson said it. 'You got to do things you hate to do,,, like you love doing it.'"

Certain elements of the current factions in both the corrupt hired bureaucrats and the equally corrupt elected government 'public servants' have declared 'All Out Criminal War' by their own actions, on the Constitution and the just laws that we have all agreed to abide by, and they are attempting to subvert all of the Free Sovereign Citizens of the united States. Their own actions alone, is all that anyone needs to see and know, for this to be true and accurate. The list of serious infractions is long, and it's growing daily with no end in sight.

The response of the 'Sovereign Citizens' must be even stronger and more adamant than the Domestic Enemy Traitors that have chosen to attempt to enslave us all in a new/old Tyranny built on fear, intimidation, and the unlawful use of violence against our papers and persons....

Only the totally unworthy cowards will duck and hide, waiting for the bravery of true patriots to save their sorry useless asses from the kind of slavery that their own personal cowardice warrants. 'Live Free or Die' is not just some old worn out slogan to be laughed at while attending liberal socialist parties for the utterly despicable 'Look Out For #1' crowd. They are the one's needing to be cancelled....

I make these statements under the protections of the Constitution and my God given inalienable right of 'free speech' by a free Sovereign citizen. I have taken the life time SACRED OATH of office and I have volunteered to defend myself, my family, my community, my society, and my country under God. As Americans, we left behind the tyranny of claimed Royalty. “For the support of this Declaration of Independence, with firm reliance on the protection of the divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.” --- Who among us today are willing to make that pledge,,, and then stick to it through to the end???

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the (lawful) orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

If given unlawful orders, under my sacred honor, I will refuse to follow them and will instead resign from my position to return to being a Free Sovereign Citizen. Free will and conscience remain the highest order, above any written laws or orders. To do otherwise is to submit yourself and your very soul to slavery.

My service and defense of all of those things has me now as a 'proud of my past service,' combat decorated disabled veteran, but one that is still willing to stand up and fight and/or die if necessary, for what is good and right in the world, against the rampant evil that is making an attempt to steal away our hard fought for FREEDOM AND SOVEREIGNTY....

If they come to drag me away for my correct stance on these critical Sovereign Citizen requirements and responsibilities, then I will have gone down as a free man on my feet, not as a slave on my knees..... God has the keeping of my soul, but my life is my own to live as I choose, for as long as it lasts....
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At least I'm not standing totally alone (Ron DeSantis), but I would stand alone on my principles and my sacred honor if that is what was required of me.

To those reading this and then remaining silent, I have this to say. When you're too chickenchit to even express yourself as a sovereign citizen, then that's a very sad day for America imo... The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave is no more. The guttless self-serving cowards have taken the place of those that had any real self sacrifice or honor in their bones....

"Cowards die a thousand deaths, but the valiant tastes death but once."

The FBI’s raid of Mar-a-Lago is yet another escalation in the weaponization of federal agencies against the Regime’s political opponents, while people like Hunter Biden get treated with kid gloves. Why didn't the FBI ever raid Hillary Clinton's house after she laundered classified information through a private server and then deleted 30,000 emails that were under subpoena?

The federal Regime is targeting those it dislikes for disfavored treatment. They are demanding we get in line or face the consequences.

Now, the Regime is getting another 87,000 IRS agents to wield against its adversaries. With this addition, the agency is now larger than the Pentagon, State Department, FBI, and Border Patrol combined, and BILLIONS of dollars are now being directed to fund these new hires. Democrats are not simply expanding an agency. They are growing their army of Biden Regime soldiers standing ready to execute any order by the D.C. Swamp.

The fact that the Left is turning taxpayer-funded government agencies into extensions of the Democrat Machine to do their political bidding right before our eyes should be alarming to every American. These are not actions indicative of leaders in a free republic. This mirrors a Banana Republic.

As your Governor,
I have always been clear that the power belongs to the People — not politicians. This blatant overreach by the federal government is an attack on our democracy (Constitutional Republic) and the American people.

It is past time that elected representatives in Washington, D.C. stand up against this abuse of power by using the constitutional power of Congress to hold these agencies accountable. For too long these agencies have been on autopilot with no accountability. Let's make sure they stand up for our rights. No excuses! – Stand with me >>>

Ron DeSantis
So that's why you tried to not provide a link to someone else's thoughts & opinions?

And we're still waiting on a link or citation for the OP

Is that Ron DeSantis also or is that from some other crackpot? 🤣
You've won the "lifetime slowest achievement" award

The embedded link in post #3 is a link to DeSantis's donation page not the sovereign citizen rhetoric

Nothing in post #1... which was what I'm was talking about appears in that link

Nothing in post #3 does either but we're dealing navi here so we have to go slow 🤣
So that's why you tried to not provide a link to someone else's thoughts & opinions?

And we're still waiting on a link or citation for the OP

Is that Ron DeSantis also or is that from some other crackpot? 🤣
Obviously this is why you don't have a mind of your own. You live off of total bullshyt from CNN, MSNBC, and now even Salon and friggin' Vanity Fair. @instaGATOR is a decorated veteran who defended this country for even losers like your own sorry-ass. Go back to reading Cosmopolitan and Vanity Fair because we know you're shopping for rainbow dresses and high LGBTQXYZ soy-boi🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Gay-RayGraves after hours in his Mommy's basement....what Cosmopolitan and Vanity Fair inspired him to do.....
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The 1st post on this thread is directly from me, and me alone, the instaGATOR, and no one else.

When I got no response initially, I posted an email that I had just received from DeSantis, as one of his millions of supporters. I posted it because it seemed to echo and/or agree with what I had posted from my own heart and mind.

Cowards and traitors to the
Constitutional Republic of America that I've sworn to serve and defend, have now been called out by me. Feel free to attack me in any way that suits a coward and a traitor, I'm a big boy with broad shoulders that is willing to go toe to toe with any of you self-serving despicable's.... 🤓
You've won the "lifetime slowest achievement" award

The embedded link in post #3 is a link to DeSantis's donation page not the sovereign citizen rhetoric

Nothing in post #1... which was what I'm was talking about appears in that link

Nothing in post #3 does either but we're dealing navi here so we have to go slow 🤣
If you can't see the link in post 3 (IN BLUE) then you are even dumber than advertised. And your advertising budget is a blank check. 😂
The 1st post on this thread is directly from me, and me alone, the instaGATOR, and no one else.

When I got no response initially, I posted an email that I had just received from DeSantis, as one of his millions of supporters. I posted it because it seemed to echo and/or agree with what I had posted from my own heart and mind.

Cowards and traitors to the
Constitutional Republic of America that I've sworn to serve and defend, have now been called out by me. Feel free to attack me in any way that suits a coward and a traitor, I'm a big boy with broad shoulders that is willing to go toe to toe with any of you self-serving despicable's.... 🤓

Sounds like one of yours...

Armed man tries to break into FBI office in Cincinnati before leading cops on a chase and then shooting at them from a cornfield​

  • The FBI said an armed man tried to breach its Cincinnati headquarters on Thursday before leading police on a chase through Wilmington, Ohio
  • The man was reported in body armor and exchanged gunfire with police near Interstate 71, by Smith and Center Road
  • Officials have locked down a mile radius near the interstate and urged residents and business owners to stay inside
  • It comes a day after FBI Director Christopher Wray denounced the threats against the agency following its search of Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate
Sounds like one of yours...

Armed man tries to break into FBI office in Cincinnati before leading cops on a chase and then shooting at them from a cornfield​

  • The FBI said an armed man tried to breach its Cincinnati headquarters on Thursday before leading police on a chase through Wilmington, Ohio
  • The man was reported in body armor and exchanged gunfire with police near Interstate 71, by Smith and Center Road
  • Officials have locked down a mile radius near the interstate and urged residents and business owners to stay inside
  • It comes a day after FBI Director Christopher Wray denounced the threats against the agency following its search of Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate
And my response to your personal attack and accusation against me is this:
Yep, that's the perfect example of a coward and a traitor posting with nothing of any value to ever add to any discussion.

Go away. Useless little pricks like you have no value in life as far as I'm concerned. I wouldn't even bother to piss on you if you were on fire....
We all know you can’t operate without supplying links to other peoples thoughts and opinions on topics. That’s what happens when you can’t contribute to a topic with your own thoughts and logic. Logic being the key word there.
The poster you're quoting.... I put him on ignore yesterday. I highly recommend it; it vastly improves the user experience on this board.
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Armed man tries to break into FBI office in Cincinnati before leading cops on a chase and then shooting at them from a cornfield​

  • The FBI said an armed man tried to breach its Cincinnati headquarters on Thursday before leading police on a chase through Wilmington, Ohio
  • The man was reported in body armor and exchanged gunfire with police near Interstate 71, by Smith and Center Road
  • Officials have locked down a mile radius near the interstate and urged residents and business owners to stay inside
  • It comes a day after FBI Director Christopher Wray denounced the threats against the agency following its search of Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate

And my response to your personal attack and accusation against me is this:
Yep, that's the perfect example of a coward and a traitor posting with nothing of any value to ever add to any discussion.

Go away. Useless little pricks like you have no value in life as far as I'm concerned. I wouldn't even bother to piss on you if you were on fire....

Your post of your own words seems to support the actions of the wacko in the news article...Now you want to disown someone following your BS about free will?

You either don't understand your own manifesto or you have scrambled eggs for brains

Note: If given unlawful orders, under my sacred honor, I will refuse to follow them and will instead resign from my position to return to being a Free Sovereign Citizen. Free will and conscience remain the highest order, above any written laws or orders. To do otherwise is to submit yourself and your very soul to slavery.

My service and defense of all of those things has me now as a 'proud of my past service,' combat decorated disabled veteran, but one that is still willing to stand up and fight and/or die if necessary, for what is good and right in the world, against the rampant evil that is making an attempt to steal away our hard fought for FREEDOM AND SOVEREIGNTY....

If they come to drag me away for my correct stance on these critical Sovereign Citizen requirements and responsibilities, then I will have gone down as a free man on my feet, not as a slave on my knees..... God has the keeping of my soul, but my life is my own to live as I choose, for as long as it lasts....
I've had him on ignore for a while now, but I hit the 'show ignored button,' an obvious mistake that I'll try not to repeat again anytime soon.... 😏
You should because NOBODY with even half a brain supports your dumbass ideas about being a sovereign citizen and whatever right you believe that gives you to ignore laws

Crackpots like you lose court cases all of the time with that nonsense

Try taking that crap to traffic court to avoid paying a ticket
Or better yet, don't pay tour taxes and head to court with your foolishness 🤣
I see by the 'show ignored' that this ignorant little prick is screaming into an empty hall yet again.

Someone willing to waste their time bitch slapping him will have to respond, because I won't bother...
Gotta admit white grievance anger masquerading as "sovereign citizen" manifesto should concern anyone who believes in the rule of law

Wackos like instaGator are nothing more than vigilantes who think they have a right to anarchy
In America, elected federal officials are ALL PUBLIC SERVANTS, they are not Royalty over peasants. Those sovereign citizens then ceded a few specific parts of their sovereignty to the federal government with the strict limitation enumerated in the Constitution and it's Bill of Rights.

The Tenth Amendment says this. Specifically, it says that powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the (sovereign) people.


My inalienable (sovereign) rights come from God, not from any government or document.
The 1st and 2nd Amendments were specifically written to prevent any tyrants from returning us to the tyranny of Royalty or dictators.

It is internationally recognized that the birth of this nation occurred on July 4th, 1776. A great war was fought to prove that we were Independent, that war was won and the King of England in 1783 ceded (legally transferred) his sovereignty over the colonies
to the American Colonists and their posterity (the Peace of Paris).

There are many facts and truths that are no longer taught to the people in their Government Controlled schools. The reasons for this should be obvious to even the boards slow....
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In America, elected federal officials are ALL PUBLIC SERVANTS, they are not Royalty over peasants. Those sovereign citizens then ceded a few specific parts of their sovereignty to the federal government with the strict limitation enumerated in the Constitution and it's Bill of Rights.

The Tenth Amendment says this. Specifically, it says that powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the (sovereign) people.

The ninth amendment affirms non-enumerated rights there is no strict limitation clause


My inalienable rights come from God, not from any government or document.
The 1st and 2nd Amendments were specifically written to prevent any tyrants from returning us to the tyranny of Royalty or dictators.

It is internationally recognized that the birth of this nation occurred on July 4th, 1776. A great war was fought to prove that we were Independent, that war was won and the King of England in 1783 ceded (legally transferred) his sovereignty over the colonies
to the American Colonists and their posterity (the Peace of Paris).

you should look at the entire language if you're going to cherry pick when quoting it

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

That doesn't mean you can pick and choose individually to consent

The consent is that we accept the Constitution not pick and choose for ourselves which parts we find justifiable

There are many facts and truths that are no longer taught to the people in their Government Controlled schools. The reasons for this should be obvious to even the boards slow....

Your understanding of facts & truths is what's in question
These deserve a like reaction even from 4th and dumb Dickey himself.

while pouring out his soul to his fellow free Constitutional Republic patriots, and to any others that need to listen and think about their families futures.

This quote pertains even more to rock solid patriotic citizenship responsibilities, than it ever will to sports or to any other area of life in the FREE Constitutional Republic of AMERICA.

Mike Tyson said it. 'You got to do things you hate to do,,, like you love doing it.'"

Certain elements of the current factions in both the corrupt hired bureaucrats and the equally corrupt elected government 'public servants' have declared 'All Out Criminal War' by their own actions, on the Constitution and the just laws that we have all agreed to abide by, and they are attempting to subvert all of the Free Sovereign Citizens of the united States. Their own actions alone, is all that anyone needs to see and know, for this to be true and accurate. The list of serious infractions is long, and it's growing daily with no end in sight.

The response of the 'Sovereign Citizens' must be even stronger and more adamant than the Domestic Enemy Traitors that have chosen to attempt to enslave us all in a new/old Tyranny built on fear, intimidation, and the unlawful use of violence against our papers and persons....

Only the totally unworthy cowards will duck and hide, waiting for the bravery of true patriots to save their sorry useless asses from the kind of slavery that their own personal cowardice warrants. 'Live Free or Die' is not just some old worn out slogan to be laughed at while attending liberal socialist parties for the utterly despicable 'Look Out For #1' crowd. They are the one's needing to be cancelled....

I make these statements under the protections of the Constitution and my God given inalienable right of 'free speech' by a free Sovereign citizen. I have taken the life time SACRED OATH of office and I have volunteered to defend myself, my family, my community, my society, and my country under God. As Americans, we left behind the tyranny of claimed Royalty. “For the support of this Declaration of Independence, with firm reliance on the protection of the divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.” --- Who among us today are willing to make that pledge,,, and then stick to it through to the end???

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the (lawful) orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

If given unlawful orders, under my sacred honor, I will refuse to follow them and will instead resign from my position to return to being a Free Sovereign Citizen. Free will and conscience remain the highest order, above any written laws or orders. To do otherwise is to submit yourself and your very soul to slavery.

My service and defense of all of those things has me now as a 'proud of my past service,' combat decorated disabled veteran, but one that is still willing to stand up and fight and/or die if necessary, for what is good and right in the world, against the rampant evil that is making an attempt to steal away our hard fought for FREEDOM AND SOVEREIGNTY....

If they come to drag me away for my correct stance on these critical Sovereign Citizen requirements and responsibilities, then I will have gone down as a free man on my feet, not as a slave on my knees..... God has the keeping of my soul, but my life is my own to live as I choose, for as long as it lasts....

At least I'm not standing totally alone (Ron DeSantis), but I would stand alone on my principles and my sacred honor if that is what was required of me.

To those reading this and then remaining silent, I have this to say. When you're too chickenchit to even express yourself as a sovereign citizen, then that's a very sad day for America imo... The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave is no more. The guttless self-serving cowards have taken the place of those that had any real self sacrifice or honor in their bones....

"Cowards die a thousand deaths, but the valiant tastes death but once."

The FBI’s raid of Mar-a-Lago is yet another escalation in the weaponization of federal agencies against the Regime’s political opponents, while people like Hunter Biden get treated with kid gloves. Why didn't the FBI ever raid Hillary Clinton's house after she laundered classified information through a private server and then deleted 30,000 emails that were under subpoena?

The federal Regime is targeting those it dislikes for disfavored treatment. They are demanding we get in line or face the consequences.

Now, the Regime is getting another 87,000 IRS agents to wield against its adversaries. With this addition, the agency is now larger than the Pentagon, State Department, FBI, and Border Patrol combined, and BILLIONS of dollars are now being directed to fund these new hires. Democrats are not simply expanding an agency. They are growing their army of Biden Regime soldiers standing ready to execute any order by the D.C. Swamp.

The fact that the Left is turning taxpayer-funded government agencies into extensions of the Democrat Machine to do their political bidding right before our eyes should be alarming to every American. These are not actions indicative of leaders in a free republic. This mirrors a Banana Republic.

As your Governor,
I have always been clear that the power belongs to the People — not politicians. This blatant overreach by the federal government is an attack on our democracy (Constitutional Republic) and the American people.

It is past time that elected representatives in Washington, D.C. stand up against this abuse of power by using the constitutional power of Congress to hold these agencies accountable. For too long these agencies have been on autopilot with no accountability. Let's make sure they stand up for our rights. No excuses! – Stand with me >>>

Ron DeSantis
Still haven't realized that's a link to a DeSantis donation page not a link to the language in the post huh?

Do you get assistance for your learning disability?
It takes a low information voter to not understand the source of a political campaign. But I digress here. 😂
Please keep posting, 4th and Dumb Dickey. These words never were so true in your case with your PBS, Vogue and Vanity Fair magazine links.

WTF??? Vogue magazine??? Gay-RayGraves is reading Vogue now?? I knew that soy-boi was being converted to looking (and being) THIS way..........🤣🤣🤣🤣
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These deserve a like reaction even from 4th and dumb Dickey himself.

the first post was instaGator's own words...which he revealed AFTER my question

the second post was linked to a DeSantis donation request website...which was revealed AFTER my question

you're a dope
I don't know where you are acquiring these images, but I hope you're clearing your browser history and not using Google.
It's called calling out the board's biggest fraud for looking up fake news articles on feminist-charged sites and magazines, where HE is fast becoming a SHE traveling that far to the left. I, OTOH, know what a woman is so no worries here. Please keep up with what's really happening here.

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