4 years ago Maine passed "Constitutional Carry" law, all residents can carry a concealed gun


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012
without a special permit.

That was four years ago. Maine was just named America's Safest State by US News and World Report.

@sadgator, any questions?

Leftists fear more guns, criminals fear more guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens.

This isn't that hard, as long as you can think rationally, and not emotionally.

So it's well-established that more guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens leads to less gun violence and a safer environment.

With that in mind, look what the dems are trying to sneak through:

Critical thinker can connect the dots. Dems know an armed populace cannot be controlled, but one without a way to defend itself is powerless before Big Government.
Let's be clear on what semi-auto gun includes:

Every rifle that is not a bolt action or breach load single shot.
Every revolver that is not a single action, cock hammer, pull trigger, cock hammer, pull trigger.

Banned would include any and all magazine handguns, such as the 1911 .45 ACP and all Glocks etc.... A .22 caliber tube feed magazine rifle would be banned.

Makes sense, cause we all know that Cain killed Able with a semi-auto hand-rock. :rolleyes:

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