266,000 jobs for November...

YUGE news! America is winning BIGLY!

Here's the thing: We all know there are posters here that will read this, and have a visceral reaction of hatred. Their stomachs will tightened, and they will start to mutter no no no no NO! as they shake their heads. They will be miserable the rest of the day.

What happened to 'country over party'? People are working more, making more, paying down debt more, living HAPPIER LIVES. Why does that MAKE YOU MAD? Just because you don't like the guy making all this happen???

If the SUCCESS of America makes you this upset, you are officially on the wrong team.

Think about it.
RATS on the run.

not a peep from State Run.

They'll be talking abut the shooting till Monday, when they will switch back to impeachment circus.

If the IG report comes out, it will be ignored.

Media will need a distraction. Or two. Are you awake?
They'll be talking abut the shooting till Monday, when they will switch back to impeachment circus.

If the IG report comes out, it will be ignored.

Media will need a distraction. Or two. Are you awake?

Shooting at a naval base will be kinda tough on the usual talking points. Can’t quite ask to bar guns from the military
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