Football First Time Since 2019...

That our team improved as the year progressed. The start of this season was really difficult for us, but the past two weeks have felt like the most satisfying wins in non-championship seasons in a LONG time.

Hats off to the team and coaches. We're going to be ranked in the top 20 to start the year next year and none of us would have anticipated that 2 months ago.
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Ole Miss @ Florida

I'm beating a dead horse but we had no business losing to Tennessee. Now the Lame b1tch is 0-3 against Florida.
With that said, let's hope a certain Kiffin knob slobber will finally STFU about his visits to Ole Piss.

Now Lane Kiffin can go back to boning fat chicks the same way he banged Saban's fat daughter.
Why do you have such a foul mouth on this board? I hope and pray you dont have daughters and talk that way.
