You mean there were Jan 6th pipe bombs?


Gator Great
Jan 17, 2005
Man, I've been LASER focused on the Jan.6th hearings and hadn't heard a peep about any pipe bombs. Why do you think that is? LOL

Lucy's got sum splanin' to do.

Again, it just goes to show you how sadly degrading the democrats have become. Zero moral values. ZERO. Kind of like a few zeroes on this site.
Man, I've been LASER focused on the Jan.6th hearings and hadn't heard a peep about any pipe bombs.
Doesn't look like anyone is gonna be hearing about the hearings anymore. Trump-backed Republicans took over the House.

Now let's get started on some REAL investigations!

Who first? Hunter and The Big Guy? FTX Billionaire and how money went from US to Ukraine to FTX back to dems??? Merrick (what a manly name!) misusing the FBI to raid a private citizen's home?

Oh goody, get ready for the show!
Will you be as accepting of ignoring congressional subpoenas?

get started early as lawyers are adept at "running out the clock" ;)
Not sure if ray can see this but when did congressional subpoenas mean anything? I have yet to see anyone under investigation lie, under oath, during congressional hearings arrested or sentenced for lying.

We could start with the Russian Hoax crew who lied, under subpoena and under oath, on live television about all the evidence they said they had just too sing like a canary in grand jury testimony about how they had nothing.

So which is worse? The political theater when unelected officials lie to the American people on television to further divide us or lying on a FISA warrant claiming the accusations have been verified as truth when they were not?

In both cases, it doesn’t matter because we have a two tier Justice system. Nothing will happen to Trump just like nothing will happen to Biden. The day the American people understand the rules, the day they just may wake up and realize that the government is corrupted and both parties are to blame.
Not sure if ray can see this but when did congressional subpoenas mean anything? I have yet to see anyone under investigation lie, under oath, during congressional hearings arrested or sentenced for lying.

We could start with the Russian Hoax crew who lied, under subpoena and under oath, on live television about all the evidence they said they had just too sing like a canary in grand jury testimony about how they had nothing.

So which is worse? The political theater when unelected officials lie to the American people on television to further divide us or lying on a FISA warrant claiming the accusations have been verified as truth when they were not?

In both cases, it doesn’t matter because we have a two tier Justice system. Nothing will happen to Trump just like nothing will happen to Biden. The day the American people understand the rules, the day they just may wake up and realize that the government is corrupted and both parties are to blame
Yes and that for all intents and purposes, we only have one party, not two.
Not sure if ray can see this but when did congressional subpoenas mean anything? I have yet to see anyone under investigation lie, under oath, during congressional hearings arrested or sentenced for lying.

We could start with the Russian Hoax crew who lied, under subpoena and under oath, on live television about all the evidence they said they had just too sing like a canary in grand jury testimony about how they had nothing.

So which is worse? The political theater when unelected officials lie to the American people on television to further divide us or lying on a FISA warrant claiming the accusations have been verified as truth when they were not?

In both cases, it doesn’t matter because we have a two tier Justice system. Nothing will happen to Trump just like nothing will happen to Biden. The day the American people understand the rules, the day they just may wake up and realize that the government is corrupted and both parties are to blame.
Actually we could start with that POS Eric Holder ignoring subpoenas. And to this day, he's still a POS.
Assuming the republicans actually take over the house, what happen with the 1/6 investigation BS? Can they just end it?
Assuming the republicans actually take over the house, what happen with the 1/6 investigation BS? Can they just end it?
You think the Speaker is going to schedule any more hearings after the new House begins? :D
On second thought, since it's committee driven...... a peek behind Nancy's curtain, the FBI, the Capitol police, and the Department of Defense? :oops:
Not sure if ray can see this but when did congressional subpoenas mean anything? I have yet to see anyone under investigation lie, under oath, during congressional hearings arrested or sentenced for lying.

Steve Bannon ring a bell? 🤣

We could start with the Russian Hoax crew who lied, under subpoena and under oath, on live television about all the evidence they said they had just too sing like a canary in grand jury testimony about how they had nothing.

The Russia investigation wasn't a Congressional subpoena...that was a DOJ criminal subpoena

And there were quite a few trump liars indicted & convicted for lying starting with Mike Flynn

So which is worse? The political theater when unelected officials lie to the American people on television to further divide us or lying on a FISA warrant claiming the accusations have been verified as truth when they were not?

Are you referring to Mike Flynn?

In both cases, it doesn’t matter because we have a two tier Justice system. Nothing will happen to Trump just like nothing will happen to Biden. The day the American people understand the rules, the day they just may wake up and realize that the government is corrupted and both parties are to blame.

Nice to see you admit that trump is lying
Steve Bannon ring a bell? 🤣

The Russia investigation wasn't a Congressional subpoena...that was a DOJ criminal subpoena

And there were quite a few trump liars indicted & convicted for lying starting with Mike Flynn

Are you referring to Mike Flynn?

Nice to see you admit that trump is lying
You say Steve Bannon, I’ll raise you Dr. Anthony Fauci

Michael Flynn case was the biggest crock of shit I’ve ever seen, you couldn’t have picked a worse answer.

On the record, just for you, Trump is a mob boss, adulterer and a liar. I’d still take him over any democrat in that party right now.

Can you condemn your party? Can you go on record right now and run off a list of subjects your party, it’s candidates and elected officials lie about everyday?

Mic is yours, you have the floor
You say Steve Bannon, I’ll raise you Dr. Anthony Fauci

Fauci has not responded to a Congressional subpoena?

Michael Flynn case was the biggest crock of shit I’ve ever seen, you couldn’t have picked a worse answer.

Flynn confessed he lied & plead guilty

On the record, just for you, Trump is a mob boss, adulterer and a liar. I’d still take him over any democrat in that party right now.

Good for you 🤣

Can you condemn your party? Can you go on record right now and run off a list of subjects your party, it’s candidates and elected officials lie about everyday?

Mic is yours, you have the floor

You mean after you defend people like Mike Flynn? 🤣

bill is irrational 👿
Fauci has not responded to a Congressional subpoena?

Flynn confessed he lied & plead guilty

Good for you 🤣

You mean after you defend people like Mike Flynn? 🤣

bill is irrational 👿
Stay on task Ray

I never said anything about showing up to congressional subpoenas.

Fauci lied about gain of function research.

It is not illegal for an incoming national security director to talk to foreign leaders during the transition of power when a new president is elected. Flynn had every right to take or make those calls. The discussion regarding softening Russian sanctions never happened which was the main reason for the FBI investigation. The FBI investigation into Flynn fueled what you low IQ people still think is true today, that Trump colluded with Russia. The hilarious part of the Russian Collusion lie is that there is nothing illegal about collusion. If there was a law regarding collusion, Biden would have been charged when he was VP and most likely prior to that.

Where Flynn screwed himself is going on record and adamantly stating that there were no conversations softening Russia sanctions with Russian leaders during the transition, to changing his story to he didn’t recall. It was a stupid move on Flynn’s part and a bullshit technicality the FBI used to prosecute.

Now, Biden has publicly denied any business dealings with Hunter, Ukraine or China. He also denied using Hunter to sell access to the White House. Ray, will you cry when Biden changes his story from an adamant “no” to a “I don’t recall” and the FBI charges him with the same bull shit technicality they prosecuted Flynn with? The answer is no and you’ll be a hypocrite, you’re fatal flaw that you have yet to realize about yourself.

Ray, i can criticize both parties. Your issue is you assume that because I don’t copy and paste internet articles going after the right, that I’m a… what was the word you used to classify Trump supporters?

Reading comprehension is not your friend as I’ve pointed out in multiple threads in the last two days so I won’t go into too much detail about where I stand politically but you can start with that I do not like the Republican Party as a whole and the Democrat Party is garbage from top to bottom.

I defend Michael Flynn, you support a man that had inappropriate showers with his daughter.
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Stay on task Ray

I never said anything about showing up to congressional subpoenas.

Fauci lied about gain of function research.

It is not illegal for an incoming national security director to talk to foreign leaders during the transition of power when a new president is elected. Flynn had every right to take or make those calls. The discussion regarding softening Russian sanctions never happened which was the main reason for the FBI investigation. The FBI investigation into Flynn fueled what you low IQ people still think is true today, that Trump colluded with Russia. The hilarious part of the Russian Collusion lie is that there is nothing illegal about collusion. If there was a law regarding collusion, Biden would have been charged when he was VP and most likely prior to that.

Where Flynn screwed himself is going on record and adamantly stating that there were no conversations softening Russia sanctions with Russian leaders during the transition, to changing his story to he didn’t recall. It was a stupid move on Flynn’s part and a bullshit technicality the FBI used to prosecute.

Now, Biden has publicly denied any business dealings with Hunter, Ukraine or China. He also denied using Hunter to sell access to the White House. Ray, will you cry when Biden changes his story from an adamant “no” to a “I don’t recall” and the FBI charges him with the same bull shit technicality they prosecuted Flynn with? The answer is no and you’ll be a hypocrite, you’re fatal flaw that you have yet to realize about yourself.

Ray, i can criticize both parties. Your issue is you assume that because I don’t copy and paste internet articles going after the right, that I’m a… what was the word you used to classify Trump supporters?

Reading comprehension is not your friend as I’ve pointed out in multiple threads in the last two days so I won’t go into too much detail about where I stand politically but you can start with that I do not like the Republican Party as a whole and the Democrat Party is garbage from top to bottom.

I defend Michael Flynn, you support a man that had inappropriate showers with his daughter.
Brutal! I like it. Trump needs to add you to the VP slot! Time to stop dillydallying around!
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Brutal! I like it. Trump needs to add you to the VP slot! Time to stop dillydallying around!
Lol, I couldn’t in good faith ask for the support of congressional republicans who are just as responsible for where we are today.

As far as our friend Ray or any other low IQ poster on this board, I can change my posting style and still get my point across or I can have fun toying with them all while watching emotional break downs or crying to mods/site owners about my blatant lack of caring or breaking of the rules. Meanwhile, they break the same rules they cry to the mods/site owners about.