Walls are closing in on DJT.... *All of Trump Charged threads have been merged - post here*

On the 87th attempt, have the dems FINALLY got Trump?

  • Total voters
Are these two statements true?

Kalim, EVERYONE knew that he was running again in 2024.

NO ONE believed that he wouldn't run in 2024.

If they are...and they both are, no comment is required.
I like how you are trying to bait me...but here you go.

There definitely were Republicans who thought there was a chance that Trump wouldn't run again. You guys call them RINOs.
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33k emails erased with bleach bit was merely a blip.

oops ...
No one has looked into hildabeast. Because the stuff that gets mentioned publicly that she did that's criminal (her server, uranium to RUS, Steele dossier and election interference) is peanuts compared to what she really did.

She would be executed if everyone knew everything she's done. And every American would demand it.
I never said we elected someone who understood basic civics. His threats were empty. Unfortunately, it's clear by their actions that your sides threats were not. I'd argue there's more differences than Trump's ignorance of separation of powers. Namely, your side is following through with political persecutions.

His threats were empty? LOL

I think you've forgotten how Barr got the job.
trump can fire Atty Generals until he finds one who will do his bidding

And that's EXACTLY what he did in hiring Barr....and your argument is trump couldn't be responsible for political prosecutions because he wasn't the Atty General himself?


trump had 4 AGs in 4 years and wanted a fifth but was blocked by the Justice Dept threatening to quit en masse just prior to Jan 6

Can you link me to where Barr (or any state prosecutors in any conservative jurisdiction), at Trump's direction, indicted a direct political opponent?

You're kidding right?
Look no futher than the case at hand

What do you call the Michael Cohen prosecution?

Because the head of SDNY claimed trump/Barr put their hands all over the prosecuton, shut down investigations, and walked away from prosecuting trump for political reasons.

As did the NY state AG. So both prosecutors have gone on record saying Barr at the request of trump bllocked the investigation & prosecution of trump

I mean you do admit trump is "Individual #1" right?

They not only screwed with Cohen's procsecution by taking it over themselves but they also tried to send him back to jail when he was released for house arrest due to COVID.

Cohen PROVED he was a target of political prosecution in court
A judge agreed Barr/trump retaliated against him for political reasons
Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen is a free man and vows to cooperate with law enforcement
By Kara Scannell, CNN
Updated 11:03 AM EST, Mon November 22, 2021

Cohen sued, alleging the Justice Department, under attorney general Barr, had retaliated against him because he was planning to write a tell-all book about Trump. A federal judge agreed and Cohen was released to home confinement in July 2020.

All of that wasn't "political"?
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This says it all
His threats were empty? LOL

I think you've forgotten how Barr got the job.
trump can fire Atty Generals until he finds one who will do his bidding

And that's EXACTLY what he did in hiring Barr....and your argument is trump couldn't be responsible for political prosecutions because he wasn't the Atty General himself?


trump had 4 AGs in 4 years and wanted a fifth but was blocked by the Justice Dept threatening to quit en masse just prior to Jan 6

You're kidding right?
Look no futher than the case at hand

What do you call the Michael Cohen prosecution?

Because the head of SDNY claimed trump/Barr put their hands all over the prosecuton, shut down investigations, and walked away from prosecuting trump for po;litical reasons.

As did the NY state AG. So both prosecutors have gone on record saying Barr at the request of trump bllocked the investigation & prosecution of trump

I mean you do admit trump is "Individual #1" right?

Do better ray ray
What? So you think Trump being forced to go to courthouse after courthouse and plead Not Guilty to nonexistent crimes is equal to him not being charged and getting to campaign as a free American?

Agree to disagree. Yes, some undecideds will be smart enough to see this is a farce and swing support to Trump, but there are just as many or more theo and goldmoms out there that just hate hate HATE how it looks that Trump is always on the news and they are always saying mean things about him!

No, hell no. But this is what will happen, they will continue to indict him and try to force him to spend all his time in court.

This will stop when they decide it's easier to just suspend the election.

How are they going to suspend the election?
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His threats were empty? LOL

I think you've forgotten how Barr got the job.
trump can fire Atty Generals until he finds one who will do his bidding

And that's EXACTLY what he did in hiring Barr....and your argument is trump couldn't be responsible for political prosecutions because he wasn't the Atty General himself?


trump had 4 AGs in 4 years and wanted a fifth but was blocked by the Justice Dept threatening to quit en masse just prior to Jan 6

You're kidding right?
Look no futher than the case at hand

What do you call the Michael Cohen prosecution?

Because the head of SDNY claimed trump/Barr put their hands all over the prosecuton, shut down investigations, and walked away from prosecuting trump for political reasons.

As did the NY state AG. So both prosecutors have gone on record saying Barr at the request of trump bllocked the investigation & prosecution of trump

I mean you do admit trump is "Individual #1" right?

They not only screwed with Cohen's procsecution by taking it over themselves but they also tried to send him back to jail when he was released for house arrest due to COVID.

Cohen PROVED he was a target of political prosecution in court
A judge agreed Barr/trump retaliated against him for political reasons
Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen is a free man and vows to cooperate with law enforcement
By Kara Scannell, CNN
Updated 11:03 AM EST, Mon November 22, 2021

Cohen sued, alleging the Justice Department, under attorney general Barr, had retaliated against him because he was planning to write a tell-all book about Trump. A federal judge agreed and Cohen was released to home confinement in July 2020.

All of that wasn't "political"?

What political office has Michael Cohen ran for or held?

I’ll ask the same question again and please spare us the rambling and links to articles about a convicted perjurer.

When did Barr (or any state prosecutors in any conservative jurisdiction), at Trump's direction, indict one of Trump’s direct political opponents for a crime?

Take a stab at the answer, and I’ll let you know if you get it right 😁
There does seem to be an awful lot of homosexual humor on this board. And virtually all of it comes from the cultural conservatives.
Calling most of the people on this board "conservatives" seems like a stretch. Most of these weirdos are straight up Qultists. Conservatives at least take positions I can debate. Most of what you get here is that the election was stolen and JFK Jr. is going to come back any day now like Jesus Christ to cleanse the land of all lefty evil.
There does seem to be an awful lot of homosexual humor on this board. And virtually all of it comes from the cultural conservatives.
I thought “your gay” flames went out in high school but apparently I was wrong. But you are correct, there are a few here that are really obsessed with the gays. It’s really weird. Reminds me of the big antiGay politicians that end up being outed.
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Something about the opposition party deciding to arrest their political opponents drove me to want to vent my frustrations about our current state of affairs. Lol
Meh. That’s politics today. It’s not like it just started. The “lock her up” chants were pretty prevalent in 2016.
What political office has Michael Cohen ran for or held?

I’ll ask the same question again and please spare us the rambling and links to articles about a convicted perjurer.

When did Barr (or any state prosecutors in any conservative jurisdiction), at Trump's direction, indict one of Trump’s direct political opponents for a crime?

Take a stab at the answer, and I’ll let you know if you get it right 😁
1. What makes you think Biden directed this. There is no evidence of such.
2. A crime is a crime.
Meh. That’s politics today. It’s not like it just started. The “lock her up” chants were pretty prevalent in 2016.
The chants were prevalent, but Hillary was never indicted once Trump was in office. Neither Trump (nor his people) ever indicted Biden, Kamala, or any other democrats running for a federal positions during an election cycle.

This move is purely political and it’s unprecedented.
1. What makes you think Biden directed this. There is no evidence of such.
2. A crime is a crime.
1. Bragg literally campaigned on indicting and convicting Trump of a crime. He is fulfilling a campaign promise that he made before he ever even began a criminal investigation of the man. They identified their criminal, and then began looking for the crime. That’s totally backwards.

2. What they’re alleging in this indictment isn’t a crime. And even if it were, it would be barred by the statute of limitations. It’s malicious and selective prosecution and if it was brought in any other jurisdiction the judge would have the DA sanctioned for this.
The chants were prevalent, but Hillary was never indicted once Trump was in office. Neither Trump (nor his people) ever indicted Biden, Kamala, or any other democrats running for a federal positions during an election cycle.

This move is purely political and it’s unprecedented.
And what exactly would they be indicted for? You realize it isn’t the Feds that indicted Trump, don’t you?

I have no doubt Hunter will be indicted for something. There’s a lot to choose from.
1. Bragg literally campaigned on indicting and convicting Trump of a crime. He is fulfilling a campaign promise that he made before he ever even began a criminal investigation of the man. They identified their criminal, and then began looking for the crime. That’s totally backwards.

2. What they’re alleging in this indictment isn’t a crime. And even if it were, it would be barred by the statute of limitations. It’s malicious and selective prosecution and if it was brought in any other jurisdiction the judge would have the DA sanctioned for this.
Well, the grand jury seems to disagree. Now I agree this appears to be a pretty picky violation of a law, but it’s not like it’s merit less.

And I’d like to see where Biden campaigned on indicting and convicting Trump, since it’s not like he has that power anyway.

Link please.
The chants were prevalent, but Hillary was never indicted once Trump was in office. Neither Trump (nor his people) ever indicted Biden, Kamala, or any other democrats running for a federal positions during an election cycle.

This move is purely political and it’s unprecedented.
@Uniformed_ReRe I thought you said Trump was a dictator? Why didn't he lock up his political opponents like the left is doing now?
What political office has Michael Cohen ran for or held?

I’ll ask the same question again and please spare us the rambling and links to articles about a convicted perjurer.

When did Barr (or any state prosecutors in any conservative jurisdiction), at Trump's direction, indict one of Trump’s direct political opponents for a crime?

Take a stab at the answer, and I’ll let you know if you get it right 😁

Who besides you thinks that s the only definition of political influence in the Justice Dept?

Is trump who was out office when Bragg was elected his "direct political opponent"?
Your own limited... ever changing definition of political prosecution doesn't even fit Alvin Bragg anymore 😂

When your "arguments" are simply FOS you end up posting non-sensical crap like this
Keep moving the goalposts... 🤣

What office was Hillary Clinton holding when trump & the entire GOP were screaming "Lock Her Up"?
Does that mean trump's attempts to prosecute her aren't political?

What was the appointment of John Durham as Special Counsel?
Did he indict and lose politically directed prosecutions related to the Russia investigation as part of Barr's DOJ?

Is it somehow not political because he didn't go after public officials?

What do call taking control of all presidential related prosecutions?

  • FEBRUARY 5, 2020
    Barr Gives Himself Control Over All Investigations of Political Candidates and Parties
    Type of Misconduct: Interfering with Impartial Prosecutions; Prioritizing Politics over Justice

    Barr announces a new policy rule requiring the FBI and all other parts of the Justice Department to notify and obtain written approval from Barr before undertaking an investigation into presidential or vice-presidential candidates. This effectively gives him veto authority over any potential future inquiry into Trump’s conduct. The policy also requires senior approval (such as from a division chief) in order to investigate Senate or House candidates or their campaigns, and even to open an inquiry related to illegal contributions by foreign nationals to campaigns. Barr defends the policy as a way to promote impartiality, stating, “we must investigate and prosecute those matters with sensitivity and care to ensure that the department’s actions do not unnecessarily advantage or disadvantage any candidate or political party.” Previous department policy had pursued the same goal without giving so much decision-making power exclusively to the attorney general.

What is interfering with the sentencing of a convicted political friend of trump?

  • FEBRUARY 10, 2020
    Prosecutors Submit Stone Sentencing Recommendations
    Label: DC U.S. Attorney's Office

    Justice Department attorneys—including members of the special counsel’s team and of the DC U.S. attorney’s office—recommend that Roger Stone be sentenced to seven to nine years in prison.

  • FEBRUARY 11, 2020
    Trump Attacks Stone Sentencing Recommendation
    Label: DC U.S. Attorney's Office

    In a 2:00 a.m. tweet, Trump blasts the sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone as a “a horrible and very unfair situation,” adding, “Cannot allow this miscarriage of justice!” The tweet provokes speculation that the president might plan to pardon Stone.

  • FEBRUARY 11, 2020
    Justice Department Abruptly Changes Stone Sentencing Recommendation
    Label: DC U.S. Attorney's Office

    Type of Misconduct: Interfering with Impartial Prosecutions; Undermining the Special Counsel; Prioritizing Politics over Justice

    Hours after the president’s tweet, the Justice Department submits a new memo to the U.S. District Court in Washington, undermining the recommendation its attorneys had submitted the day before. The new submission, signed only by newly installed interim U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Timothy Shea, offers no recommended sentence, but says that the recommendations the attorneys had submitted “could be considered excessive and unwarranted.” It is “virtually unprecedented” for the new sentencing recommendation to include no line attorneys, according to testimony one of the prosecutors in the case would later provide.

  • FEBRUARY 11, 2020
    All Prosecutors in Stone Case Resign
    Label: DC U.S. Attorney's Office

    Refusing to support what they view as a politically motivated action, all four of the line prosecutors in the Stone case—Aaron S.J. Zelinsky, Jonathan Kravis, Adam Jed, and Michael Marando—resign from the case in protest. Zelinsky and Kravis also resign from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia. Trump attacks the prosecutors on Twitter, and falsely describes the prosecution as “an investigation that was illegal.”

You not only have a ridiculous definition of political influence in the dispensing of justice which keeps changing because you're losing this argument

But that ridiculous definition has moved so much it no longer covers your own accusation of Alvin Bragg

trump was not holding ANY political office or position when Bragg became AG and he's never been a direct political opponent of Alvin Bragg either...unless trump ran for Manhattan AG also

Go back to the drawing board and try again with a new definition
And what exactly would they be indicted for?

This is exactly my point. I’m certain if Barr (or a conservative DA in a red state) decided to dig into members of the opposition party during the election cycle they’d be able to find some prominent democrats to indict for mislabeling documents, or something trivial, to get the headline that “Top Democrat X was Indicted for 34 Felonies”

That’s what Barr just did to Trump. He threw shit at the wall because he was motivated by his politics and wanted to see if it would stick.

You realize it isn’t the Feds that indicted Trump, don’t you?.
Of course. I had to give our pal Ray a lesson on the Supremacy clause earlier. I never said this was directed by Biden. I do have my suspicions that it was directed by the Democratic Party, and this was a goal of left wing prosecutors writ large. That’s not a controversial theory. They campaigned on the fact that they were going to pin a crime to Trump.
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This is exactly my point. I’m certain if Barr (or a conservative DA in a red state) decided to dig into members of the opposition party during the election cycle they’d be able to find some prominent democrats to indict for mislabeling documents, or something trivial, to get the headline that “Top Democrat X was Indicted for 34 Felonies”

It wasn't for the lack of trying by trump/Barr...

Have you forgotten this attempt?

U.S. quietly ends probe of Obama-era 'unmasking' of Trump allies - sources​

By Mark Hosenball, Sarah N. Lynch

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has ended its probe into whether Obama administration officials improperly “unmasked” associates of President Donald Trump mentioned in intelligence reports, two congressional sources said on Wednesday.
It found no wrongdoing, one of the sources said.

That’s what Barr just did to Trump. He threw shit at the wall because he was motivated by his politics and wanted to see if it would stick.

Of course. I had to give our pal Ray a lesson on the Supremacy clause earlier. I never said this was directed by Biden. I do have my suspicions that it was directed by the Democratic Party, and this was a goal of left wing prosecutors writ large. That’s not a controversial theory. They campaigned on the fact that they were going to pin a crime to Trump.

You got the Supremacy Clause wrong... 🤣

Bragg has intent of criminal violations of both state & federal election laws 😲
Supremacy clause is irrelevant in this case
Well, the grand jury seems to disagree. Now I agree this appears to be a pretty picky violation of a law, but it’s not like it’s merit less.

It’s totally meritless and it would have never been brought if the defendant’s name wasn’t Donald Trump. That’s my issue with this whole farce.

And I’d like to see where Biden campaigned on indicting and convicting Trump, since it’s not like he has that power anyway.

Link please.
I never said Biden campaigned on this. I said Bragg did. Our pal Ray and you seem to think Trump and his voters chanting “Lock Her Up” in 2016 is the same thing as Bragg promising and then fulfilling that promise to use his position to indict Trump.

The fundamental difference, as you acknowledge, is that that Trump (and Biden) don’t have the power to lock anybody up themselves. Bragg does. And he abused that power for political purposes in an unprecedented manner
This is exactly my point. I’m certain if Barr (or a conservative DA in a red state) decided to dig into members of the opposition party during the election cycle they’d be able to find some prominent democrats to indict for mislabeling documents, or something trivial, to get the headline that “Top Democrat X was Indicted for 34 Felonies”

That’s what Barr just did to Trump. He threw shit at the wall because he was motivated by his politics and wanted to see if it would stick.

Of course. I had to give our pal Ray a lesson on the Supremacy clause earlier. I never said this was directed by Biden. I do have my suspicions that it was directed by the Democratic Party, and this was a goal of left wing prosecutors writ large. That’s not a controversial theory. They campaigned on the fact that they were going to pin a crime to Trump.
That’s fair. I’m certainly not going to argue there isn’t a political motivation here, but he did break a law.

It’s like the Clinton impeachment, which was also unnecessary but has now resulted in calls for impeachment over every little thing.
It wasn't for the lack of trying by trump/Barr...

Have you forgotten this attempt?

Thank you for the link explaining why Barr and Trump never did what Bragg just did to Trump. It’s unprecedented.
You got the Supremacy Clause wrong... 🤣

Bragg has intent of criminal violations of both state & federal election laws 😲
Supremacy clause is irrelevant in this case

Oh boy. And this is where this debate ends
It’s totally meritless and it would have never been brought if the defendant’s name wasn’t Donald Trump. That’s my issue with this whole farce.

Well thanks for admitting your opinion is not based in fact

I never said Biden campaigned on this. I said Bragg did. Our pal Ray and you seem to think Trump and his voters chanting “Lock Her Up” in 2016 is the same thing as Bragg promising and then fulfilling that promise to use his position to indict Trump.

trump didn't promise it?
trump didn't attempt to make that promise a reality after becoming POTUS?

Your position is its somehow differnt that trump is an incompetant so that makes him "innocent"

Do you remember your offer to define the word "intent"?

You may go ahead now and provide it since it was trump's CLEAR intent to prosecute Hillary Clinton

The fundamental difference, as you acknowledge, is that that Trump (and Biden) don’t have the power to lock anybody up themselves. Bragg does. And he abused that power for political purposes in an unprecedented manner

trump had the ability to hire a complete hack to do whatever he wanted as AG...and he did 🤣

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