Wake Up!


Ring of Honor
Mar 29, 2002
No controversies? No raging issues?

Geez. OK, I'll attempt to revive y'all.

Does it seem to any of you that the pace of destruction of this country is picking up? It's becoming an avalanche, and I don't think it's unreasonable to trace it back to one event that forever changed this country - and since we were the big guy at the top of the hill, the rest of the world along with it. That is the election of a community organizer who has never, was never, will never, can't ever, lead, or be a leader.

The intentional flood of unaccompanied children at the border -
The collapse of all pretense of a stable government in Iraq -
The ongoing scandal du jour - take your pick - Bergdahl for five stone killers as the latest
The VA
The complete failure of a foreign policy
The executive orders skirting the rule of law
The pace is accelerating.
The destruction starts with the nuts & bolts of what should help a nation remain or become Our education system is failing and we're failing it. We allow way too many people to graduate when they can't write standard english and have dumbed down the overall quality of education so that anyone can "pass". Also, the students as a whole aren't taking their education seriously and don't want to work hard any longer.

Thus, you end up with people with fewer skills, less knowledge and who eventually (as many have found out and will find out) have a lower demand in the global market for their efforts.

Education, education, education. The whole thing needs a massive overhaul from the inside/(out).
TOO quiet? Goldie...the Lounge is dying. Last post here before yours today was 7 days ago. Too bad. Some funny stuff used to go on here.
It was a great forum with contrasting views and lively debate...

As to Wake Up- Yes, the King has no Clothes...but he is splendily adorned.
Read the weather underground manifesto from the 60's.

They were domestic terrorists then and are now in positions of power. Bill Ayers ring a bell? The "professor" at whose house Obama kicked off his election campaign eight years ago? We are now admitting MS13 gang members into the country as part of this wave of "children" that are coming across our southern border. They're being bussed to sanctuary cities throughout the country. How's that workin' out for ya..?

It's almost surreal how asleep the American public is. Then again if the Kardashians, Snookie and Beyonce can trump intelligent discourse on these subjects, then that should also tell you where the populous is. Most people can't even name the VP.

Reminds me of that line from a movie: "Fat, stupid and unemployed is no way to go through life, son..."
The parade of useful fools has been nurtured, expanded, and now controlled.

And those who post leftist positions that they've picked up on "progressive" talking points websites think they're clever.
Not by half. They may just be the last ones killed and eaten, but if they think that they'll be part of the inner elite once the destruction and takeover of this country is complete, they'll be of no further use.
Does giving back Iraq count? I mean all those years of wasted lives, effort, and billions have to count for something right? And of course our fearless, err clueless leader is just fine with all that. With all the access to oil, and now a full fledged terrorist state in the making, what me worry...sigh what a fricking travesty
I've never understood what the "end result" is for these folks like PBO/Bill Ayers?

They think the US is evil so they want to take it down a notch...humble it in the eyes of the world.

Do they want it destroyed? Taken over by another country? Transformed into another country? A dictatorship? What?

What is their gain in any of this? Obviously PBO will be rich enough after he leaves office to do/live wherever he wants...none of his destructive actions will ever hit him in the pocket book like it will/is the rest of us.
Originally posted by 93nole99:

TOO quiet? Goldie...the Lounge is dying. Last post here before yours today was 7 days ago. Too bad. Some funny stuff used to go on here.
I wondering about the funeral arrangements.....

Originally posted by goldmom:

No controversies? No raging issues?

Geez. OK, I'll attempt to revive y'all.

Does it seem to any of you that the pace of destruction of this country is picking up? It's becoming an avalanche, and I don't think it's unreasonable to trace it back to one event that forever changed this country - and since we were the big guy at the top of the hill, the rest of the world along with it. That is the election of a community organizer who has never, was never, will never, can't ever, lead, or be a leader.

The intentional flood of unaccompanied children at the border -
The collapse of all pretense of a stable government in Iraq -
The ongoing scandal du jour - take your pick - Bergdahl for five stone killers as the latest
The VA
The complete failure of a foreign policy
The executive orders skirting the rule of law
The pace is accelerating.

I can only speak for myself, but i suspect that the sentiment may be pervasive.

I have curtailed my postings because all the items you have mentioned were discussed and even fiercly debated ad nauseum years ago. Although, some of the events listed hadn't happened then, it was obvious to myself and many that this administration is and would be an absolute trainwreck.

I, for one, have tried to present facts and predict back then how this would end. It's to no avail. I don't recognize my country anymore. When we have vets dying from lack of care and the administration is focusing on providing health and welfare to illegals and no one says a peep, then it is a manifestation of the cancer of apathy. Our way of life is being steamrolled and no one says a peep. To the contrary, the ones that are trying their best to change things and make a difference are being ridiculed and isolated in true Alinsky fashion.

I present to you the Tytler cycle. We have "graduated" from apathy and are now a dependent nation. Guess what's next...?

"From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage."

Thad Corchoran just stole an election from a tea party guy in MS. Where's the outrage?

Everything's fine as long a I get my check...
Originally posted by 93nole99:

TOO quiet? Goldie...the Lounge is dying. Last post here before yours today was 7 days ago. Too bad. Some funny stuff used to go on here.
Indeed it did

wonder what changed?
Originally posted by SwamiG8R:
Originally posted by 93nole99:

TOO quiet? Goldie...the Lounge is dying. Last post here before yours today was 7 days ago. Too bad. Some funny stuff used to go on here.
Indeed it did

wonder what changed?
All the women left.
I think it was illuminati leaving that did it.

I was wondering if anyone was going to comment about Aaron Murray on the bachelorette.
Originally posted by goldmom:

No controversies? No raging issues?

Geez. OK, I'll attempt to revive y'all.

Does it seem to any of you that the pace of destruction of this country is picking up? It's becoming an avalanche, and I don't think it's unreasonable to trace it back to one event that forever changed this country - and since we were the big guy at the top of the hill, the rest of the world along with it. That is the election of a community organizer who has never, was never, will never, can't ever, lead, or be a leader.

The intentional flood of unaccompanied children at the border -
The collapse of all pretense of a stable government in Iraq -
The ongoing scandal du jour - take your pick - Bergdahl for five stone killers as the latest
The VA
The complete failure of a foreign policy
The executive orders skirting the rule of law
The pace is accelerating.
Most critical thinkers have thrown in the towel. The leftists have succeeding in buying the vote with free stuff. That trend reached critical mass around 2008, the dutch boy ran out of fingers to plug the dike. The current administration is hell bent to add illegals to their voter roles to ensure common sense won't reign anytime soon. I think people have just given up.
What were you expecting?

1) Globalization, which weakened the overall American economy and leveled the playing field in a hurry
2) The American work-ethic isn't what it was.
3) The education system, the backbone for what should create competitive advantage in terms of skills and knowledge is failing
4) Students not taking their education seriously
5) A shrinking number of Americans being able to afford a quality education
6) Rising cost of living and flat salaries/wages (see #1 as a direct cause)
7) Supply of labor > demand for it
8) Too many children being brought up in broken homes and not learning the "basic" rules of life.

So again, what do you expect from either party?
Originally posted by sg0508:

What were you expecting?

1) Globalization, which weakened the overall American economy and leveled the playing field in a hurry
2) The American work-ethic isn't what it was.
3) The education system, the backbone for what should create competitive advantage in terms of skills and knowledge is failing
4) Students not taking their education seriously
5) A shrinking number of Americans being able to afford a quality education
6) Rising cost of living and flat salaries/wages (see #1 as a direct cause)
7) Supply of labor > demand for it
8) Too many children being brought up in broken homes and not learning the "basic" rules of life.

So again, what do you expect from either party?
Sure, there's blame to spread around.

But there is one political party in particular whose members tend to impact:

#2 - by perpetuating grievances against the "racist, sexist, bigoted" American society that needs to "check it's privilege." No, it's not your fault......some white guy is keeping you down by being......white.....and male.

#3 - and the unions that represent that system fund the political campaigns of members of said political party that attempts to maintain the status quo. Most recent example perhaps De Blasio and NY charter schools.

#5 - colleges and universities are incubators of liberal orthodoxy and the cost of education has ballooned in spite of all the attempts to make higher education "more affordable". How has the size of admin staffs changed over the last 30-40 years? But those admins and profs sure don't mind getting their compensation from students or families taking out ever larger loans to foot the bill.

#7 - DREAM Act.....sanctuary cities....."comprehensive immigration reform". Yeah, assuming there is a greater supply of labor than demand for it, why is one political party in particular looking to bestow citizenship on tens of millions of illegal immigrants?

#8 - thank you Great Society and every other social safety net program that attempted to replace fathers with a government check. The political left has long hated, mocked, and ridiculed the "nuclear family" and everything it represents (patriarchal society, oppression of women, etc.). Here we are decades latter and with skyrocketing out-of-wedlock birth rates in multiple demographics we have the makings of a permanent underclass.
Originally posted by Rushie:

Originally posted by sg0508:

What were you expecting?

1) Globalization, which weakened the overall American economy and leveled the playing field in a hurry
2) The American work-ethic isn't what it was.
3) The education system, the backbone for what should create competitive advantage in terms of skills and knowledge is failing
4) Students not taking their education seriously
5) A shrinking number of Americans being able to afford a quality education
6) Rising cost of living and flat salaries/wages (see #1 as a direct cause)
7) Supply of labor > demand for it
8) Too many children being brought up in broken homes and not learning the "basic" rules of life.

So again, what do you expect from either party?
Sure, there's blame to spread around.

But there is one political party in particular whose members tend to impact:

#2 - by perpetuating grievances against the "racist, sexist, bigoted" American society that needs to "check it's privilege." No, it's not your fault......some white guy is keeping you down by being......white.....and male.

#3 - and the unions that represent that system fund the political campaigns of members of said political party that attempts to maintain the status quo. Most recent example perhaps De Blasio and NY charter schools.

#5 - colleges and universities are incubators of liberal orthodoxy and the cost of education has ballooned in spite of all the attempts to make higher education "more affordable". How has the size of admin staffs changed over the last 30-40 years? But those admins and profs sure don't mind getting their compensation from students or families taking out ever larger loans to foot the bill.

#7 - DREAM Act.....sanctuary cities....."comprehensive immigration reform". Yeah, assuming there is a greater supply of labor than demand for it, why is one political party in particular looking to bestow citizenship on tens of millions of illegal immigrants?

#8 - thank you Great Society and every other social safety net program that attempted to replace fathers with a government check. The political left has long hated, mocked, and ridiculed the "nuclear family" and everything it represents (patriarchal society, oppression of women, etc.). Here we are decades latter and with skyrocketing out-of-wedlock birth rates in multiple demographics we have the makings of a permanent underclass.
I would cut out the "liberal this", "liberal that" nonsense. You want to define what "liberal" vs "conservative" means? Go for it. You have the endless struggle of having people in charge with an enormous stake. Do you (at work) and they (in Washington and locally) make policy to benefit themselves first at the expense of society and thy neighbor, or do they do what is best for the most? 99.9% Americans don't do the latter and that's the biggest issue. We do what's best for our "short-term" interests, regardless of the detriments they create long-term.

As for #8, what can you do about it, except throw people in jail left and right for not "wrapping it". Of course, many don't understand that since they don't have an education. Oh yeah. You'll be taking care of these brainiacs once they're behind bars. Either way, you're taking care of them until they die. Of course, when you have a growing percentage of children growing up in families that let's face it, have no business having any children (because financially, they can't really afford it), you have a growing population of "society deadweight" that has no chance to live an average life. Vicious cycle that "politically", can't and won't be fixed since nobody is going to want to take the fall for it.
If you choose to simply write off as "nonsense" the ideology behind government policy and the influencing societal norms, I don't know what to tell you. But there is no question that the breakdown of the traditional family structure has had tremendous adverse consequences, particularly for black Americans. Without a cohesive family structure to fall back on, where can you turn for help? The government. To whom you are dependent, you are beholden.

There has been poverty and strife in this country since it's founding, but I don't recall rioting in the streets and mass incarcerations during FDR's administration. Why is that?
The educational system has been on a rapid decline since before 'big George' Bush took office. Very good post though, sg0508...
Swapping prisoners for McCain was okay, though...right?

Iraq has been unstable for 2000's a shame that Bush-Cheney knew so little about them or their culture. The Sunni and a sunni-type sharia law and the Shia want a sunni-type sharia law. SH hated OBL and he damn well kept Iran in their place, too....I remember ultra resports of how poor conditions were and delayed treatment of vets at most of the large veterans hospitals in the nation, under Bush...speaking of vets, why have the CONS in Congress decided against jobs bill after jobs bill and even jobs bills for vets?
Complete failure in foreign policy...sorry pow, you obviously have never been in are clueless...
Vanhoop here is a negative and bitter person who thinks he is better than everybody because he (in theory) served.

In reality, he's a pissant. I bet he's the kind of guy that threatens to beat somebody up because they disagree with him.

Originally posted by badselectioncommittee:
What happened to BONG and Ghost?
It's like Brokeback Mountain, but a lot less romantic. (just kidding, gents)

This post was edited on 7/30 11:40 AM by BringBackBonner
Originally posted by Havent been on here for a while. What happened to BONG and Ghost?
Both banned.

Both refuse to ask for reinstatement.

Both are happier.
That's a shame. I enjoyed arguing with them. You need extremists to make this Board work.

Who wants to debate. How bout those Palestinians/Israelis?
Originally posted by GatorGray:

Originally posted by SwamiG8R:

Originally posted by 93nole99:

TOO quiet? Goldie...the Lounge is dying. Last post here before yours today was 7 days ago. Too bad. Some funny stuff used to go on here.
Indeed it did

wonder what changed?
All the women left.
Not just that...the discussion wasn't always political...which it seems to have become.
Everyone dogs the educational system without taking into account all the factors that have changed it in the last 50 years.