The Ghost of Grier is set to materialize...

why? Because they didn't earn merit badges and had deducted demerits for being cool in life?

Doug Johnson sucked and was stupid like driskel with a wasted cannon and athletic ability, but he was still worlds better than Jeff and did way more.. But how could anyone, especially ANY Gator fan not love Rex the "dragon launcher" "**** it im going deep club" Grossman?
why? Because they didn't earn merit badges and had deducted demerits for being cool in life?

Doug Johnson sucked and was stupid like driskel with a wasted cannon and athletic ability, but he was still worlds better than Jeff and did way more.. But how could anyone, especially ANY Gator fan not love Rex the "dragon launcher" "**** it im going deep club" Grossman?

The Tyrannosaurus was all-time classic.
The difference in what each of us values in a Gator student-athlete and as a leader is obvious to anyone with a brain. o_O

I'm perfectly happy with that well demonstrated difference, and it was not a surprise for me. You are, who and what you are... :cool:
You see the GROSS-boy as your hero, while I see him as a Gator embarrassment. I thought that Spurrier should have thrown him off the team for many of his actions while in Gainesville.

BTW, do you notice that when former players return to UF to visit SOS, that the GROSS-boy is NEVER one of them? Wonder why that is??? o_O

Those that chose your way of seeing and doing things are,,,,
oh never mind... :rolleyes:
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well ill take 100 more guys like him, and we haven't won any big football games in almost a decade because of them missing..

And just where can YOU take them or anyone else? Out to the privy maybe, for a smelly dose of your latest wizz-dumb? :rolleyes:

Plus you really should add an (imo) behind your more idiot claims and statements. You really should go post on the red-turds board with your usual chit about the Gators. At least there it would be appreciated by those with like minds. But of course, that's JMOHO...:cool:
The difference in what each of us values in a Gator student-athlete and as a leader is obvious to anyone with a brain. o_O

I'm perfectly happy with that well demonstrated difference, and it was not a surprise for me. You are, who and what you are... :cool:
You see the GROSS-boy as your hero, while I see him as a Gator embarrassment. I thought that Spurrier should have thrown him off the team for many of his actions while in Gainesville.

BTW, do you notice that when former players return to UF to visit SOS, that the GROSS-boy is NEVER one of them? Wonder why that is??? o_O

Those that chose your way of seeing and doing things are,,,,
oh never mind... :rolleyes:
sadgator...note to self....stay away from Insta at all parties and fun events...
Note to sad about parties. While you're so dumb that you picked one that usually won't, I've already had 40+ years of one that was nearly always happy and willing. :p

That might be why your 'thinking' is all clogged up, or backed up, or whatever... :rolleyes:

Note to sad about parties. While you're so dumb that you picked one that usually won't, I've already had 40+ years of one that was nearly always happy and willing. :p

That might be why your 'thinking' is all clogged up, or backed up, or whatever... :rolleyes:


This post is disgusting on a number of levels.
The snortin' GROSS-boy and the beer-hoser Douggie-J were two of my least favorite Gator QB's in history. They were the other (chitty) side of the Wuerffel/Tebow coin imo, but that's just me. :cool:

I can see how those that value other things would be in love with the 1st two... :rolleyes:

If only we could all live the pious life you live. You know the one where someone who is damn near 70 hangs out on a message board and lies, insults people, and picks fights. Damn Johnson and Grossman should live a fulfilling life like that one. You're an old, miserable loser.
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There's nothing wrong with him. He's just a POS. And deserves to be treated as such on this board.
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More absolute proof of psychic powers. Michi claims TO KNOW exactly what Mc or Nuss sees and thinks about everything, and so he has the right to condemn him/them for his/their stupid actions. o_O

One day people will wake up and then bow down to Michi as the 'know-it-all' that he is sure to become famous for being....:rolleyes:

I don't claim to know exactly what all happened or what the problems were behind Greir but he looked to be clearly the best quarterback we've had on the field since Tebow. I just don't see how you let that guy get out the door. You tell him whatever you got to just like they do when they recruit these players from high school. If Percy Harvin' s crazy was was handled that way we would have missed out on one of the most explosive players to ever hit Florida field.
I don't claim to know exactly what all happened or what the problems were behind Greir but he looked to be clearly the best quarterback we've had on the field since Tebow. I just don't see how you let that guy get out the door. You tell him whatever you got to just like they do when they recruit these players from high school. If Percy Harvin' s crazy was was handled that way we would have missed out on one of the most explosive players to ever hit Florida field.
He is a great example. Meyer clearly had two sets of standards regarding acceptable player behavior. One for elite athletes and another one from everyone else.
He is a great example. Meyer clearly had two sets of standards regarding acceptable player behavior. One for elite athletes and another one from everyone else.
As it should be. Some guys are a Difference Maker and you got to put up with a certain amount of crap out of them. I think Grier certainly have that potential. He's going to kill it at WV. Coaching certainly is one part of it but if you don't have the game changers then you're not going to be elite. You got to have a guy that can deliver the ball accurately and on time.
you are here picking fights with... everyone, at the same time.. Im not even mad im impressed

iv'e never met a Gator fan that doesn't gush when you bring up the name Rex, until now... yet likes the preferred walk on eagle scout over everyone, makes zero sense here... i never attack anyone on here, if you are coming after me, then you really have it out for everyone...
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you are here picking fights with... everyone, at the same time.. Im not even mad im impressed

iv'e never met a Gator fan that doesn't gush when you bring up the name Rex, until now... yet likes the preferred walk on eagle scout over everyone, makes zero sense here... i never attack anyone on here, if you are coming after me, then you really have it out for everyone...

After years of dealing with Insta, I pretty much expect anything.

I was truly shocked when he went on that diatribe about Rex.

No joke.

If only we could all live the pious life you live. You know the one where someone who is damn near 70 hangs out on a message board and lies, insults people, and picks fights. Damn Johnson and Grossman should live a fulfilling life like that one. You're an old, miserable loser.

In your world, there are only 2. The burnt nosed coke-heads, and the totally pious. You really aren't any more deep or complicated that that I'm betting.... :rolleyes:

LMAO at exactly how clueless you are.
The LOSERS don't live long enough to get old, moe-ron... :cool:

And to demonstrate your own loser-ness, I was out doing stuff when I was young and full of piss & vinegar. Now that I'm old and heading for the dirt-nap, this is about what's left for me. Rubbing the snotty noses of young loser like you into your wet floor loser-ness. Young losers that are wasting their youth in their mommies basement, attempting to talk chit to their betters from behind a screen.... o_O

Only good for a cheap laugh or two, but what tha-hey... :cool:
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I don't really recall rex ever getting into trouble, besides stealing opposing teams DB's hearts and their girlfriends...
Jesus man...there is something disturbingly wrong with you.

This from a total loser that ain't married cause of his total loserness, and will have some real man raising his child. Dunny-goater comes through yet again... :rolleyes:

There once was a goater named dunny,
who was always trying to be funny.
But with his head up his butt,
and a load of beer in his gutt,
when it came to the girls he got nunny...
I can see insta typing with his index fingers and with his glasses tilted downward
'Loserness.' Pretty much the kind of intelligence we've come to expect from the resident alien.
Rex has hosted charity golf events that have raised over $100,000 for boys and girls club of america.

Clearly, he (and any of his fan supporters) have no "values."

GTFO here with that sh!t.

sad, fits you like a glove... o_O

Yeah, and AH was a great guy when it suited him, and he was a great Gator student/ATHLETE to boot, so he needs a statue out front with those other 3 I'm sure....

Flexible morals - Flexible standards - and a sliding scale on what good and acceptable are. But still, some old fools will still claim that the younger generations are not living up to the,,,, oh never mind. :rolleyes:

To Hell in a Hand-basket is now the goal to work for (make that snivel and cry for), cause work is also going out of style. :oops:
I won't mind going on to better things, seeing where your type are taking this country. And I'm betting that most of you twits are very butt-hurt that Hillbillery got shown the disgusting losers door... :p
sad, fits you like a glove... o_O

Yeah, and AH was a great guy when it suited him, and he was a great Gator student/ATHLETE to boot, so he needs a statue out front with those other 3 I'm sure....

Flexible morals - Flexible standards - and a sliding scale on what good and acceptable are. But still, some old fools will still claim that the younger generations are not living up to the,,,, oh never mind. :rolleyes:

To Hell in a Hand-basket is now the goal to work for (make that snivel and cry for), cause work is also going out of style. :oops:
I won't mind going on to better things, seeing where your type are taking this country. And I'm betting that most of you twits are very butt-hurt that Hillbillery got shown the disgusting losers door... :p

Lmfao... you post some of the most insane shit in the world. You litterally can't get along with anyone on this board. You talk as if you're some hierarchy. Everyone isn't so dumb and you're not that smart Insta.
Lmfao... you post some of the most insane shit in the world. You litterally can't get along with anyone on this board. You talk as if you're some hierarchy. Everyone isn't so dumb and you're not that smart Insta.

And thank you for your own well thought out 'idiot-opinions' on everything that I've ever done, said, or thought, about everything.


What makes any of you idiots believe that I'm coming here to make friends with you, or to go along to get along, or that I G-a-S what you claim to think about me or my opinions? I can't think of a single thing that I've EVER done to make any of you dweebs go in that directions, but as directionless as most of you seem to be, I guess it's not all that surprising after all...
is this like one of the "bad days" the guy from green mile was talking about?
After years of dealing with Insta, I pretty much expect anything.

I was truly shocked when he went on that diatribe about Rex.

No joke.


If I am not mistaken, there have been 12 quarterbacks who played for Florida that were drafted by the NFL.

Out of all of them, only one ever made it to a Super Bowl

Rex Grossman

( he lost to Peyton Manning, someone that Instatater REALLY has the red-ass for. He still thinks Denver made the biggest mistake in NFL history for releasing Tebow and signing Manning to be their Q/B)

Manning wasn't the dumbass that kept the best RB in the nation - Jamal Lewis on the bench against Florida in 1997. That was the Philopotamus. Lewis was a Freshman( who broke Herschel Walker's rushing records in Ga. High School.) But Phil thought that playing in such a hostile environment might be toooooo much for him. He had over 1300 yards against the rest of the opponents that year sharing rushing with 3 other RBs. But the Philopotamus was afraid that he might miss his blocking assignments and routes on pass plays.. That was his excuse. The Idiot).

I do admit shock that the Instaloon spewed such venom for Grossman.
Well Fulmer got it back from having Travis Stephens save his ass in the same stadium four years later
This Vol hates Phil Fulmer. Even in years where he was very successful. One wonders what he thinks of the coaches just before and just after Phil?
someone coached before him? I just thought he was the coach while he was playing there too
Moon-roid pettie-pie, the 0-4 rubber-dollie QB that never beat UF.
The dollie QB that set a new NFL Rookie record for Ints with 27 if memory serves me.
The loser chump that went 3-13 in his first 16 NFL starts, even with the silver-spoon stuck up his prima-dona butt.
The same QB that lost to Danny Wuerffel and the pitiful N.O. Aints.

BTW, Tebow was 4-0 vs the rubber dollies.
And his UF and SEC QB records put moon-roid to shame.

While all Tebow did was go 9-7 in his first 16 NFL starts, for a team that was 4-14 with a 7-8 year NFL Vet QB (Orton).
A QB that had the HC/OC that drafted him fired by St. John El' Dim-way, and sat out his 1st off-season during a players strike.
A QB that has the best QBR in his 2nd preseason (104), only to be put behind the 2 other QB's after liar El' Dim-way claimed that it would be a fair competition for the starting job.

The same El' Dim-way that traded away their top 2 WR's (Lloyd and Gaffney) before dumping Tebow in as the starter after his 8th year QB started the season 1-4 and the fans were looking for a hangman's rope.

All that Tebow did was lead them to the Playoffs for the 1st time in years, and then beat the NFL's #1 Defense (Steelers) while setting multiple NFL Playoff passing records.

Tebow won a Bronco Playoff game in just his 15th NFL start, with a chit team and a clueless fired Fox running the offense.

El'-Dim-way then brought in the 100 Million Dollar Man, Peyton, rebuilt the team around him to give him every advantage, and it still took that chump 33 games before he finally won a Bronco playoff game. Then it took him years more to finally get the nags a SB win. Horseface El' Dim-way had to bring in 30+ new players to get done, what Tebow had done with a bunch of scrubs. Backups and rookie WR's, and a backup RB cause No-show Moreno was injured out.

Peyton was 3-13 with 27 Ints and a loss to Wuerffel's Aint's.
Tebow was 9-7 with 32 TD's to 17 Ints and a Playoff win with scrubs. Plus he ran for 1,000+ yards.

While you're still the bloomin' idiot that we've come to know and despise... o_O
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