So, with this dustup at F$U and Bernie's ass gone


Bull Gator
Nov 18, 2006
Jacksonkill, florida
You think they will re-visit on campus concealed carry? They've already ruled that it's ok to have a gun in your car, and they had a bill for concealed carry that never got anywhere in 2012.
Originally posted by EvilWayz:
You think they will re-visit on campus concealed carry? They've already ruled that it's ok to have a gun in your car, and they had a bill for concealed carry that never got anywhere in 2012.
When I was in under-grad I lived in a frat house where guns out-numbered people three-fold at least. Ton of hunters in Tally. Had a lot of prey... deer, hog, turkey, dove, quail, duck(for the insane). Most guys (meaning the hunters) had guns for anything. That includes protection. We re-loaded shot gun shells in the living room. It was a University owned house on campus the frat leased from the school. We didn't even consider whether we were violating campus rules on guns. It wasn't a secret either. The cops would periodically come by if someone complained about us mutilating animals on the porch (dressing a deer). Would never happen now. Guns are now evil..

Concealed carry is of course a different discussion. Short answer: I hope concealed carry is re-visited.
Originally posted by badselectioncommittee:
Nothing like a tragedy to bring the gun nuts out in full force.
I was told the gun manufacturers lobby and its puppet organization, the NRA, send out global text messages when they need 'grassroots' support.
F$S President was a leader in getting campus carry defeated....irony be thy name.
Originally posted by badselectioncommittee:
Nothing like a tragedy to bring the gun nuts out in full force.
If two guys with shotguns walk into the restaurant you're eatin at, who you want to be eating with, me and DJ or Shannon Watts and Mike Bloomberg?
Better to be a willing victim wolf, dontcha know?

I have a good bit of optimism with the current campus carry bill....the less gun free zones there are, the safer us good guys are.
Originally posted by 93nole99:

Originally posted by EvilWayz:
You think they will re-visit on campus concealed carry? They've already ruled that it's ok to have a gun in your car, and they had a bill for concealed carry that never got anywhere in 2012.
When I was in under-grad I lived in a frat house where guns out-numbered people three-fold at least. Ton of hunters in Tally. Had a lot of prey... deer, hog, turkey, dove, quail, duck(for the insane). Most guys (meaning the hunters) had guns for anything. That includes protection. We re-loaded shot gun shells in the living room. It was a University owned house on campus the frat leased from the school. We didn't even consider whether we were violating campus rules on guns. It wasn't a secret either. The cops would periodically come by if someone complained about us mutilating animals on the porch (dressing a deer). Would never happen now. Guns are now evil..

Concealed carry is of course a different discussion. Short answer: I hope concealed carry is re-visited.
Hmm. Were you in the valley or off Tennessee?
Originally posted by badselectioncommittee:
Nothing like a tragedy to bring the gun nuts out in full force.
Because gun control fascists would never use a tragedy in an attempt to further their agenda.
Originally posted by Rushie:
Originally posted by badselectioncommittee:
Nothing like a tragedy to bring the gun nuts out in full force.
Because gun control fascists would never use a tragedy in an attempt to further their agenda.
Within about 5 minutes of Gabby Giffords shooting they were blaming Sarah Palin for it on MSNBC, and before the bodies were counted at Sandy Hook they were rolling out the anti-gun bills in legislatures across the country.
Meh, even a redneck campus like Auburn doesn't allow carry on campus anymore.

I think it has more to do with insurance and liability more than anything
If two guys with shotguns walk into the restaurant you're eatin at, who you want to be eating with, me and DJ or Shannon Watts and Mike Bloomberg?

Tough call. Very unlikely to happen but I would probably say Shannon Watts (whoever that is) and Mike Bloomberg. The last thing I would want to do it be sitting at a table with some yahoo that thinks the best course of action is to get into a shootout with a couple of thugs. I'll take the safe route and just hand over my wallet. Plus, while you seem like a decent guy i doubt you would ever catch me having lunch with DJE.
Tough call. Very unlikely to happen but I would probably say Shannon Watts (whoever that is) and Mike Bloomberg. The last thing I would want to do it be sitting at a table with some yahoo that thinks the best course of action is to get into a shootout with a couple of thugs. I'll take the safe route and just hand over my wallet. Plus, while you seem like a decent guy i doubt you would ever catch me having lunch with DJE.

Shannon Watts is the leader of that ridiculous Mom's Demand Action group.
You're assuming they are armed robbers. What if they are two lunatics that want to be famous? I'm former military/law enforcement and DJE prolly goes to the range once a week. It has been shown in FBI studies that when active shooters come across armed resistance they haul ass or commit suicide. Between the two of us we might be able to save some lives, instead of being part of the body count when 20 minutes later the cavalry arrives.

p.s. DJ is a good guy. He just drinks really slow.
Shannon Watts is the leader of that ridiculous Mom's Demand Action group.
You're assuming they are armed robbers. What if they are two lunatics that want to be famous? I'm former military/law enforcement and DJE prolly goes to the range once a week. It has been shown in FBI studies that when active shooters come across armed resistance they haul ass or commit suicide. Between the two of us we might be able to save some lives, instead of being part of the body count when 20 minutes later the cavalry arrives.

p.s. DJ is a good guy. He just drinks really slow.

I'm good with your types, ex military or law enforcemnt but I don't trust the gun range guys who have never faced an armed enemy.

Sorry, I don't live my life worrying about crazies blowing stuff up. Sure it happens from time to time but the odds are so low they are not even worth discussing. I also don't worry about plane travel even though they get hijacked and/or crash from time to time.

Even badass Jules Winnfield decided it was best to just hand over the money.
Eh well I don't live my life worrying about fires, but I still got an extinguisher in the house. YMMV.
Exactly. I don't worry about getting in a car accident, but I always buckle up.
I'm good with your types, ex military or law enforcemnt but I don't trust the gun range guys who have never faced an armed enemy.

Sorry, I don't live my life worrying about crazies blowing stuff up. Sure it happens from time to time but the odds are so low they are not even worth discussing. I also don't worry about plane travel even though they get hijacked and/or crash from time to time.

Even badass Jules Winnfield decided it was best to just hand over the money.
And how often do we hear about these "gun range guys" being involved in shootouts in public places?

This has been one of the more relied upon strawman arguments anywhere concealed carry has been proposed or sought to be expanded.....we'll have carnage in the streets....we'll turn into "the wild west".....has yet to materialize. Oh don't misunderstand, there is and has been carnage in our streets but by and large the perps (and many) of their victims would not qualify for a cc permit.
Nothing like a tragedy to bring the gun nuts out in full force.

Hmm.. No question my politics are *ahem* "Left" leaning, but the right shall not be infringed.. The only nutty thing is abrogating your rights. Whether it's marring a person you love irrespective of gender, allowing the government to snoop on your person, have an abortion, or lawfully and responsibly own a firearm.
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This has been one of the more relied upon strawman arguments anywhere concealed carry has been proposed or sought to be expanded.....we'll have carnage in the streets....we'll turn into "the wild west".....has yet to materialize.

That's as bad as the gun manufactures lobby convincing people that Obama would be kicking down their doors to take their hunting rifles. Extremists are FOS.
That's as bad as the gun manufactures lobby convincing people that Obama would be kicking down their doors to take their hunting rifles. Extremists are FOS.
Oh he's a sneaky one, Obama. He'd never come outright and tell the Fudds he's taking their hunting rifles. He does behind the back shit like banning ammo and reclassifying weapons.
Oh he's a sneaky one, Obama. He'd never come outright and tell the Fudds he's taking their hunting rifles. He does behind the back shit like banning ammo and reclassifying weapons.

What most people don't talk about is, what is the REAL agenda? What is the REAL purpose of the gun grabbers? The useful idiots who vote for them may think it is about safety and violence reduction, but Obama and his crew KNOW that they cannot really ban guns, they know criminals will have them, they know terrorists will have them. So what is the end game?
What most people don't talk about is, what is the REAL agenda? What is the REAL purpose of the gun grabbers? The useful idiots who vote for them may think it is about safety and violence reduction, but Obama and his crew KNOW that they cannot really ban guns, they know criminals will have them, they know terrorists will have them. So what is the end game?
The same end game that had to do with the Confederate battle flag. Make guns taboo!!!!
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What most people don't talk about is, what is the REAL agenda? What is the REAL purpose of the gun grabbers? The useful idiots who vote for them may think it is about safety and violence reduction, but Obama and his crew KNOW that they cannot really ban guns, they know criminals will have them, they know terrorists will have them. So what is the end game?

Obviously he has the secret backing of Muslim terrorists waiting to fulfill his dream of imposing sharia law in this country. He only has a little time left so he better get moving fast. Perhaps a few more staged mass murders will do the trick.

JC, what kind of crazy redneck militia group do you belong to?
Like students know dick about anything. Kids these days want safe spaces to protect them from WORDS.

Several places have had campus carry for some time...surely there is undeniable evidence there to show what a bad idea it is...
Either way, no reason to be afraid of law-abiding citizens and their guns...
Either way, no reason to be afraid of law-abiding citizens and their guns...
Stupidist thing you've ever written. The CA terrorist was law abiding when he bought all of those weapons. People had every reason to be afraid of him. Everyone is law abiding until they aren't.
Either there's an epidemic of mass shootings and we need to do something or there isn't. Make up your mind.
There is an epidemic but I'm not sure there is much we can do about it at this point. I do know that the gun nut solution of we need MORE guns and assault style weapons seems counter intuitive.

NOTE: I would start by banning gun sales to anyone on the FBI terrorist watch list.
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