Man with ccw saves over 100 at Nairobi Mall


Bull Gator
Dec 6, 2008
A man carrying a handgun concealed is a hero and saved over 100 lives as Islamist terrorists attacked a mall in Nairobi. Yet invariably, the left's response to any murder of innocents by bad men is to disarm the good men.

The man, who can't be identfied for security reasons, is an SAS
soldier who was off-duty at the time that terrorists stormed the
Westgate Shopping mall in Nairobi and began slaughtering innocent

He was having coffee inside the mall when the sound of gunfire and explosions filled the building, sparking him into action.
The soldier began rescuing terrified civilians, and he is said to have gone back into the mall a dozen times, saving 100 lives.
He was pictured outside comforting two distraught women, while a handgun can be seen tucked into the waistband of his trousers.
A pal of the hero said: "What he did was so heroic. He was having coffee with friends when it happened.
"He went back in 12 times and saved 100 people.
"Imagine going back in when you knew what was going on inside."

They have a narrative, nothing outside of that narrative shall be reported by the MSM. The truth is gun control wouldn't keep guns out of the hands of criminals/terrorist, we see proof of that in cities like NYC and Chicago. They would just reduce the ability of honest citizens to defend themselves, and I think the left knows(I mean the people that control their political machine, not the useful idiots) where their policies lead and an armed populace isn't something they are comfortable with.

If some jihadist stabbed and decapitated a man in downtown Tampa, as opposed to London, there is a 50/50 shot a concerned citizen would have shot the bastards deads on the spot. Also, if the time comes when our overly militarized police force, something crazy like 80 federal agencies now have armed branched, tries to start interning the portions of the population they find troublesome, they don't want armed resistance. I can't help but feel that day is coming.
There is reason you can't help but see it coming, you are a student of history, and it happens over and over, and over again.
the problem w/ Theo's supposition is that it fails to recognize an unassailable fact: bad people will always endeavor to do bad things, limiting good peoples' ability to resist that truism is not a soluion, it is merely a path to making more people victims.