Joy Reid is a village idiot

You must be kidding. Trump won't allow "Ron DeSanctimonious" to steal his thunder! His ego, and the MAGAt base just won't stand by a let DeStankus step into that spotlight. This will certainly be "must see TV"! If you want Ron to be your candidate, you had better hope Trump is in prison where he belongs! LOL...! 🤣
I see you're an Andrew Gillum lover.
I'm sure you'd love to see more of these.



Show me the verse where Jesus commanded Caesar to tax people to feed the poor.

Show me the enumerated power that gives the federal government the right to get involved in any of this democrat vote buying "charitable giving" via theft schemes.

@GhostOfMatchesMalone is right .

Dems want to run every aspect of our lives save 3 areas. Sexual immorality, killing the elderly and drugs.

Violating the unborn's 5th amendment rights so women can sleep around, LGBTQ+ nonsense, needles for everyone, and needles for the old, so as to clear them out of the way and free up some money, sold as compassion.


Tell homosexuals to sin no more by giving up the lifestyle, tell the trans people that the Father does not make mistakes, tell the abortionist, groomers and trans activists that it would have been better to have not been born than to harm children, tell the drug users that the body is the temple of God and to get off the sauce.

2 Corinthians 9:7
7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

Say to you.
Get thee behind me Satan.

Big Croc the anti-Christian bigot is going on ignore.
Show me were Jesus told Caesar to tax the people so he could give tax cuts to the wealthy. It's amazing how you repubs can always find fault in investing in the well-being of the average American family, but you have no issues with giving our tax money, in the form of tax cuts to the wealthy and corporations.
And my God does not make mistakes. He made all of us, and he made some a little different than others. Could it be a test, to see if we can live and extend love to those unlike ourselves?
As for "Sexual immorality", you had better check your side. #Trump and his three wives, and he cheated on each of them. Jerry Falwell Jr...., well enough said. And there are the number of right-wing politicians caught doing the dirty things you want to project on others..., the real groomers.
Well you're just a little better than the Pepe the Frog guy. He's just a racist with a gun!
  • Haha
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Show me were Jesus told Caesar to tax the people so he could give tax cuts to the wealthy. It's amazing how you repubs can always find fault in investing in the well-being of the average American family, but you have no issues with giving our tax money, in the form of tax cuts to the wealthy and corporations.
And my God does not make mistakes. He made all of us, and he made some a little different than others. Could it be a test, to see if we can live and extend love to those unlike ourselves?
As for "Sexual immorality", you had better check your side. #Trump and his three wives, and he cheated on each of them. Jerry Falwell Jr...., well enough said. And there are the number of right-wing politicians caught doing the dirty things you want to project on others..., the real groomers.
Well you're just a little better than the Pepe the Frog guy. He's just a racist with a gun!
Poor short Croc. Jesus said give Caesar his due, but nothing about your arm and leg.

And the cock (croc) crowed three times (in your case 4 times). Check this thread history. But you are still just 3 inches. :p

Andrew Gillum lover, huh?

From the Tallahassee DemoCrap.

They even claimed that there were correlations between the Paul Pelosi “hammer party” and Gillum’s apparent 2018 interlude with a male prostitute and a room full of illicit narcotics.

  • Wow
Reactions: NavigatorII
Andrew Gillum lover, huh?

From the Tallahassee DemoCrap.

They even claimed that there were correlations between the Paul Pelosi “hammer party” and Gillum’s apparent 2018 interlude with a male prostitute and a room full of illicit narcotics.

Gillum was "targeted" because he is a queer crackhead that got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. :rolleyes:
Show me were Jesus told Caesar to tax the people so he could give tax cuts to the wealthy. It's amazing how you repubs can always find fault in investing in the well-being of the average American family, but you have no issues with giving our tax money, in the form of tax cuts to the wealthy and corporations.
And my God does not make mistakes. He made all of us, and he made some a little different than others. Could it be a test, to see if we can live and extend love to those unlike ourselves?
As for "Sexual immorality", you had better check your side. #Trump and his three wives, and he cheated on each of them. Jerry Falwell Jr...., well enough said. And there are the number of right-wing politicians caught doing the dirty things you want to project on others..., the real groomers.
Well you're just a little better than the Pepe the Frog guy. He's just a racist with a gun!
PLEASE, PLEASE tell me you are NOT a UF grad. PLEASE
Inflation is kind of racist. Trumpflation is sure as hell racist.
Are unicorns and bridge trolls racist too?

Are unicorns and bridge trolls racist too?

Unicorns are like the invisible man, only sheep believe they exist.
  • Haha
Reactions: LordofallSocks
Can add MTG, Lauren Boebert, and Tommy Tuberville to the stupid list? Also, inflation is a world-wide phenomenon, and last I heard Joe Biden was the POTUS and not the POTEW (president of the entire world). Lastly, in honor of Halloween, let us understand in some cases (gas prices and food cost) price gouging is masquerading as inflation. Otherwise, how do you explain the reported record profits?
I'd say the same for "Trumpflation". A liberal talking point that doesn't have any data to back it, like most of the other liberal talking points you spew.
I have a thread on this genius pop your head in. Trunpflation is real, it’s bigly real.
Fresno! how are you doing brother?

Now what makes this stupid? Did you actual listen to her monologue? I didn't but I will just for you!
What's up, hombre?

it is the insinuation that these Situations are at all similar. That is what makes it stupid, disingenuous and completely inaccurate and off target.

At best she is conflating and at worst just grandstanding/ lying ...
What's up, hombre?

it is the insinuation that these Situations are at all similar. That is what makes it stupid, disingenuous and completely inaccurate and off target.

At best she is conflating and at worst just grandstanding/ lying ...
Yes I agree that was a stretch but I don't think that makes her stupid. Watters, Hayes, Bannon Carlson, Joe does that stuff regularly. That's why they are on TV.
Yes I agree that was a stretch but I don't think that makes her stupid. Watters, Hayes, Bannon Carlson, Joe does that stuff regularly. That's why they are on TV.
I have listened to other things she has said, and she strikes me as stupid and racist. Full disclosure anyone who comes across as racist always strikes me as stupid by default …
I have listened to other things she has said, and she strikes me as stupid and racist. Full disclosure anyone who comes across as racist always strikes me as stupid by default …
She definitely plays the race card too much for my liking. At the same time, they all play the race card. Those opinion commentators are all the same in the macro.

In my opinion, they are not stupid, they are savvy. They play to a crowd for financial gain.
She is the only race baiter of those mentioned ...
Telling white people that there is reverse racism, you should dislike immigrants because they are taking from the white man or that you should feel mad that the white man will one day be the minority is not race baiting?