Interest on debt is about to sink us


Rowdy Reptile
Gold Member
Nov 30, 2021
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The next time a liberal bitches about spending too much on the military send them this...
Not a problem, the DEMS and RINOS will just raise the debt ceiling and borrow more to make these payments.
Its what should have scared the hell out of all of us from the Trump years. The economy is blowing and going about as strong as it can and we STILL couldn't pay our bills. As good as our economy was our countries balance sheet got worse, not better. If we can't pay our bills when the economy is that good, when will we ever be able to do it again?
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Its what should have scared the hell out of all of us from the Trump years.
What scares the hell out of me is people who put what's best for their politics ahead of what's best for their country. Saying this is Trump's fault is not only lying, it's a deflection attempt to not have to deal with the CURRENT problem.

America First. Not your politics.
Its what should have scared the hell out of all of us from the Trump years. The economy is blowing and going about as strong as it can and we STILL couldn't pay our bills. As good as our economy was our countries balance sheet got worse, not better. If we can't pay our bills when the economy is that good, when will we ever be able to do it again?
it is actually pretty simple

you have to spend less than you bring in
we cannot continue to use baseline budgeting(each line item has a built in yearly increase)
we cannot continue to give billions to other countries
we cannot continue to be the World's police force
we cannot allow millions upon millions to cross our borders unimpeded with their hands out
we need to scrap the IRS and go to a VAT- that way everyone who buys something in the US contributes
Just the tip, debt deficits stimi shutdowns and operation warp speed. No es bueno. Just the tip