How the Republicans lost the midterms


Ring of Honor
Gold Member
Jan 19, 2011
We will control the house but barely. Epic disappointment. Where did it go wrong?
my thoughts…..
1) Abortion, seems like it kills more than a fetus. We gifted the core of the democratic party a bellwether get out the vote issue. And they took full advantage.

2) Trump, found a way to make this election all about him even though he wasn’t on a single ballot anywhere. He peaked in 2019, he’s now a polarizing liability.

3) Overconfidence, The last four weeks before the election all I heard about was the massive roadway that was going to sweep through politics. That, coupled with continued crappy polling, lead to a cocky overconfident GOP that got their butts kicked. They spent way too many resources keeping Ohio red because of a Trump backed nut job diverting those resources in places where they might’ve actually made a difference, Nevada, New Hampshire, Arizona.

4) Message, The Republicans need a message. Their message has been we’re not communist, we’re not socialist, we’re not Biden, vote for us. It’s not enough just to be angry and tweet about it and create funny names for people. It’s about a message on how you’re going to fix the economy, fix the border, fix national defense. I never heard much of a message from the Republicans outside that contract which never got much play.
In places where Republicans behaved like Republicans and governed like Republicans for the last two years or longer, such as Florida, we mopped up the floor with the Democrats. Results matter.

5) Democrats, they are masters of politics. They got the right people out to campaign, they had Joe Biden in places where he could do no damage, they played the rope a dope masterfully and, given the expectations, TKO of the republican party.

Worst economy in 50 years, zero reason they should’ve won the elections that they won, and yet they still did. Until the Republicans learn how to beat the Democrats, until the Republicans walk away from the toxic rhetoric of Donald Trump and move towards a positive unifying one America message, the Democrats will take advantage of it.

2016 was a beautiful anomaly, people voted against Hillary as much as they did for Trump and they voted for change. That’s what it needs to be about again, not Donald Trump, but changing and saving America.

My two cents for what it’s worth.
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We will control the house but barely. Epic disappointment. Where did it go wrong?
my thoughts…..
1) Abortion, seems like it kills more than a fetus. We gifted the core of the democratic party a bellwether get out the vote issue. And they took full advantage.

2) Trump, found a way to make this election all about him even though he wasn’t on a single ballot anywhere. He peaked in 2019, he’s now a polarizing liability.

3) Overconfidence, The last four weeks before the election all I heard about was the massive roadway that was going to sweep through politics. That, coupled with continued crappy polling, lead to a cocky overconfident GOP that got their butts kicked. They spent way too many resources keeping Ohio red because of a Trump backed nut job diverting those resources in places where they might’ve actually made a difference, Nevada, New Hampshire, Arizona.

4) Message, The Republicans need a message. Their message has been rare not communist, we’re not socialist, we’re not Biden, vote for us. It’s not enough just to be angry and tweet about it and create funny names for people. It’s about a message on how you’re going to fix the economy, fix the border, fix national defense. I never heard much of a message from the Republicans outside that contract which never got much play.
In places where Republicans behaved like Republicans and governed like Republicans for the last two years or longer, such as Florida, we mopped up the floor with the Democrats. Results matter.

5) Democrats, they are masters of politics. They got the right people out to campaign, they had Joe Biden in places where he could do no damage, they played the rope a dope masterfully and, given the expectations, TKO of the republican party.

Worst economy in 50 years, zero reason they should’ve won the elections that they won, and yet they still did. Until the Republicans learn how to beat the Democrats, until the Republicans walk away from the toxic rhetoric of Donald Trump and move towards a positive unifying one America message, the Democrats will take advantage of it.

2016 was a beautiful anomaly, people voted against Hillary‘s message they did for Trump and they voted for change. That’s what it needs to be about again, not Donald Trump, but changing and saving America.

My two cents for what it’s worth.

I agree with most of your points, but is this really the "worst economy in 50 years"? I know inflation and gas prices are high, but unemployment is usually what moves the needle when it comes to "voting the bums out." People now making $15-20/hour to flip burgers are probably not angry at Democrats.
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You hit it on the head.
Unless Republicans put forth a younger man who is energetic, clear on messaging, and not afraid to offer an alternative to a person who needs to move back to the beach we might be in a world of hurt.
I’m not telling others they can no longer appreciate what DJT did in four years. I am telling them his time has come and gone, and they must vote Republican in 24. It’s NOT about a man they liked. It’s about AMERICA 🇺🇸
Democrats and their media were brilliant to make the 'insurrection' the top story every day. Of course Trump and his lemmings played right into their hands.
I agree with most of your points, but is this really the "worst economy in 50 years"? I know inflation and gas prices are high, but unemployment is usually what moves the needle when it comes to "voting the bums out." People now making $15-20/hour to flip burgers are probably not angry at Democrats.

If you’re making $15 an hour it’s still not likely you are doing well. Kids working at McD’s - still few primary breadwinners there - aren’t angry at governments just yet.
The guy working at a job making $20 an hour likely has a wife or baby mama
working somewhere for $14-15 and they might be living in a rural area in a mobile home. Let’s face it - they have limited educational achievements and limited employment opportunities. Angry? They might be. But they are sort of angry at everyone in general.
I think Dobbs did help with single female turnout a little bit but the main thing, and it shows in the fact that the Reps once CA is done counting in another week will have won the Congressional vote overall by like 4%, is the Dems ballot operations. It showed they clearly did a great job of that in the areas they needed to. I think the Reps need to start pushing early voting to get the votes banked to concentrate on the ones who haven't voted yet. There is too many things that might make a few people stay home on election day. A few here and there can really add up.
If you’re making $15 an hour it’s still not likely you are doing well. Kids working at McD’s - still few primary breadwinners there - aren’t angry at governments just yet.
The guy working at a job making $20 an hour likely has a wife or baby mama
working somewhere for $14-15 and they might be living in a rural area in a mobile home. Let’s face it - they have limited educational achievements and limited employment opportunities. Angry? They might be. But they are sort of angry at everyone in general.

They've recently gone from making $12 an hour to $15...and they're just as broke, if not more broke, than they were when this began.
LOL, they made it the top story because they decide what the top stories are.

It's also why their viewerships and readerships are tanking.

Apparently their money for negative ad buys is still plenty enough.
We are already seeing a lot of negative ads on Jax stations (next door to SoGa) showing a nicely dressed elitist suburban white woman saying she’s so concerned about Herschel’s “integrity” or lack thereof that she’d pray for him but she’d NEVER vote for him.
Keep voting D you stupid woman. You’re a useful idiot.
I agree with most of your points, but is this really the "worst economy in 50 years"? I know inflation and gas prices are high, but unemployment is usually what moves the needle when it comes to "voting the bums out." People now making $15-20/hour to flip burgers are probably not angry at Democrats.
Trying to think of one that was worse or on the verge of being worse the only thing I can think of is the duck bomb crash and the housing market crash as being close to his bad, at least dating back to you before the late 70s early 80s.
To be fair you cannot use unemployment numbers and those changes to judge the economy because Covid had ridiculous impact on those numbers making them not the normal barometer you measure economy by….. But, going forward I think it would be fair to look at that.
The GOP lost because more Americans do not think like them or believe them

Pssst...maybe they would improve their lot by actually have some solutions to the issues they love to complain about?

Anyone know what the republican solution is to inflation? Crime? Abortion? Healthcare? Infrastructure?

The election is over and most Americans have no clue what the GOP was going to do about any of it
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The GOP lost because more Americans do not think like them or believe them

Pssst...maybe they would improve their lot by actually have some solutions to the issues they love to complain about?

Anyone know what the republican solution is to inflation? Crime? Abortion? Healthcare? Infrastructure?

The election is over and most Americans have no clue what the GOP was going to do about any of it
If you would take the time to read my post you would see that I clearly said all that. But thank you
Trying to think of one that was worse or on the verge of being worse the only thing I can think of is the duck bomb crash and the housing market crash as being close to his bad, at least dating back to you before the late 70s early 80s.
To be fair you cannot use unemployment numbers and those changes to judge the economy because Covid had ridiculous impact on those numbers making them not the normal barometer you measure economy by….. But, going forward I think it would be fair to look at that.

The economy was worse in the 70s when were rationing gas with higher inflation than we're experiencing now.

Record corporate profits...record employment...

7-8% inflation for 2 years is NOT the worse economy of the last 50 :rolleyes:
We are going to have a pretty bad recession in 2023 I believe. Housing is already starting to crash with the interest rate rise.
The economy was worse in the 70s when were rationing gas with higher inflation than we're experiencing now.

Record corporate profits...record employment...

7-8% inflation for 2 years is NOT the worse economy of the last 50 :rolleyes:

40's your moral victory. 😂
We are going to have a pretty bad recession in 2023 I believe. Housing is already starting to crash with the interest rate rise.

Actually most analysts are predicting a mild recession at best

The effects you see in the housing market are ON PURPOSE
That's how you fight cooling off overheated markets

Do you think out of control housing market post COVID was a good thing for all involved?

Go ask people who were trying to buy a home
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40's your moral victory. 😂

No not a "moral" victory...a fact

You know unlike what conservatives were trying to spin that the economy was going to hell and a red wave was coming

If you're doing poorly in this economy...that's on YOU
The economy was worse in the 70s when were rationing gas with higher inflation than we're experiencing now.

Record corporate profits...record employment...

7-8% inflation for 2 years is NOT the worse economy of the last 50 :rolleyes:
The Economy is the worst it’s been, in my opinion, since the 70s which was the benchmark I was thinking of. Also, I hate to break it to you, was 50 years ago 🤣🤣🤣
You’re getting old man 😘
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Actually most analysts are predicting a mild recession at best

The effects you see in the housing market are ON PURPOSE
That's how you fight cooling off overheated markets

Do you think out of control housing market post COVID was a good thing for all involved?

Go ask people who were trying to buy a home

They are lowballing things imo. No housing prices were out of control but I think the drag from people realizing they are stuck in houses that are likely not to regain their value for 5 years or so will lead to a good size pullback in things. My guess is this will be big news by mid 2023 along with a decent recession starting. Not crazy like the 2008 stuff but still pretty nasty.
40's your moral victory. 😂
I was actually referencing the economy of the 70s as being worse, I think people are going to have to slowly start to realize that the 70s were 50 years ago now 🤣🤣🤣
I love how these threads derail into an argument over the most trivial stupid thing, whether you wanna call it 45 years ago were 50 years ago we were all referencing the economy of the late 70s As being the one that’s worse than the current economy. What’s going to happen in the next year or two in terms of the economy remains to be seen they will definitely be a recession on some level.
You hit it on the head.
Unless Republicans put forth a younger man who is energetic, clear on messaging, and not afraid to offer an alternative to a person who needs to move back to the beach we might be in a world of hurt.
I’m not telling others they can no longer appreciate what DJT did in four years. I am telling them his time has come and gone, and they must vote Republican in 24. It’s NOT about a man they liked. It’s about AMERICA 🇺🇸

The GOP got 6 million more votes and only lost where ballot harvesting and 50 days of voting are allowed. In States where ballot harvesting is illegal GOP dominated.

The GOP had 20 seats to defend and the RATS only on 13. 2024 the RATS have 23 to defend and the GOP only 10.

Cocaine Mitch is POS RINO who needs to be removed. Hea a swamp creature ( dirty to the core ) can’t speak, has NO message and only cares about his personal power. HE IS NO LEADER

GOP needs to learn to play hardball and use better mechanics in places like NV, PA a or they will never win period, regardless of the candidate.
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The Economy is the worst it’s been, in my opinion, since the 70s which was the benchmark I was thinking of. Also, I hate to break it to you, was 50 years ago 🤣🤣🤣
You’re getting old man 😘

Yeah but your opinion isn't based in any facts...

Inflation of 7-8%, record employment, record corporate profits, & healthy GDP

What exactly in your mind makes this the worst economy in whatever time frame you prefer?
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The GOP got 6 million more votes and only lost where ballot harvesting and 50 days of voting are allowed. In States where ballot harvesting is illegal GOP dominated.

GOP needs to learn to play hardball and use better mechanics in places like NV, PA a or they will never win period regardless of the candidate.

The GOP only won where they gerrymandered districts...

Experts Say GOP House Takeover Would’ve Been Impossible Without Gerrymandering

Despite a lackluster showing and independent voters favoring Democrats in this year’s races, exit polling data shows that Republicans will likely win the House — a victory that many elections experts believe will be the result of Republicans realigning political borders to their advantage.

“Republicans wouldn’t be slight favorites to win House control right now if they hadn’t been able to gerrymander far more states than Dems,” said Dave Wasserman, U.S. House editor of the Cook Political Report. Wasserman also noted that Democrats only have the House majority currently because state judges blocked gerrymandered district maps in the past few years.

The sentiment was echoed by numerous journalists on social media.

“One potential takeaway from [the midterms] is that the US is a center left country with a gerrymandering problem,” freelance journalist Katelyn Burns tweeted in response to the election results.

“If Republicans win control of the House of Representatives by current projections, their victory can be attributed to the Supreme Court’s 5–4 order in February suspending the Voting Rights Act’s ban on racial gerrymandering,” said Mark Joseph Stern, senior writer at Slate.

Stephen Wolf, staff writer for Daily Kos, expressed a similar opinion.

“It appears very likely that gerrymandering cost Dems the majority, with the U.S. Supreme Court allowing elections to proceed in several states where lower courts ruled GOP maps illegally diluted Black voting power,” Wolf said.
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The gerrymandering articles are bullsqueeze.
The country is not center left it is center to center right.
As a “mature” voter myself (still several years younger that the D’s and R’s
now in charge it’s time for younger leaders and past time for
Mitch, Nancy, Joe And Donald to leave town.
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Trying to think of one that was worse or on the verge of being worse the only thing I can think of is the duck bomb crash and the housing market crash as being close to his bad, at least dating back to you before the late 70s early 80s.
To be fair you cannot use unemployment numbers and those changes to judge the economy because Covid had ridiculous impact on those numbers making them not the normal barometer you measure economy by….. But, going forward I think it would be fair to look at that.

I think “on the verge of” is the key. Things may get worse, but as long as unemployment is low, I think that’s the main thing most people care about.
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Every person in many states was mailed a ballot. Whether they asked for it or not - they all got ballots & after days of counting The Leftist candidate wins a “narrow victory?!?!

It’s pretty obvious
The gerrymandering articles are bullsqueeze.

Yes... DeSantis eliminating black districts illegally has no effect...its all "bullsqueze"

“How Ron DeSantis Blew Up Black-Held Congressional Districts and May Have Broken Florida Law”

The country is not center left it is center to center right.

Popular vote totals since 2000 don't support your belief

As a “mature” voter myself (still several years younger that the D’s and R’s
now in charge it’s time for younger leaders and past time for
Mitch, Nancy, Joe And Donald to leave town.

Hopefully the GOP will find some better "young guns" than they did last time

Look at actual data or accept the "fact" that your opinion isn't anything more than partisan bias

Do something resembling research
The GOP got 6 million more votes and only lost where ballot harvesting and 50 days of voting are allowed. In States where ballot harvesting is illegal GOP dominated.

The GOP had 20 seats to defend and the RATS only on 13. 2024 the RATS have 23 to defend and the GOP only 10.

Cocaine Mitch is POS RINO who needs to be removed. Hea a swamp creature ( dirty to the core ) can’t speak, has NO message and only cares about his personal power. HE IS NO LEADER

GOP needs to learn to play hardball and use better mechanics in places like NV, PA a or they will never win period, regardless of the candidate.
LOL. Somebody is taking the loss way too hard. I’m beginning to worry about you.
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Look at actual data or accept the "fact" that your opinion isn't anything more than partisan bias

Do something resembling research
If we BOTH accept the fact that we BOTH have our own opinions we’re going to get along, otherwise my less charming side may re-emerge.
If we BOTH accept the fact that we BOTH have our own opinions we’re going to get along, otherwise my less charming side may re-emerge.
When do I get to see the charming side?
You can have your opinion...doesn't change the fact that data doesn't support it

If the country was "center right" wouldn't that show up in the popular vote?
It doesn't.

Has nothing to do with being "charming" with me...

Beyond it being your opinion that the country is "center right" what supports your belief?

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