Dr Phil schools guest on why we need the police. Guest uses same old victim mentality. It's society's fault.


Rowdy Reptile
Jul 5, 2001
Here's what I'd tell the bozo guest. Start a campaign to reduce the 70% black children born with no father in the home. Tell these biological fathers to have some responsibility. There is your societal ill Mr. bozo guest. It starts in the home. But you never never hear that from the black community. It's always somebody else's fault.

It is interesting - this is one of the key reasons why I am pro-abortion. If the black community wants to use it, then that is for them. It removes what is the most deleterious effect right now on that community - fatherless kids.

As a counter-study, look at Shedur Sanders and Deion. Deion is so active a father that he could be faulted for nepotism. Deion is a wonderful role model to both his sons and his players. My bet is that his players (and sons) will greatly outperform that black median.

It is also a reason that I am for more black coaches in college. The kids and the broader society need role models. When Deion posts daily it is a clinic to be a strong, caring parent and father. It's impressive.
It is interesting - this is one of the key reasons why I am pro-abortion. If the black community wants to use it, then that is for them. It removes what is the most deleterious effect right now on that community - fatherless kids.

As a counter-study, look at Shedur Sanders and Deion. Deion is so active a father that he could be faulted for nepotism. Deion is a wonderful role model to both his sons and his players. My bet is that his players (and sons) will greatly outperform that black median.

It is also a reason that I am for more black coaches in college. The kids and the broader society need role models. When Deion posts daily it is a clinic to be a strong, caring parent and father. It's impressive.

Yep allow murder of unborn children because some fathers and mothers aren't doing their job....
It is interesting - this is one of the key reasons why I am pro-abortion. If the black community wants to use it, then that is for them. It removes what is the most deleterious effect right now on that community - fatherless kids.

As a counter-study, look at Shedur Sanders and Deion. Deion is so active a father that he could be faulted for nepotism. Deion is a wonderful role model to both his sons and his players. My bet is that his players (and sons) will greatly outperform that black median.

It is also a reason that I am for more black coaches in college. The kids and the broader society need role models. When Deion posts daily it is a clinic to be a strong, caring parent and father. It's impressive.
Using Deion as an example? Most of those fathers don't have the wealth, fame and resources Deion has. Travis Henry says hi along with other current and former pro athletes who are dead beat fathers.

Deion? The Deion who tells his players to go to class and excel in academics?
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Using Deion as an example? Most of those fathers don't have the wealth, fame and resources Deion has. Travis Henry says hi along with other current and former pro athletes who are dead beat fathers.

Deion? The Deion who tells his players to go to class and excel in academics?
Deion had nothing and now is a millionaire. He is paying it forward it building up. He is an active father and role model. He tells his kids to compete everywhere including the classroom.

Is that a problem? If so, then black kids cannot blame society but they also cannot hold up a successful black man, father and leader as an example.
Yep allow murder of unborn children because some fathers and mothers aren't doing their job....
Or have accidents. It happens.

59% of Kansas voters agree with my sentiment. Kansas voters. Trump agrees as well.
Again, the point of this is for the black community to take ownership.

Give them the tools to be successful versus concocting endless social programs that do a wonderful job in virtue signaling but often make little to no difference and take yours and mine hard earned income.
Or have accidents. It happens.

59% of Kansas voters agree with my sentiment. Kansas voters. Trump agrees as well.
Again, the point of this is for the black community to take ownership.

Give them the tools to be successful versus concocting endless social programs that do a wonderful job in virtue signaling but often make little to no difference and take yours and mine hard earned income.

How does Trump agree? I think he is only for rape or incest but I disagree with any murder of an unborn child. They also have the day after pill which can be used for a while after rape.
How does Trump agree? I think he is only for rape or incest but I disagree with any murder of an unborn child. They also have the day after pill which can be used for a while after rape.
See his recent comments on why the R profoundly underperformed in the 2022 mid terms.

Trump was always pro choice until he was told, clearly, that he needed the evangelical right to win the primary and the general.

His comments back two weeks ago were a subtle “I told you so…”.
How does Trump agree? I think he is only for rape or incest but I disagree with any other murder of an unborn child. They also have the day after pill which can be used for a while after rape.
And there are some legislators around this country who are introducing bills to outlaw morning after pills and any birth control pills.
Some of those children are absolutely DOOMED the second they’re born.
I’m the only female on this board (I must be a glutton for punishment) and I’m telling you that it’s a sin to let these helpless little persons be born into neglect and abuse. Keep those morning after pills flowing.
See his recent comments on why the R profoundly underperformed in the 2022 mid terms.

Trump was always pro choice until he was told, clearly, that he needed the evangelical right to win the primary and the general.

His comments back two weeks ago were a subtle “I told you so…”.

Yep changed his abortion views about 2011.

Do you have a copy of what he said? I thought he just said the exceptions stuff and something about wanting to ban it in every case might have affected the election.
And there are some legislators around this country who are introducing bills to outlaw morning after pills and any birth control pills.
Some of those children are absolutely DOOMED the second they’re born.
I’m the only female on this board (I must be a glutton for punishment) and I’m telling you that it’s a sin to let these helpless little persons be born into neglect and abuse. Keep those morning after pills flowing.

Trying to ban the day after pill is just crazy nonsense but abortion is murder once a baby has formed.
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It is interesting - this is one of the key reasons why I am pro-abortion. If the black community wants to use it, then that is for them. It removes what is the most deleterious effect right now on that community - fatherless kids.

As a counter-study, look at Shedur Sanders and Deion. Deion is so active a father that he could be faulted for nepotism. Deion is a wonderful role model to both his sons and his players. My bet is that his players (and sons) will greatly outperform that black median.

It is also a reason that I am for more black coaches in college. The kids and the broader society need role models. When Deion posts daily it is a clinic to be a strong, caring parent and father. It's impressive.
#freakonomics ...
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The Leftist run big cities are in total decent. Violent crime has ROCKETED due to BLM…

It’s sad to see, but there is a long, long way to descend before they hit this “self inflicted” destruction!
The Leftist run big cities are in total decent. Violent crime has ROCKETED due to BLM…

It’s sad to see, but there is a long, long way to descend before they hit this “self inflicted” destruction!
It’s not due solely to BLM. Buncha white boy azzholes too.
It’s not due solely to BLM. Buncha white boy azzholes too.
Not solely, but BLM, open borders and a defund the police mantra created an implicit "green light" for violence. Guns are also not hard to get (and I am for the 2nd amendment). Add in lockdowns, mental health, and this is the predictable surprise.
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Yep changed his abortion views about 2011.

Do you have a copy of what he said? I thought he just said the exceptions stuff and something about wanting to ban it in every case might have affected the election.
Here is an article, yes - he posted his comments on Truth Social.

Yes - he clearly did not indicate a move to be pro-choice, but talked about reasonable items.
My view, if you are going to try to find a middle ground, is ban after 20 or 24 weeks in the exception of the case of health to the mother.

Politically, paint democrats as the party of "abortion on demand". 20 weeks is 5 months. You have plenty of time to know whether you want to bring a life into the world.

I think 92% of births are terminated on or before that (if not before 9 weeks).
Also agree with morning after pill. I have two college age daughters and they both have them...just in case.
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It is interesting - this is one of the key reasons why I am pro-abortion. If the black community wants to use it, then that is for them. It removes what is the most deleterious effect right now on that community - fatherless kids.

As a counter-study, look at Shedur Sanders and Deion. Deion is so active a father that he could be faulted for nepotism. Deion is a wonderful role model to both his sons and his players. My bet is that his players (and sons) will greatly outperform that black median.

It is also a reason that I am for more black coaches in college. The kids and the broader society need role models. When Deion posts daily it is a clinic to be a strong, caring parent and father. It's impressive.
Euginicist and Planned Parenthood pioneer Margaret Sanger approves this message.
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Not really.

We disagree then. Imo its no different than when a person recklessly causes an auto accident and gets charged with the death of someone's unborn child. Just because the own mother chooses to do it shouldn't determine if that life is worth anything or not.
I detest abortion, especially after 21 weeks but the government has no right to tell you what you can and can’t do with your body.

If you feel the government had no right to push a vaccine on you, it has no right to push or not push abortion.
I detest abortion, especially after 21 weeks but the government has no right to tell you what you can and can’t do with your body.

If you feel the government had no right to push a vaccine on you, it has no right to push or not push abortion.

BS imo - you are taking an innocent life. Give the baby up for adoption if you can't or are unwilling to take care of him or her.
Why is it up to you or the government to say otherwise?

Again, I detest abortion but I will not support the government forcing anyone to do anything with their bodies.

Why is it up to the govt/society to tell people its illegal to commit murder? I am for smaller govt on average but some things society shouldn't leave to the choice of the individual.
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Why is it up to the govt/society to tell people it’s illegal to commit murder? I am for smaller govt on average but some things society shouldn't leave to the choice of the individual.
For me personally, I cannot stand for society/government to tell people what to do with their bodies. I believe in personal freedom.

Now, as I’ve said before, I detest abortion. I hate the idea of it, I hate that people like Margaret Singer created Planned Parenthood to commit genocide on African Americans, I hate that it’s politicized, it’s all disgusting to me.

We can agree to disagree brother, I don’t think any less of anyone who believes it’s murder. It’s your personal right to believe it is murder as it’s mine to believe in personal freedom. In the end, the maker decides who’s right and wrong in the final judgment.
For me personally, I cannot stand for society/government to tell people what to do with their bodies. I believe in personal freedom.

Now, as I’ve said before, I detest abortion. I hate the idea of it, I hate that people like Margaret Singer created Planned Parenthood to commit genocide on African Americans, I hate that it’s politicized, it’s all disgusting to me.

We can agree to disagree brother, I don’t think any less of anyone who believes it’s murder. It’s your personal right to believe it is murder as it’s mine to believe in personal freedom. In the end, the maker decides who’s right and wrong in the final judgment.
10,000 percent. 70 percent plus of independents feel exactly the same way.

Republicans would win a lot of elections with this position. I completely respect the pro-life position. Guys like Pence mean it.

In the end though, people and governments cannot care for (in this example) black babies more than the black community.
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BS imo - you are taking an innocent life. Give the baby up for adoption if you can't or are unwilling to take care of him or her.
How about MEN take more responsibility and wear a raincoat?
Now THAT would be real innocence wouldn’t it?
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10,000 percent. 70 percent plus of independents feel exactly the same way.

Republicans would win a lot of elections with this position. I completely respect the pro-life position. Guys like Pence mean it.

In the end though, people and governments cannot care for (in this example) black babies more than the black community.
I’m sorry but Pence is a piece of shit and would flip on a dime if it won him votes, just like every politician on both sides.

Independents, just like the umbrella of the left and the right are easily fooled by political theater, if not more.

There are 535 people, 537 when you count the VP and president, that truly do not care about the issues. Every single one of them will tell you what you want to hear to get your vote. Hate to break it to you but AOC isn’t going to adopt a kid and Pence isn’t going to save a fetus. What they will do is sell you a bag of dog shit and lie to your face that they will. What they will also do is continue to divide this country by playing on your emotions, that is what they actually get paid to do make no mistake about it.

The left will continue to take money from pro abortion organizations as will the right continue to take money from pro life organizations. In the end, nothing will be changed until the people are ready to take back their country.
BS argument. Most kids given up are adopted but even if some aren't they are better off being placed by the state somewhere than being killed for being inconvenient to someone.
I haven’t looked into this but I don’t think adoption is cut and dry like you’re making it out to be. I’d be willing to bet that most adoption agencies are overwhelmed and can’t take every newborn or kid.

In my opinion, there isn’t a good solution to either argument.
How about MEN take more responsibility and wear a raincoat?
Now THAT would be real innocence wouldn’t it?

I would say that an unplanned pregnancy is the very definition of a 50-50 mistake.

Now I absolutely hate the "my body, my choice" debate. It's her body that must facilitate the pregnancy but it's the man's baby as well. Would I lean towards the women in this debate? Yes, but as it stands men have zero rights.

The entire debate is disgusting to me. Abortion is evil but I don't love the idea of government having any say whatsoever. However, the fem-nazi and deadbeat dads are equally disgusting so the entire debate takes place in muddy waters.
Agree and I’m not a fan of abortion but let God sort it out on judgement day.
If it’s murder then the line to get inside heaven will be a lot shorter, won’t it?
Agree and I’m not a fan of abortion but let God sort it out on judgement day.
If it’s murder then the line to get inside heaven will be a lot shorter, won’t it?

Wholeheartedly agree that this is between them and God. The mothers and the fathers.
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I’m sorry but Pence is a piece of shit and would flip on a dime if it won him votes, just like every politician on both sides.

Independents, just like the umbrella of the left and the right are easily fooled by political theater, if not more.

There are 535 people, 537 when you count the VP and president, that truly do not care about the issues. Every single one of them will tell you what you want to hear to get your vote. Hate to break it to you but AOC isn’t going to adopt a kid and Pence isn’t going to save a fetus. What they will do is sell you a bag of dog shit and lie to your face that they will. What they will also do is continue to divide this country by playing on your emotions, that is what they actually get paid to do make no mistake about it.

The left will continue to take money from pro abortion organizations as will the right continue to take money from pro life organizations. In the end, nothing will be changed until the people are ready to take back their country.
I am not a Pence fan per se (I am not a social conservative) but the guy is genuine. Abortion is increasingly an unpopular opinion, but it is what he believes to his core. Many on this board are the same.

I agree that money is what prevents politicians from meeting at the middle.
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BS argument. Most kids given up are adopted but even if some aren't they are better off being placed by the state somewhere than being killed for being inconvenient to someone.
Are you serious with this? Most kids given up for adoption end up wards of the state til they are 18.

By age 17, over half of youth in foster care have experienced an arrest, conviction, or overnight stay in a correctional facility, and a whopping 90 percent have some interaction with the criminal justice system at some point in their lives.

50 percent of the homeless have been in the system

60 percent of those being sex trafficked have been in the system.

30 percent were removed from parents home for substance abuse by parents, and 34 percent will go on to use illicit substances themselves as compared to 22 percent that live in their biological homes.

This the hill you want to die on?
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