Credit to a Nole…


Bull Gator
Jan 9, 2002
Copper Monkey 30 minutes prior to kickoff
sadgator rarely pays attention to anything NFL related, but with CFB over, he happened to come across the NFL countdown show on ESPN yesterday…

That Samantha Ponder has seriously grown into becoming the best looking woman in sports broadcasting…

She is the ultimate Alpha Babe and may very well have surpassed Rutledge…

Christian Ponder gets mad respect for locking that one down…

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...and she and Christian named their first-born daughter, Bowden Sainte-Claire Ponder. Poor kiddo. Me thinks they should have been patient and waited for a son.
There's something off about her face I can't put my finger on.

Aint winning no blue ribbon at the county fair neither, but I'm not trying to make a living off my looks, neither.

Just saying.
Ponder is pretty hot. It’s funny that they dress her for that show like she’s a high cost streetwalker.
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