“Right to Worship Is not Given by 1st Amendment, It’s Protected by 1st Amendment”


Gator Great
Jan 17, 2005
Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone: The government has no authority telling us we can’t worship. They have no authority to tell us whether or not we’re essential. They have no authority to tell us what sorts of worship are essential. They have the authority to tell us what we need to do to keep people safe when they worship. But those restrictions can’t be so severe to effectively ban worship… The right to worship is not given by the First Amendment, it’s protected by the First Amendment… Current San Francisco law allows only one person inside a church at a time to pray… No one has given me the rationale. There is no rationale except discrimination. They’re discriminating against us. This is clearly targeting against us… I sense a sort of … “throw the bums out” sort of mentality.

It's good vs evil

Many now day, after attending Govt. (socialist) schools don't know that the Constitution is a limiting document established by the 'SOVEREIGN CITIZENS' of America, to specifically limit the powers of the government. >>>>> A SOVEREIGN CITIZEN'S rights are unalienable and come from God.

The 'Bill of Rights' was written to further list the things that Govt. can't interfere with, as governments tend to advance their own powers if not kept in check by patriotic citizens.

The 'sacred oath' -- To protect and defend the Constitution against ALL enemies, foreign & DOMESTIC.

Politicians take that sacred oath of office and should be held to it.
To violate that 'Public Trust' oath is the worst kind of TREASON.
The worst cases of that 'violation of the public trust' should be met with a tree or a wall.
With long prison sentences in open population prisons for the lesser violations.

Until there is some real Accountability, there will continue to be little Responsibility.
Freedom Ain't Free.

🤓 It must be constantly guarded by Free, Informed, Patriotic Citizens.

And this is why the socialist government controlled schools no longer teach the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and especially not the responsibilities of free citizens.
It's a good thing that President Trump is mandating a long overdue return to 'Patriotic Education' in schools.

Critical race theory and revisionist history such as the New York Times’ 1619 Project are “toxic” need to be countered with patriotic education, US president Donald Trump vowed, announcing a new initiative to do so.
Speaking on Thursday on the occasion of Constitution Day – the anniversary of the US founding document being signed in 1787 – Trump denounced the radicals who seek to “demolish this treasured and precious inheritance,” specifically naming critical race theory, the 1619 Project, and Howard Zinn’s ‘People’s History of the United States.’

“The left-wing rioting and mayhem are the direct result of decades of left-wing indoctrination in our schools,” Trump said, referring to unrest that began at the end of May and spread across the country ostensibly in name of racial justice.

Critical Race Theory, the 1619 Project, and the crusade against American history is toxic propaganda — an ideological poison that, if not removed, will dissolve the civic bonds that tie us together.
Teaching critical race theory in schools is child abuse “in the truest sense of those words,” Trump said.
For the rest of the story, use the link...

Dont get sucked into the lefts narrative. Its not worship but exercise which includes worship. Worship is but one facet of exercise. zer0 started using that limited phrasing under his term in order to start the push to keep religion inside the 4 walls of the church.

Kind of hard to fulfill the great commission if people never leave the church to spread the Gospel.
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Note not a single dem here has ever said a word about churches being closed or restricted.

Then they get mad when we say they aren't the party of God. Actions speak louder than words, guys.

Speaking of which, the dems think they have found how to disqualify ACB: She's a Christian:

In best Rush voice "Do NOT doubt me!" If she's nominated, the left will attack her as being a Christian. They will attack her Catholic beliefs and make the attack that she cannot be objective about the law that God will ALWAYS be first in her mind.

PLEASE let this be it. It's honestly all they can do and they will convince themselves it's a winning move.