What are the odds a thread can go more than two posts without Theo


Ring of Honor
Sep 27, 2002
Hijacking it?

I say it is legitimately 0%

Poster, "the nsa is spying on everyone"

Theo, "how is that different than CEOs making more money than me"

Poster "wtf"

Poster "The affordable care and patient persectuion act have caused rates to directly rise by 20%"

Theo "rates have been rising for 1%-2% every couple years for 25 years, CEOs make more money than me and it isn't fair"
This thread was never meant to establish the wager, merely establish odds. Next time you're tampa way I shall feed and water you anyways as a token of good faith.
This post was edited on 9/27 10:32 AM by BigOleNastyGator
Don't trust him, BBB. He's owed me a good bourbon binge for like three years now...
Originally posted by JD Gator:
Don't trust him, BBB. He's owed me a good bourbon binge for like three years now...
lol you haven't been beating down my door to make arrangements either, I just assumed you were too married to do this thing. :)
What do you call good bourbon? Only Wild Turkey and 4 roses are made from non GMO these days. The rest of American bourbon cannot be sold in Europe which has banned GMO.
Originally posted by omeganole:
What doin call good bourbon? Only Wild Turkey and 4 roses are made from non GMO these days. The rest of American bourbon cannot be sold in Europe which has banned GMO.
I had a 4 Roses and a Blanton's at a bar in Zurich last night. So much for that theory.
Originally posted by omeganole2:
What do you call good bourbon? Only Wild Turkey and 4 roses are made from non GMO these days. The rest of American bourbon cannot be sold in Europe which has banned GMO.
So, you're saying that we Americans don't have to share, then?