Tipping the maître d at a classy joint?


Gator Great
Jan 6, 2006
I normally go with a $20 or so dollar "handshake" depending on the place, and it's bought me a few really nice tables at spots that average around a hundo or so/each for dinner.

I'm traveling soon and will be going to a nicer place that will probably approach five bills or so for two guests, with my future ex-wife next month- If I'm really going to break the bank, how much do you guys normally break off the maître d for a nice table before you're seated? Fifty bucks is a lot just to have someone walk you to a table, but if it's 10% so it seems fair, especially if I get an advantage in the table over someone who just made a reservation and showed up..

Maybe this should just be a tipping thread? Maybe I should pick a more upscale place and drop a hundo on the maître d?

My lack of class probably shows when I go to these places, not because of my dress, but since I may be a little clumsy with the tipping deal and ask the sommelier if they have Busch Lite in a can, but I think I'm doing it right.

Waiters: 20% standard, plus or minus based on service.
Movers/furniture delivery guys: $20 each worker.
Refrigerator deliverer guys: $20 each.
Pizza guys: $6 irrespective of the order.
Jimmy John's/Sandwich/Chinese food guys: $7 each since they get shafted delivering a $5 item.
Valets: $5 drop off, $5 when you pick up.
Mailman: a twenty-spot every xmas.
Hotel housekeeping staff: $5/day

Am I being cheap? Too Generous? Am I not tipping someone I should?
Coach Mac says this is the new wave:;)

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