' "It's about 4:00 in the afternoon and I get a call from the president of FreedomWorks, Matt Kibbe, and I can hear the distress in his voice," Beck said. "[Kibbe said], 'Glenn, I've just been escorted out of my office by armed guards and told not to come back.'"
Kibbe added that he wasn't the only one forcefully escorted out, and that they had been hijacked, so to speak, by the "old guard" GOP establishment.
"There was a coup during the election, and it was powerful," Beck said. "They were trying to get rid of the libertarian, Tea Party-minded power players, and first and foremost on that hit list was Matt Kibbe and his allies. They didn't like the fact that FreedomWorks was cleaning house in the GOP that they were targeting people like Orrin Hatch. It didn't sit well with the Karl Roves of the GOP world " '
Beck said that shortly thereafter he got a call from the man inside FreedomWorks who had "ordered the hit," who explained how the whole situation was "really good" because now he was the face of FreedomWorks and people trust him.
"His face never saw the light of day on my program," Beck said. "I hung up the phone with him, the next day I called board members of FreedomWorks and we said we support the libertarian voice, and if you allow this coup to sit, we're done and we'll expose it."
"It wasn't even a week later the board took a vote and decided to reinstate Matt Kibbe as president," Beck said. "All the libertarians that had been escorted out ? reinstated all of them, and then escorted the leader of this coup and his cronies out the door for good."
Beck spoke about the ramifications of the "coup" for the 2012 election, remarking: "So don't tell me, GOP and John Cornyn and everybody else, about how FreedomWorks hurt the election. You tied their hands during the last election."
And now, Beck said, "the exact same thing ? the same people really ? are doing this" within the Republican Party at large ? particularly in the United States Senate.
"Anyone in Congress or the Senate who associates with FreedomWorks, the Senate Conservatives Fund, the Tea Party, anybody, anybody is being targeted by the same class of establishment Republican progressives," Beck said. "They do not like it when you organize. They do not like it when you choose the candidates that you actually want."
Beck added that it's the same reason lawmakers are not truly pursuing the IRS' targeting of small government groups, because progressives on both sides "want that tool in place to come after people like you." '
The old guard GOP is nothing more than Progressive Light..!
Kibbe added that he wasn't the only one forcefully escorted out, and that they had been hijacked, so to speak, by the "old guard" GOP establishment.
"There was a coup during the election, and it was powerful," Beck said. "They were trying to get rid of the libertarian, Tea Party-minded power players, and first and foremost on that hit list was Matt Kibbe and his allies. They didn't like the fact that FreedomWorks was cleaning house in the GOP that they were targeting people like Orrin Hatch. It didn't sit well with the Karl Roves of the GOP world " '
Beck said that shortly thereafter he got a call from the man inside FreedomWorks who had "ordered the hit," who explained how the whole situation was "really good" because now he was the face of FreedomWorks and people trust him.
"His face never saw the light of day on my program," Beck said. "I hung up the phone with him, the next day I called board members of FreedomWorks and we said we support the libertarian voice, and if you allow this coup to sit, we're done and we'll expose it."
"It wasn't even a week later the board took a vote and decided to reinstate Matt Kibbe as president," Beck said. "All the libertarians that had been escorted out ? reinstated all of them, and then escorted the leader of this coup and his cronies out the door for good."
Beck spoke about the ramifications of the "coup" for the 2012 election, remarking: "So don't tell me, GOP and John Cornyn and everybody else, about how FreedomWorks hurt the election. You tied their hands during the last election."
And now, Beck said, "the exact same thing ? the same people really ? are doing this" within the Republican Party at large ? particularly in the United States Senate.
"Anyone in Congress or the Senate who associates with FreedomWorks, the Senate Conservatives Fund, the Tea Party, anybody, anybody is being targeted by the same class of establishment Republican progressives," Beck said. "They do not like it when you organize. They do not like it when you choose the candidates that you actually want."
Beck added that it's the same reason lawmakers are not truly pursuing the IRS' targeting of small government groups, because progressives on both sides "want that tool in place to come after people like you." '
The old guard GOP is nothing more than Progressive Light..!