Plans for the Great Eclipse???


Rowdy Reptile
Jan 7, 2022
Hello All,

I’ve taken a break from posting on various social media during the Lenten season, and being sidetracked with other personal stuff (nothing bad thankfully). Hope everyone is doing well, even the people I disagree with LOL.

Curious what your plans are for watching the eclipse(?). I’m fortunate to live inside the eclipse path. (In 2017 I had to drive about 60 miles south to see that one).

I’m taking Monday off from work, and my neighbors down the street are planning a watch party. Be safe and enjoy yourself. Hope you have clear skies wherever you are.
Hello All,

I’ve taken a break from posting on various social media during the Lenten season, and being sidetracked with other personal stuff (nothing bad thankfully). Hope everyone is doing well, even the people I disagree with LOL.

Curious what your plans are for watching the eclipse(?). I’m fortunate to live inside the eclipse path. (In 2017 I had to drive about 60 miles south to see that one).

I’m taking Monday off from work, and my neighbors down the street are planning a watch party. Be safe and enjoy yourself. Hope you have clear skies wherever you are.
I will be spending Monday as I always do, being drunk indoors because I can as it's my only day off.
Hello All,

I’ve taken a break from posting on various social media during the Lenten season, and being sidetracked with other personal stuff (nothing bad thankfully). Hope everyone is doing well, even the people I disagree with LOL.

Curious what your plans are for watching the eclipse(?). I’m fortunate to live inside the eclipse path. (In 2017 I had to drive about 60 miles south to see that one).

I’m taking Monday off from work, and my neighbors down the street are planning a watch party. Be safe and enjoy yourself. Hope you have clear skies wherever you are.

Moonshine. That’s the plan.
I would have been in the center of prime viewing for the 2017 solar eclipse that came right through the middle of SC but I drove up to NJ for my 20 year old brother's funeral. Don't care about the 2024 solar eclipse. I saw one in middle school in the nineties. Ya seen one, ya seen 'em all.
I was in the garage today repairing a perfectly good pair of Rocky boots that needed repairing, reglued the soles back onto the boots. I knew the eclipse was coming, but it sucked so bad I forgot about it. In 1970, when I was 14, we had a REAL eclipse, I've never forgotten it. It got dark and birds started going to roost, lasted a good 30 minutes. This one sucked and a major disappointment. I probably won't live long enough to see a really good one again. This one came right through my home town in Lake City, Fl.


I was in the garage today repairing a perfectly good pair of Rocky boots that needed repairing, reglued the soles back onto the boots. I knew the eclipse was coming, but it sucked so bad I forgot about it. In 1970, when I was 14, we had a REAL eclipse, I've never forgotten it. It got dark and birds started going to roost, lasted a good 30 minutes. This one sucked and a major disappointment. I probably won't live long enough to see a really good one again. This one came right through my home town in Lake City, Fl.


This particular eclipse inspired the phrase “…and you flew your Lear Jet to Nova Scotia to see the total eclipse of the sun” on “You’re So Vain” by Carly Simon.

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