Never seen anything like this...


Bull Gator
Sep 27, 2009
Sparks, NV
This COV...BS is crazy. Never seen anything like this. I have 4 just getting out of the Marines...others are 14, 11, 10...they all think that they are 20. I had 6 kids at the house last night rising all mighty was awesome. I went to sleep on the couch around 12 (I'm on PST)...woke up at 3 AND these fools are balling out of control and going wild AF.

I was like this is over, I had to shut it down. Who knows a damn fire might get started lmfao. Anyways not a lot of sports to talk about yet but we're getting there and I'm over this stuff. I hope you guys are all okay and doing well. Wanted to just share something. Lord help us!
I have to go get my brain swabbed with a q tip next week by the health weirdos, even though me and my team have never left campus to begin with to "work at home".
Nothing to worry about grommit, just as long as they don't use the same swab more than once anyway... :eek: -- :D