More obama mideast madness


Ring of Honor
Sep 27, 2002
First of all, I'd like to see all off shore aid ended, that isn't my problem, but that isn't what's happening here either.

The Obama regime is punishing egypt for ousting Morsi and his Fascist MB who are still carrying out a pogrom against coptic christians btw by withholding aid. A secular egypt is in our best interest. This apparently doesn't matter to obama.

Think about this please, he tried to give the muslim brotherhood egypt by turning on Mubarak, a long time dictator who played ball with the US. The muslim brotherhood is al qaeda light and an islamofascist organization. When the egyptian people bucked and the army stepped in he condemned that coup but he didn't say anything about the MB hijacking the previous elections.

Failing to give the MB egypt, he tried desperately to give them Syria, he was stymied in this, much to his chagrin, by massive US popular and congressional resistance, and was out maneuvered by Putin....again, all to the good this time at least. Now, to punish egyptians for their defiance he is withholding aid, which is fine, we should withhold all aid, but if we're not why punish a regime that will be at least neutral toward us and not interested in war with Israel?

Why do people not understand policy? If you know anything about history and the region you know this man's policies aren't about what's best for the US, or even for the people of the region. His foreign policy is anti american, it is border line treason. He scares the hell out of me, he really does.

check out his half brother malik obama and also the story of the egytian attorney general that has evidence the mb has been pumping buttloads of cash via shell corps into tye dnc, hillary campaign and of course barry's as well.

it begins to paint a picture as to why his me fp is what it is