So, all of these people are lying.
His niece
Yep selling a book and she was a baby during the alleged offense. Hearsay!
Yep generals and NSC folk done said so.
Michael Cohen
Plead guilty to a non crime that TDS peeps hoped to get Trump with. Didnt work but it did allow him to avoid prosecution for his cab medallion scams.
Trump paid her to go away. What is the point? 50-50 on who is telling the Truth with a lean towards her cause Trump is a lech.
The 12 women that have accused him of assault
Yeah ask Herman Cain about that kind of BS that only surfaces during campaigns season. Men with money get extorted all the time. They pay and move on. Trump probably had something going on with all 12. Consensual and lucrative for the accusers both before and after the extortion.
All of the people in the Ukraine investigation
You mean like the first hand witnesses that backed Trump or the hearsay guys that did not. Acquitted for lack of evidence unlike Clinton who lost his law license for perjury while being allowed to skate removal
All of the people in the Mueller investigation
No evidence of collusion case closed
The financial advisors that say he lied on his bank applications
Dont know anything about it obviously the dems and the IRS dont seem to care as they havent come after him on this yet.
I do know that his companies filed for bankruptcy many times in order to force banks to re-negotiate his loans. As far as I know his strategy in this regard worked. LOL when you get a home loan the bank takes it from you when you default. When you have bazillions on the line the bank will go under with you so they definitely had to play nice with the frenemy. I have disliked Trumps persona from way back when he was a Larry King regular but the way he played banks I always admired.
All of those people have been willing to put it in writing or under oath, with specifics.
At some point, you have to realize it’s Trump that is the liar.
LOL knew that after he went after and lied about Ted Cruz in Iowa. Wow for 4.5 years I have known he is a liar. Got anything else while I vote for more SCOTUS picks , a border wall, deregulation, tax cuts, rebuilding the military, etc.?