Well maybe mostly.
Short of the market crash which itself was a blip the economy of Reagan ran well into the year 2000 when the FED jacked up rates and crashed the economy, followed by 911 and the war on terror.
The seeds for the crash of 2008 go all the way back to Carter and were exacerbated by actions near the end of Clinton. Many economic problems are the result of decades of policy. The biggest part of our debt is LBJs worst society and Nixons fiat push.
Our problems with China lie at the feet of Nixon and Clinton. Reminder Nixon was prez in the early 70s and the Chinese have become the poisonous fruit within the last decade
We have had a sort of Neo-Reagan revival under Trump until the virus crashed the world.
Reagan's tax policies coupled with pro business policy and in particular emphasis on R&D led to the tech boom of the 90s.
4 short years after this video the USoA destroyed the worlds 4 largest Army in 4 months losing less than a 1000 troops with
Reagan's military.
H took his war clout and broke his promise not to raise taxes. The returning troops and tax increase stalled the economy for a brief 6 months just barely a recession by definition and was over before Clinton entered office.
Clinton inherited Reagan's legacy and was smart enough not to make any big changes especially after getting slapped down on Hillarycare. Smart enough and well he had a Republican congress to keep him in check for 6 of his 8 years.
The fear of Japan was overblown and they have endured decades of poor to mediocre growth due in part to demographics.
Pax Americana sees the USoA reaping a 20+ trillion dollar economy which is abused by congressional overspending on social programs.
You need a mostly stable westernized world to enjoy such prosperity. That comes with the US military keeping the world mostly peaceful and dealing with mainly low level wars. Yes I would like to see allies pull more of their own weight.
Furthermore, America did not reach 100% GDP to Debt until zer0 came in and spent like a drunken sailor. His enabling of the gay mafia and race baiting have us in part where we are today with SJW, PC police and cancel culture etc. Remember he started as a community organizer and disciple of Saul Alinsky.
Trump is dealing with the riots, a virus and endless political attacks on his person not just his policies.
The young Trump is a better speaker than current Trump. Message much the same. Just as acerbic but less strident. Loved hearing him give it Ed Koch. Ole Ed was conservative compared to today's democrats.
Good video