LOL. The Feds "closed"... wait for it... Florida Bay.

JD Gator

Ring of Honor
Gold Member
Sep 27, 2002

Rule by temper tantrum. Can we all agree this is idiotic? I think I like the bolded part best.

Charter guides received a message from the National Park Service this
week informing them that they are not permitted to take clients fishing
in Florida Bay until the feds get back to work. That means that more
than 1,100 square miles of prime fishing is off limits between the
southern tip of the mainland to the Keys until further notice.
closing affects not only fishing guides, but anyone with a license to
conduct business in the park, including tour operators and paddling
guides ? anyone with a Commercial Use Authorization permit, said Dan
Kimball, superintendent of Everglades and Dry Tortugas national parks.
Biscayne National Park is also off limits. Enforcement rangers will be on duty, Kimball said.

Read more here:
I truly believe a vast majority of the American public consists of absolute morons, this is so transparent(maybe this is what he meant by most transparent administration ever) it should be obvious, but how many do you think will blame the GOP for this? The fact is andrews air force base golf course managed to stay open, but grocery stores on that same base closed.

Remember when i said after the midterms this guy would melt down because he is incapable of compromise? It's happening before your eyes. The GOP should double down, it won't happen though Boehner doesn't have the stomach for this and Obama knows the MSM is going to wash his balls no matter what he does.
Haven't seen this posted, so I'll put it in here. The Feds also tried to shut down the WWII memorial- which is concrete in the middole of an open grass space, and is not regularly staffed. They installed barricades and assigned Park Service rangers to enforce the closure. Then a bunch of WWII vets who'd traveled from Mississippi to visit the monument, basically went in anyway.

Which do you suppose were more intimidating- the Barrycades at the National Mall, or the tank traps and barbed wire on Omaha Beach?

This post was edited on 10/8 9:59 AM by JD Gator
Originally posted by BigOleNastyGator:
I truly believe a vast majority of the American public consists of absolute morons, this is so transparent(maybe this is what he meant by most transparent administration ever) it should be obvious, but how many do you think will blame the GOP for this?
Looks like the American public is assigning blame pretty evenly (and predictably):

"Not surprisingly, huge majorities of Democrats are angry at the Republicans, and huge majorities of Republicans are angry at Obama and Democrats. Independents are equally angry at all sides, with 59% of Independents very or somewhat angry at the Democrats, six in 10 angry at the GOP, and 58% angry at Obama."

It's surreal. Talk about making the case for the limited government coalition. Eventually, some people will wonder why the government is in control of nearly all the things they're closing to begin with. They're claiming authority to deny access to huge areas that weren't being staffed or maintained before. Woody Guthrie is turning in his grave.
There are also "enforcement rangers" stationed along biking/walking/hiking trails which traverse federally owned lands to keep people from using them.

Mark Levin has an interesting theory about the whole situation. Use (anonymous search engine) to search for the following query: mark levin debt limit. Read the first result for the
Originally posted by Ghost of Spaceheater:
There are also "enforcement rangers" stationed along biking/walking/hiking trails which traverse federally owned lands to keep people from using them.

Mark Levin has an interesting theory about the whole situation. Use (anonymous search engine) to search for the following query: mark levin debt limit. Read the first result for the
Levin is brilliant.

His most recent book "the liberty amendments" is a must read.
Originally posted by JD Gator:

Rule by temper tantrum. Can we all agree this is idiotic? I think I like the bolded part best.

Charter guides received a message from the National Park Service this
week informing them that they are not permitted to take clients fishing
in Florida Bay until the feds get back to work. That means that more
than 1,100 square miles of prime fishing is off limits between the
southern tip of the mainland to the Keys until further notice.

closing affects not only fishing guides, but anyone with a license to
conduct business in the park, including tour operators and paddling
guides ? anyone with a Commercial Use Authorization permit, said Dan
Kimball, superintendent of Everglades and Dry Tortugas national parks.

Biscayne National Park is also off limits. Enforcement rangers will be on duty, Kimball said.

Read more here:
Would this be a violaion of the left's sacred cow, the comerce clause if there were tourists from, let's say, Pennsylvania impacted by this closure?
Originally posted by steffen91:
Originally posted by JD Gator:

Rule by temper tantrum. Can we all agree this is idiotic? I think I like the bolded part best.

Charter guides received a message from the National Park Service this
week informing them that they are not permitted to take clients fishing
in Florida Bay until the feds get back to work. That means that more
than 1,100 square miles of prime fishing is off limits between the
southern tip of the mainland to the Keys until further notice.

closing affects not only fishing guides, but anyone with a license to
conduct business in the park, including tour operators and paddling
guides ? anyone with a Commercial Use Authorization permit, said Dan
Kimball, superintendent of Everglades and Dry Tortugas national parks.

Biscayne National Park is also off limits. Enforcement rangers will be on duty, Kimball said.

Read more here:
Would this be a violaion of the left's sacred cow, the commerce clause if there were tourists from, let's say, Pennsylvania impacted by this closure?
Nah. Commerce Clause really only has to do with whether Federal laws can be applied to various subjects. There are already Federal laws establishing the national parks- so whether or not you think that's right or wrong in the first place, this isn't a commerce clause issue at all.
Funny, I've never seen the Fed out there. I'd like to see the cost savings.

I've got an idea! Let's give Washington control of our Health Care so that they can have that to threaten us with!
Yet the big govt proponents will refuse to see this temper tantrum as proof of what might happen to people who oppose the political powers that be when we are all under govt controlled healthcare. Or perhsps they think they will be spared from retribution.
Originally posted by djegators:
Yet the big govt proponents will refuse to see this temper tantrum as proof of what might happen to people who oppose the political powers that be when we are all under govt controlled healthcare. Or perhsps they think they will be spared from retribution.
That's exactly what they think because they naively believe they're on the "same side" so it won't be done to them.