How to become a so called "source" for the media...

Gator Fever

Bull Gator
Feb 13, 2008

Unreal how these clowns will source a story with no verification. Well I guess that wasn't as bad as some Trump ones where the newsroom just makes it up themselves and then claim sources said it or maybe they just had their lefty friend e-mail them with the false claims.
If it fits their narrative they’ll run with it because they know the others who share the same narrative will believe it no matter what, because it fits the narrative.
If it fits their narrative they’ll run with it because they know the others who share the same narrative will believe it no matter what, because it fits the narrative.

Yep the mainstream media has been exposed as the joke they are in recent years. They used to try and claim the news was objective that some people just didn't like what was actually going on.