Debate # 1

I think the Dems are stuck with Harris even if Biden would step down and he probably wont.
I think he will somehow get forced out. The democrats blew it by not forcing him out a lot sooner......the signs have been there for a while. And they don't have anybody in the bullpen that is ready.

At this point Biden has no chance to beat anybody. Looking at how bad he is can you possibly want him there for 5 more years. That's an argument that simply can't be made by a reasonable person. Biden might be in an elder care facility by then.

And the really sad thing is if Trump gets elected he will be older than Biden was when he was elected in 2020 - officially becoming the oldest president ever.

We have screwed ourselves big time.
I think he will somehow get forced out. The democrats blew it by not forcing him out a lot sooner......the signs have been there for a while. And they don't have anybody in the bullpen that is ready.

At this point Biden has no chance to beat anybody. Looking at how bad he is can you possibly want him there for 5 more years. That's an argument that simply can't be made by a reasonable person. Biden might be in an elder care facility by then.

And the really sad thing is if Trump gets elected he will be older than Biden was when he was elected in 2020 - officially becoming the oldest president ever.

We have screwed ourselves big time.

Trump is still there. I just hope if he was to have issues later his VP pick isn't just some crook waiting to undo his work..
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I think he will somehow get forced out. The democrats blew it by not forcing him out a lot sooner......the signs have been there for a while. And they don't have anybody in the bullpen that is ready.

At this point Biden has no chance to beat anybody. Looking at how bad he is can you possibly want him there for 5 more years. That's an argument that simply can't be made by a reasonable person. Biden might be in an elder care facility by then.

And the really sad thing is if Trump gets elected he will be older than Biden was when he was elected in 2020 - officially becoming the oldest president ever.

We have screwed ourselves big time.

Who is WE? You and the left have screwed us. You fell for the propaganda, again…and again, and again…

Just eat the 🐦‍⬛ and have some humble pie for dessert. But I get it, the only card left is to try and lump Trump into your nonsense.

You were duped, it’s time you acknowledge it.
about the only way they save face to remove joey is with the 25th amendment, which would make kammie prez- the dems want Newsome to replace joey
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Couldn’t watch all of it but what I did see…My god Biden was further gone than I even expected him to be.

I think I see the tactic they wanted to use…usually they cut the right off in the debates and let the dems pounce. This time they were cutting Joe off when he would constantly lose his mind and give a bunch of time to Trump…my guess is to let Trump blabber on and look bad. Joe was so bad I think they’re gonna replace him…this is elder abuse

I respect my guy, Kalim, but Biden did horribly....
Yeah he did really bad. Trump was awful too. He was rumbling and never answered a question but Biden looked like he had no interest in being there. He looked like an old man that wanted to be home in bed. He could barely complete a sentence. Now we see if he drops out. I don't expect it at all. He is too stubborn. Now if it has to go to Kamala, then I hope he stays. She can't win and he may win.
Yeah he did really bad. Trump was awful too. He was rumbling and never answered a question but Biden looked like he had no interest in being there. He looked like an old man that wanted to be home in bed. He could barely complete a sentence. Now we see if he drops out. I don't expect it at all. He is too stubborn. Now if it has to go to Kamala, then I hope he stays. She can't win and he may win.

Never forget. Joe Biden Beat Medicare.

It’s not that he looked like he didn’t want to be there. It’s that he looked like he didn’t know where he was. Same as it’s looked for 4 years now.
Yeah he did really bad. Trump was awful too. He was rumbling and never answered a question but Biden looked like he had no interest in being there. He looked like an old man that wanted to be home in bed. He could barely complete a sentence. Now we see if he drops out. I don't expect it at all. He is too stubborn. Now if it has to go to Kamala, then I hope he stays. She can't win and he may win.
cnn did little to hold them accountable for not answering questions, but their rules caused that

I expect the dims to use the 25th amendment to9 get rid of joey and tell kammie while she will be prez for abo0ut 6 months they have no interest in her running for re-election and then in an open convention nominating newsome who has done such a fine job in cally
Yeah he did really bad. Trump was awful too. He was rumbling and never answered a question but Biden looked like he had no interest in being there. He looked like an old man that wanted to be home in bed. He could barely complete a sentence. Now we see if he drops out. I don't expect it at all. He is too stubborn. Now if it has to go to Kamala, then I hope he stays. She can't win and he may win.
Kalim, give you a lot of credit for coming back here into this thread.

But if you think Trump is awful too, I think you must've been watching a different debate ...
What are your expectations?

I expect Biden to win it. He will start strong but fade at the end. Trump will start strong but go crazy at end. I think the biggest argument will be the 2020 election and Jan 6th. Biden will struggle with the border stuff. Trump will struggle with abortion.
This aged poorly; like a tuna fish sandwich left on the dash of a dirty pickup truck in the hot sun all day.
2.7k comments and they all say this visit and reactions were totally staged.

I'm sorry, but in real life there is zero chance the guy with the LSU hat is sitting there with a black woman having breakfast and the waffle House. That is so staged. I'm not saying that it's not possible. I'm just saying that it didn't happen.

It makes me angry when people try to piss on my head and tell me it's raining ...
Yeah he did really bad. Trump was awful too. He was rumbling and never answered a question but Biden looked like he had no interest in being there. He looked like an old man that wanted to be home in bed. He could barely complete a sentence. Now we see if he drops out. I don't expect it at all. He is too stubborn. Now if it has to go to Kamala, then I hope he stays. She can't win and he may win.

Trump answered questions but he answered the one HE wanted to answer…he talked about what he wanted to talk about. He knew the moderators were going to ask left-leaning questions (like climate change) and he didn’t take the bait. Instead he put the spotlight on Biden and went right after Biden’s attacks and lies.

It’s the only way to even the field when it’s 3v1. Go rogue and control the message.
Kalim, give you a lot of credit for coming back here into this thread.

But if you think Trump is awful too, I think you must've been watching a different debate ...
Trump lied with almost every statement he made.......starting right out of the gate with the bullshit about "everybody" wanting to send Roe v Wade to the states.

Honestly, I don't know how you guys can stomach listening to him talk's a never ending used car salesman making a pitch.

If you didn't see that, what where you watching? And I can go back and detail most of the lies if somehow you honestly didn't get it.
I'm sorry, but in real life there is zero chance the guy with the LSU hat is sitting there with a black woman having breakfast and the waffle House. That is so staged. I'm not saying that it's not possible. I'm just saying that it didn't happen.

It makes me angry when people try to piss on my head and tell me it's raining ...

Trump lied with almost every statement he made.......starting right out of the gate with the bullshit about "everybody" wanting to send Roe v Wade to the states.

Honestly, I don't know how you guys can stomach listening to him talk's a never ending used car salesman making a pitch.

If you didn't see that, what where you watching? And I can go back and detail most of the lies if somehow you honestly didn't get it.
Tell us how Biden did in the debate.?

As a libertarian, I am personally not opposed to abortion. The overturning of Roe v. Wade does not. Outlaw abortion it simply returns it to the states which is fine with me.

Personally, I have a very freakeconomics view abortion ...
Tell us how Biden did in the debate.?

As a libertarian, I am personally not opposed to abortion. The overturning of Roe v. Wade does not. Outlaw abortion it simply returns it to the states which is fine with me.

Personally, I have a very freakeconomics view abortion ...
Biden was terrible. The main thing he needed to accomplish last night was to prove he was still "competent" and he did the opposite.

I am not beholden to either side........just call "em like I see 'em and I see two extremely flawed candidates. The worst choice we have ever had as a least in my lifetime.
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Trump lied with almost every statement he made.......starting right out of the gate with the bullshit about "everybody" wanting to send Roe v Wade to the states.

Honestly, I don't know how you guys can stomach listening to him talk's a never ending used car salesman making a pitch.

If you didn't see that, what where you watching? And I can go back and detail most of the lies if somehow you honestly didn't get it.
The same can be said about you. We don't know how you stomach listening to Biden talk and lie after lie, like the bulls**t about never having any service members lost during his presidency. Tell that to the 13 grieving familes who listened to that and who had to see Joe Biden look at his watch during the return of their bodies. Biden has been a serial liar his whole life going back to plagarism in college. You must sprinkle some special seasoning on Biden lies because they seem to taste a lot better to you.
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Biden was terrible. The main thing he needed to accomplish last night was to prove he was still "competent" and he did the opposite.

I am not beholden to either side........just call "em like I see 'em and I see two extremely flawed candidates. The worst choice we have ever had as a least in my lifetime.
And I think your opinion is fair. I don't agree, but that's whatmakes America great right?
Biden was terrible. The main thing he needed to accomplish last night was to prove he was still "competent" and he did the opposite.

I am not beholden to either side........just call "em like I see 'em and I see two extremely flawed candidates. The worst choice we have ever had as a least in my lifetime.
What do you have to say about the pit of vipers that have propped this senile old man up for 4 years? Are they liars? Are they dangerous to American democracy? Wake up fellow citizen
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Kalim, give you a lot of credit for coming back here into this thread.

But if you think Trump is awful too, I think you must've been watching a different debate ...
Literally no one is saying that Trump did poorly. They said that he "lied" when, at worst, he made errors of lack of precision. Example, he said that the U.S. funds 100% of NATO. He was "fact checked" and it was really 70%. Either way, and give Trump credit here, it is RIDICULOUS that with our budget deficits, that we continue to bail out Europe on them doing their fair share of NATO funding when it is THEM who are closest to Russia.

Was Trump precise? No. Was Trump right, yes. This is why - and remember, I am the "moderate" and at times called the "RINO" that many people's trust in the media is quickly approaching zero.
Tell us how Biden did in the debate.?

As a libertarian, I am personally not opposed to abortion. The overturning of Roe v. Wade does not. Outlaw abortion it simply returns it to the states which is fine with me.

Personally, I have a very freakeconomics view abortion ...
More abortions occurred after the SCOTUS decision.

It didn’t have the effect the Left claims it did.
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Literally no one is saying that Trump did poorly. They said that he "lied" when, at worst, he made errors of lack of precision. Example, he said that the U.S. funds 100% of NATO. He was "fact checked" and it was really 70%. Either way, and give Trump credit here, it is RIDICULOUS that with our budget deficits, that we continue to bail out Europe on them doing their fair share of NATO funding when it is THEM who are closest to Russia.

Was Trump precise? No. Was Trump right, yes. This is why - and remember, I am the "moderate" and at times called the "RINO" that many people's trust in the media is quickly approaching zero.
Precision is a ridiculous standard for any politician.
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Literally no one is saying that Trump did poorly. They said that he "lied" when, at worst, he made errors of lack of precision. Example, he said that the U.S. funds 100% of NATO. He was "fact checked" and it was really 70%. Either way, and give Trump credit here, it is RIDICULOUS that with our budget deficits, that we continue to bail out Europe on them doing their fair share of NATO funding when it is THEM who are closest to Russia.

Was Trump precise? No. Was Trump right, yes. This is why - and remember, I am the "moderate" and at times called the "RINO" that many people's trust in the media is quickly approaching zero.
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That silence you hear is the left realizing they were lied to (finally), and the right was correct.

It’s the last gasp of hope to say Trump is a liar and biden is senile, but is honest. Just stop while you’re behind.

We tried telling you.

That silence you hear is the left realizing they were lied to (finally), and the right was correct.

It’s the last gasp of hope to say Trump is a liar and biden is senile, but is honest. Just stop while you’re behind.

We tried telling you.

Too bad Bath House Barry couldn't come up with that comment on his own.

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