CNN once again busted reporting fake news about Trump


Ring of Honor
Oct 1, 2012

Two thoughts:

1 - Every time they get caught lying about Trump and his supporters, they lose a few more critical thinkers, cause critical thinkers don't continue to trust sources that lie to them.

2 - Every time CNN lies about Trump and his supporters, the sheep think they are being told the truth. So they hate Trump and his supporters even more, because they cannot think for themselves when it comes to Trump. We see that every day in the posts from the lefties.

Critical thinking prowess. Eyes wide open.

PS: Evidence free. Guess someone else has seen the quote. Sheep still asleep.

Two thoughts:

1 - Every time they get caught lying about Trump and his supporters, they lose a few more critical thinkers, cause critical thinkers don't continue to trust sources that lie to them.

2 - Every time CNN lies about Trump and his supporters, the sheep think they are being told the truth. So they hate Trump and his supporters even more, because they cannot think for themselves when it comes to Trump. We see that every day in the posts from the lefties.

The sheeple followed right in line with MORE FAKENEWS now this young man and his family are receiving death threats because of the CNN and others for doing nothing.

The sheeple followed right in line with MORE FAKENEWS now this young man and his family are receiving death threats because of the CNN and others for doing nothing.

Of course. And CNN knew they would as soon as they published the story. I'd wager good money they also knew it too was a hoax and ran it anyway.

Literally putting the lives of children at risk, just to run a (fabricated) negative story on Trump and his supporters.

Critical thinkers, really anyone with any morals, sees the issue and stops watching CNN.

@bradleygator @BSC911 @BoxofFrogs you guys gonna stop watching CNN over this?

Didn't think so.
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Of course. And CNN knew they would as soon as they published the story. I'd wager good money they also knew it too was a hoax and ran it anyway.

Literally putting the lives of children at risk, just to run a (fabricated) negative story on Trump and his supporters.

Critical thinkers, really anyone with any morals, sees the issue and stops watching CNN.

@bradleygator @BSC911 @BoxofFrogs you guys gonna stop watching CNN over this?

Didn't think so.

You gonna keep on buying those made in China products so that you can be soooooooo proud of yourself for helping China build their military up?
Keep going to Wally World Head.
All it would have taken was 30 seconds googling him to know he was a fraud.

Either no one in the lefty media did that, or they did, and smeared the children anyway.

So either they are completely incompetent, or completely evil. Either way, libs here believe them blindly, so what does that say about them?