Check out these asinine Common Core assignments

Men are bad....and third grade is not too early to learn it. Hopefully, they will teach them about white people too.
Until we the people rake back our schools the cause is lost. Our public schools and universities are leftist seminaries more than anything.
Yep , indoctrination facilities, the people that resist are either totally brainwashed the other direction, or strong exceptionally free thinking, but if you're not in one of those two camps you emerge from public schools a useful idiot.
My oldest daughter started kindergarten this year. I have a feeling common core and myself are going to butt heads in not so distant future. I am going to love teaching the teachers a few things. Of course, with the way things are going I'll end up in a re-education camp somewhere for daring to question our Dear Leader.
The broad strokes many of you paint with are hilarious.

The fact you guys believe in these sinister plots against America's impressionable youth is laughable.
Originally posted by Dannygator1989:
The broad strokes many of you paint with are hilarious.

The fact you guys believe in these sinister plots against America's impressionable youth is laughable.
Talk about painting with a broad brush.