Originally posted by badselectioncommittee:
Yes, true that this has no impact on the bright red or bright blue states. But I have seen more and more "moderate" republicans and democrats upset by the threat of a default, and true or not the tea party is getting most of the blame (obviously both sides are taking much of the heat). Like it or not, you will need the moderates to win any future elections.
Remember when a lot of the moderate democrats were switching over to the Republican party during Reagan? I think you may see the opposite if the Repubs don't get their house in order. If you think the Republican party can survive with only libertarians, tea party types and social conservatives, you are sadly mistaken.
First of all, we will never win another election, by we I mean sane educated people. This is the era of the demagogue and the bought congress, there is literally no hope of a sane solution every passing. I don't want the republican party to survive, I would prefer that both it and the democratic party implode.
Look, we have a math problem here, wealth is extracted, resources are extracted, and we've created the mechanism by which it happens, we're attempting to blind the people to it with all these "free" welfare state programs that we can't continue to fund, and raising taxes won't fix the problem, raising taxes will actually lower revenue and further damage business. The problem is we've so saddled the economy with tax and regulation it isn't growing fast enough for the tax base to grow to fund this crap, due to what we've done it never will again.
We have the worst, least productive, least educated, least responsible segment of our population breeding like it's their freaking job, and why not, we do pay them for it, and this will lead to an even worse electorate in the future. There is no hope, things aren't going to get better, and there aren't enough loop holes to save you.
They know it too, look at the whistle blower felony law the most transparent administration ever just signed into law. civil war is the only thing that could save the country at this point, but that isn't going to happen either, we're too fat and happy for that, by the time we're pissed enough to do it, it will already be too late.
In short, moderates are idiots only slightly better than your far left types, they think we can sustain an extra trillion dollars a year of spending indefinitely, or by merely taxing the rich more, which is inane at best.