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  1. gatordad3

    MLK Jr files have been declassed. And it's baaaad

    A la Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, two of the fugliest RINOS who look more like democrats.
  2. gatordad3

    Obamas headed for splitsville?

    So @Hotlanta_Bill won't admit he admires some Big Mike genitals.
  3. gatordad3

    MLK Jr files have been declassed. And it's baaaad
  4. gatordad3

    Clown Show Kalifornia

  5. gatordad3

    Clown Show Kalifornia

  6. gatordad3

    Clown Show Kalifornia

  7. gatordad3

    Fox News crushing it in the ratings while MSNBC and CNN bleed.

    Dick Maddow has more cyclical depression
  8. gatordad3

    What a huge movement MAGA is.....

    Check out the 3 minute mark.
  9. gatordad3

    2024-25 Basketball,,, all things considered...

    So I guess none of you scrubs even noticed Insta hasn't showed up here since yesterday.
  10. gatordad3

    Obamas headed for splitsville?

    Then it was Manchelle rump roasting Aniston. I have a feeling she will soon join Joan Rivers and the Obama chef.
  11. gatordad3

    2024-25 Basketball,,, all things considered...

    It feels like since SEC play started, they've been playing down to the competition.
  12. gatordad3

    No Cure For Liberal Insanity

    No different than the other Swamp liberals, driving by then disappearing once they get slapped by the alpha conservatives here.
  13. gatordad3

    No Cure For Liberal Insanity

    The dork in orange is related to DC407.
  14. gatordad3

    2024-25 Basketball,,, all things considered...

    At the game with my grandson and I totally forgot about Mike White's clueless looks that he's giving us now.
  15. gatordad3

    Clown Show Kalifornia

  16. gatordad3

    What a huge movement MAGA is.....

  17. gatordad3

    Clown Show Kalifornia

  18. gatordad3


    Like I stated before, if Aniston is getting porked by an Obama, it sure as hell ain't Bath House Barry.
  19. gatordad3

    What a huge movement MAGA is.....

    I was not a fan of Alex Jones but he's seemed to have mellowed a bit.