If Mullen's wife has any say....

Ok, none taken. It sounded like you were calling all conservatives fascists. Just checking.

Keep in mind...sadgator was raised by a cult of hippies...
You can focus on her politics...sadgator will focus on her ass...everybody wins.

Proof the bar isnt that high in Starkville[.] Mediocrity is acceptable as a Bulldog[.]

Not at UF[.] if you dont want the demand for excellence - dont come[!]

It's fascinating that smugly salaried sportswriter/columnists often seem not to pick up topics until a day or more after they've been discussed on Internet message-boards by fans: Fans who are not getting paid for filling the role of sports-assignments editors.

Commentary: Memo to Dan Mullen's wife:
Gators fans no more spoiled than FSU, Alabama, Georgia and others

[....] I don’t doubt anything Megan Mullen says about the comparison between UF’s fan base and Mississippi State’s fan base. Let’s face it, if you win eight games at Mississippi State, you get a raise; if you win eight games at Florida, you get a pink slip. But it’s unfair to compare UF fan expectations to those of fans at Mississippi State. Quite frankly, Mississippi State isn’t a top-tier job and Florida is. And, honestly, I don’t think Gator Nation is any different than the fan bases at other elite programs. Let me offer you a few examples [FSU .... Miami .... Georgia .... LSU .... Auburn ....] Need I go on? The fact is, there is no patience at any big-time programs anymore. [....] [×]

Note ×: <>.
From that article, here's a quote from Jimbo, defending McElwain:

“It’s a shame because Jim McElwain is a heck of a guy and a really good football coach,” Jimbo said. “… He’s led (the Gators) to two SEC East titles. I don’t know what that’s about, but it’s the nature of our world today,

“… It’s pro sports, college sports, politics — everything is instant gratification. The ups and downs; they want you to make changes,and you move on. That’s the way our world is today and it’s a shame. It really is.”

The difference is that coaches today are paid an order of magnitude more today than they were a generation ago. Jimbo is being paid almost three times what Bobby Bowden was getting shortly before he was forced out. And Bobby was allowed to continue coaching for the better part of a decade after things started going downhill. It wasn't like he had a couple of bad seasons and got kicked to the curb by those crazy noles.

I still think Jimbo is a good coach, despite this awful season, but when you're getting $5+ million, you have to accept that expectations are going to be high. If you don't want that kind of pressure, take a paycut and go coach for Ball State or Central Michigan. Or, get a regular job.
sadgator said:
It means other than commie gator and sadgator, everybody here should love offense meant...

Keep in mind...sadgator was raised by a cult of hippies...
You can focus on her politics...sadgator will focus on her ass...everybody wins.


Ok, none taken. It sounded like you were calling all conservatives fascists. Just checking.

Completely unrelated to anything, a throw-away post that needed a thread home, and right here is as good as anywhere else......

Those dirty conservative Republicans are at it again.

Oppps,,,, sorry,,, my mistake... :rolleyes:

Nov. 3rd - Black Candidate is Omitted from Democratic Campaign...
Justin Fairfax, the lieutenant governor candidate for the Democratic party was missing from some ticket literature in the last week, and one congressional hopeful says that’s a problem the deserves more attention.

Clinton Campaign & DNC Under Fire From Republicans & Democrats.
Of course, liar Hilliary always claims to not be involved in any way....

The only collusion so far has been between the DNC, the Clintons and/or their crooked Foundation, and Russia,,,, not with Trump. o_O

~ See DNC's Million Dollar+ Trump Dossier that was provided by a 'foreign' agent to affect a Federal election. That's a crime in itself.
~ See the Obama, Sec of State Hilliary, covert Russian deal to sell out the U.S. own domestic Uranium for millions. :mad:

Note: The real Fascists burn books in the streets, riot with violence to prevent 'Free Speech,' and pull down historical monuments, like ISIS has been doing all over the middle East or AntiFac and BLM have been doing all year in the U.S. WTFU! o_O
sadgator said:
It means other than commie gator and sadgator, everybody here should love offense meant...


Completely unrelated to anything, a throw-away post that needed a thread home, and right here is as good as anywhere else......

Those dirty conservative Republicans are at it again.

Oppps,,,, sorry,,, my mistake... :rolleyes:

Nov. 3rd - Black Candidate is Omitted from Democratic Campaign...
Justin Fairfax, the lieutenant governor candidate for the Democratic party was missing from some ticket literature in the last week, and one congressional hopeful says that’s a problem the deserves more attention.

Clinton Campaign & DNC Under Fire From Republicans & Democrats.
Of course, liar Hilliary always claims to not be involved in any way....

The only collusion so far has been between the DNC, the Clintons and/or their crooked Foundation, and Russia,,,, not with Trump. o_O

~ See DNC's Million Dollar+ Trump Dossier that was provided by a 'foreign' agent to affect a Federal election. That's a crime in itself.
~ See the Obama, Sec of State Hilliary, covert Russian deal to sell out the U.S. own domestic Uranium for millions. :mad:

Note: The real Fascists burn books in the streets, riot with violence to prevent 'Free Speech,' and pull down historical monuments, like ISIS has been doing all over the middle East or AntiFac and BLM have been doing all year in the U.S. WTFU! o_O


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